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54 comentarii:
The troll is strong with this one. Fight on my /b/rother's
oh. oh that is s so good
possibly the most time consuming rick roll I have ever witnessed.
what's wrong with his eyes? LOLZ....
he should uze sum at simbolz
That was really different and tongue in cheek~Bravo!
great, just GREAT.
best rick roll EVER!
Quite frankly I agree with Anonymous.
HAHA I made some poos i didn't mean to...
thats awesome, wasnt expecting that but bravo
I need that text!
I get rick rolled even when I stumbleupon, that's just great. Check out for zero rick rolls!
excellent... :D
Most epic rick roll ever
lol owned and rick rolled
cant stop laughing
Well done! xD Cheers!
where do i get that text!!??
You can try here
I like this:) Lmao
The most epic Rick Roll and punch back to all those perverts shitting up Omegle. Roflmao
Well Played /b/rother, well played.
shopped. don't believe anything you see online.
So funn.. : )
haha I was wondering where the was going.
I peed a little xD
i jacked off to the beging of this
xD That was... Hilarious... I was a bit creeped out, but stumbleupon hasn't betrayed me yet. thank you, stumble! xDDD
love... i will play this card... someday
ho-ly hell, perfect
hello, is this real
i bet nobody else is here
Who ever "You" is, is pretty slick.
But seriously does these type of conversations take place on chat even today? hmm...
The dude above my comment is so horny. Secretly desires a convo like this. In a serious way though. I hope the person u have cybersex with turns out to be an 82 yr old drunk person of the same sex as you. XD
hi i dont get dis but im only 12!!
sooooooo epic!
That's a unique way to get rickrolled
Amazing Text Rik Roll
I love this!
BRILLIANT!!!! most epic rick roll i have ever seen
Awesome! Simply awesome!!
Best rick roll ever!
ok honestly that is mad funny but no need to get the 4 chan noobs all hyped up you guys are clown DEVO ANON all day
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: im looking for a horny girl :P ?
You: great
You: want a photo?
Stranger: yep
Your conversational partner have disconnected.
I don't get it
HAHA that was rick ASCII... nice.
A lot of work for a little chuckle....
at first I was like =/ then I was like =D
That was my convo. lol