Broken turtle

Thursday, April 30, 2009

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11 comentarii:

Unknown said...

Tis not a broken turtle, tis a snake neck turtle, I have one at home, and they are one of the dumbest animals ever!!! but oh so cute

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's sick or something

Ferret said...

Ah, thank you Quasi, I was about to get upset. I like turtles.

Anonymous said...

Obviously photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you sir are awesome.

Elvis said...

Of course it isn't photoshopped. Don't be so damn stupid. All you needed to do is read the first comment and type "snake neck turtle" into google, and you would have saved yourself from looking like a complete imbecile.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that there are still idiots out there who thinks that when people talk about pictures being "photoshopped" that they are being serious, it's hilarious. It's a goddamned mem, and you should be seeing it EVERYWHERE...

Anonymous said...

Shopped, I can tell because of the fact IT'S A MONSTROSITY. KILL IT WITH FIRE.

Anonymous said...

the word you were looking for is meme.
And my god that is a fabulous turtle

Anonymous said...

that turtles neck is broken

Anonymous said...

eeeew, he peed. haha.

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