Image of the day: Rasputin's 12-inch dong

Friday, October 2, 2009

We all know he was, among others, Russia's greatest love machine. Is this the foot-long preserved penis of Rasputin?: (All the inches visible in the link)
This is the somewhat disturbing prize specimen in Russia's first ever museum of sex and erotica - the preserved 12inch penis of legendary lover and mystic Grigori Rasputin.

Or at least, that's what the owner of the museum claims. Then again, he's also previously claimed that simply viewing the penis can cure men of impotency, when frankly we think it's more likely to put them off sex for quite some time.

This is not the first time that people have claimed to be in posession of Rasputin's severed member, which has reared its implausible head many times over the decades since his murder in 1916. No putative penis has ever been proven to be Rasputin's, however.
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