Cheating woman wants her boyfriend back

Monday, September 21, 2009

Unfaithful woman seeks 2nd chance by wearing sign:
An Ohio woman who said she was unfaithful has chosen a very public way of asking her boyfriend not to break up their engagement.

Jess Duttry, 19, stood outside a supermarket parking lot in northern Ohio this week with a handwritten sign that said "I cheated" and "Honk if I deserve a second chance." On the back, Duttry had scrawled, "I honestly love him."

She said she choose to stage her vigil Wednesday evening after her fiance took back his ring earlier that day when she confessed she'd cheated on him this summer.

"I've gotten 57 honks in the last hour and a half," said Jess Duttry, 19, as her long black ponytail fluttered in the wind. "I've had people come out of their cars and hug me, tell me 'Good luck.'"
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5 comentarii:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If she loved him she wouldn't have cheated in the first place

Anonymous said...

move on people like u never change a cheater is always cheater

Unknown said...

I believe she is sincere....I would give her another chance....who out there is perfect?

Unknown said...

I believe she is sincere....I would give her another chance....who out there is perfect?

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