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67 comentarii:
so what's wrong with shoulders looking big?
that's not what it means
I'm thinking that turning up your collar in this situation is actually the anti-douche bag move. Wow.
@ "upturned":
Think more labially.
obviously shopped
Fuch ThEsE commEnTs
Well, thats kinda funny, however I dont see how is Eastern Europe and "turning unp" collars even related, unless thats another stupid american habit, turning up collars in Europe? Is that so, douchebag?
Great comments I just love the fact that some people actually seem to have no idea that it is a Miller Beer advert insteads of a real product. I laughted just about as hard at the comments as the advert thanks again!!
Funny but popped collars and Europe? wah?
I don't know about it being a European thing, but it's a common enough obnoxious cunt move here in the states to warrant a product like this.
Popped collars are usually accompanied by a Jack Johnson/Dave Matthews addiction, drinking Mickey's, trust funds, date rape and the phrase "bro" being uttered entirely too much.
Oh, America.....
I haaaaate people sometimes. >_<
Thats very Funny
anyone who doesnt get the joke has probably been on the internet too long
and "dawg" they say "dawg" alot to... goddamn brodawgs
awesome, but obviously shopped
This is not "shopped", it's a Miller High Life ad campaign developed at Saatchi & Saatchi New York. There are a few others to see,
These are some interesting comments on this page, it's like looking at a train wreck.
Eastern Europe and popped collars, what the hell?
It's pretty much just an American douchebag phenomenon.
while some you are right that the "bro" using douchebags are the american version of the collar poppers ive been to a lot of european countries and the place (including usa) ive noticed popped collars the most is germany
also its an american joke that eastern europe is 20 years or so behind the rest of the world (did anyone see eurotrip?)
and yeah wtf - miller tastes like balls - the only reason to buy it was they were a couple bucks cheaper than anything else - put the prices back where they were
i dont get the eastern europe part (finger)
god you're all so retarded. douchebags pop their collars in the united states, yes, but its perfectly acceptable to pop your collar in europe (this ad specifically says eastern, but england, france, germany and italy are into it as well, spain not as much, and in belgium, netherlands and switzerland, its kinda frowned upon, at least from my experience). SO, the ad says "we're not in eastern you're in america sailor" which means, while it might be acceptable to pop your collar in eastern europe, it is not acceptable to pop your collar in america.
and stop saying "shopped" like you're really smart for figuring out that it's not a real product. the miller high life log is in the corner dumbasses. i want to beat each of you with a pillowcase full of doorknobs, you're such wastes of human existence. and miller high life sucks.
I'm from the UK and if I see somebody with a popped collar, I laugh at them. As would most people here, because it looks utterly ridiculous.
Hello... I think it's suppose to be a joke.
shopped is an internet joke assclown.
flame warrr arrrrgh zomg
its jus a piece of clothes poeple. try harder not to worr about couchebags and travell to east euriope to see if you aint it. piece!
@Anon who @'d Tom:
The UK isn't the same as Germany, which he clearly stated. Way to fail at the language your country named.
Is that shopped? I saw something ostentatious on that reminds me of it.
Oh man! This is freakin awesome! I would buy a box of these and it would justify a man bag just to stop this douche-baggery. It would be my public service in ridding the world of the polo popped collar. Great advertising Miller....
I don't see why you all are getting so worked up about this. lol It's just a stupid false-advertisment.
oh my god, you bunch of losers, who the f... would ever want to buy a pair of collar clips. surely its harder to keep collars up than it is to them down.
It's sarcasm. Some people just don't get it
So umm have any of you heard about that neat invention called the PAPER CLIP?? hmm you can use those and save yourself alot of money..DUH!! I'm a girl btw and think this is one of the dumbest things for a shirt. Not only do you look like a douch but a huge dork! Do you pick up radio stations with those too?! LOSERS
Shopped! I've seen alot of photoshopped material and this is very poor .The pixels are all wrong on the collar by the clips.
Oh my God, why doesn't anyone GET THE JOKE?
Looks like I'm talking to myself again
Hilarious. Miller is treating it's clueless clientele as if they have an affliction worse than alcoholism. .....(from the book/album Explaining the Joke by Stillborn Larry and the Shakin' Bay Beez)
I got about halfway through the comments when I read one complaining about the price of beer. As it turns out nearly 40% of what you pay for alcohol is to cover government imposed taxes. Thanks you democratic party.
I think it's great that it takes 40 people to say the same thing.
No, this is not a real product, and yes, it is probably photoshopped. Who gives a shit? Does it really keep you up at night, whether this is real, and whether you can just use a paper clip to correct the problem? My god, wtf is America coming to, raising people with this level of stupidity?
