Crucified ape and black Jesus on an electric chair

Friday, October 16, 2009

If you're an artist and want controversy, that's what you gotta do. Artist apes the crucifixion to save threatened gorillas:
Paul Fryer is likely to provoke protests with his work, The Privilege of Dominion, installed in the former Holy Trinity Church in Marylebone in a show inspired by the cabinets of curiosities popular in the 16th century.

The gorilla was made with the help of a former Madame Tussauds waxwork expert and a hair-inserter. "It does look real - even close up," Fryer said.

He insists he wants to highlight the plight of the Western Lowland Gorillas, and to challenge the Christian notion that animals do not have souls. But he does not want to cause offence.

If the gorilla does not offend, another of his works just might. In his contemporary version of a Pieta, a life-like black Christ is depicted in an electric chair.
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1 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

this hsit is races has hell im offend i'm black what kind of art is that

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