Pretty fly for a white guy...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More from TsimFuckis
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10 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

same guy :)

CoNsPirAcY said...

Movie is gone..

biotv said...

TsimFuckis has left the building

CoNsPirAcY said...

No mirror? :)

biotv said...

He closed his Youtube account. And he took all his videos with him...

CoNsPirAcY said...

And nobody downloaded his video's first? :')
Maybe they turn up in a couple of days.

Psycho Bill said...

Here's this one:

The uploader of this one has a few others as well.

biotv said...

Thanks Bill:) I've just found another one too

Psycho Bill said...

I posted the link before watching it. I've seen things in my life, horrible things, people with all kinds of disabilities, bodies malformed from various diseases and accidents, life slipping into death or hitting it so hard it was never seen coming, none of them have given me nightmares.

I have seen the best and worst of the slasher movies, just about every kind of media designed to frighten and disturb. Most of them I find funny. This one was actually creeping me out a little, until the end. That's when I saw the thing that cannot be unseen, up close.

That account was closed for a reason. To protect the public. If I was on drugs, I would have sworn off them. If I had been drinking, I'd be sticking my finger down my throat to stop the poison. If it was LSD, this would be the trip to last a lifetime and land me in the psycho ward (again).

This should not have lived. Keeping the afterbirth would have made more sense from a parents perspective. Maybe this thing will be a valuable resource for scientists someday, but right now, damn, put a helmet on it or something.

Anonymous said...

The kid has Progeria.

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