Hilarious ad, I (unlike many people here, apparently), understand this joke, and appreciate it.
"Dear lord I'm scared for the human race..." - you are so right.
Morons. It's a Miller High Life joke ad. The clips are made from beer cans. *slaps forehead* I do like the "unpturned" typo, though.
Isn't this so much fun, making fun of each other and getting made fun of? Gosh, I feel like a real bro. I feel like one of the guys. I feel like drinking a miller high life and then getting a flaccid collar and making fun of Europeans and being so wasted I decide to spell upturned like a fucking dyslexic. Sometimes I just want to belch real loud, take a big wiff and shout "America! U.S.A!!!!"
Im so glad I am Canadian....gods your all retarded. (I am truly sorry to the 2% of Americans who do not have a severe mental disablity)...btw this post is actually hilarious and thank you for sharing this with the intelligent members of the internet
I used to think that an upturned collar made me cool, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get laid. Now, with these collar clips, I look good, and I'm getting MOUNTAINS of snatch! Thanks, Miller collar clips!
How did a Canadian get on here? You can leave comments when you have a real country. Run along now.
It's probably the same person trolling the site, who cares really, get a life
LOL. I love people who don't understand sarcasm. D-bags.
Thank you all for the good laugh...I needed it. U.S.A. U.S.A.!!! LOL
This is very obviously shopped. I can tell as I've seen many shops in my time. Also the shadows are wrong and there are too many pixels.
@Anon who @'d Anon who @'d Tom
Tom clearly says "but england, france, germany and italy are into it as well" as ashamed that i am that an englishman would willingly class himself as being from the UK, it is a part of it. so way to fail at the language your country stole. learn to read.
so hang on, how much does beer cost in america now? cos if you used to get 30 for $13.99 thats about a third of the price in the UK...
how long have you guys been on teh tubes?? saying 'shopped' is "encite a comment-riot 101". Thinking they mean it is like thinking the advert was real. Im basically pointing my finger at you pointing your finger at them.. comical really ;)
what's funny is that in eastern europe they make fun of douche bags in for popping their collars in america.
People are just as much a douche for doing this in England. Well, in my opinion anyway...
this is pretty awesome. Very funny.
I don't know why popped collars draw so much hate. They have useful applications and are certainly not a "phenomenon" as they've been around for over 25 years.
Maybe if you understand the history of upturned collars you'll understand why it's "rich douchebags" that wear them. So here it is:
I don't know if any of you belong to a country club or ever go golfing, but you're required to wear a collared shirt. So you go out for tee time, maybe you're rushing, you certainly don't wanna miss it. Well you forget sunscreen or just don't bother, but then around the fifth hole, you start to feel the back of your neck getting burned. What to do? Well, simply flip up your collar to protect your neck from the sun!
Now, if you live a "leisure lifestyle," (that is, you don't work but still get paid) you may often start your day with a round of golf, flip up the collar to protect your neck, and forget to set it down. This is why it has become a sign of wealth or class.
Also keep in mind that most tennis players wear collared shirts as well as sailors etc.
Brian R's comment is shopped I can tell by the pixels in the word "like".
The USA is the only real country, with real beer, like Miller. All the other countries are popped and photoshopped.
This is enjoyable! I have seen about three other sites, like this, full of silly comments about something completely harmless, and, just like the other two sites, it turns into a nation very drole. I am for the UK, and just as "Brian R" said (Tally-ho brian! Pip-Pip and all that!), turning up your collar is not bad, or wrong, ar a sign you are of a lower class than the fine men and women who have taken their time to comment on this delightful page on the interweb, but is a clothing trend that has been used by these "Douchebags" (what a delightful word! must write into those oxford chappies one day...). It is something, that if you yanks played a proper sport like cricket, you would find that the sun can be rather painful on a chap's neck, and so one can use the collar to protect the fine english skin. Maybe if you told these "Douches" this, they would apologise and only wear their collars up outside? But I digress, you yanks would never do that would you, being the loudmouth pansies that you are! Try playing another proper sport, rugby, which is similar to your "american football" but we dont wear kevlar body armour, we play like gentelmen, instead of closing your eyes and jumping on people, and we dont take breaks every 30 seconds so we can cry to our mummies about how your helmet got scratched. Grow up!
And give us our language back, you are ruining it...
I know, it's where I keep them.
it's funny, because Eastern European fashion is decades behind, and it's an advertisement for High Life. that shit is the best. And I'll ignore all that disagree.
Boy, Anonymous, you sure do talk to yourself alot. :)
I quite like popped collars. It keeps the sun off my neck...
shopped x4
That's great. haha
And it's a joke people.
Its not a serious product.
So chill out.