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- Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
- Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
- Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can’t marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
- Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
- Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
- Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in America.
- Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
- Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
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109 comentarii:
The religious right is clueless on this issue. I made an art piece to highlight the stupidity of the Yes on 8 folks, and just thought I'd share it.
If I were gay I'd go here:
Gay marriage is wrong because this is not how God instituted it, and not the way it was meant to be. It's wrong in every sense of the word. No matter how much you try to moralize it or justify your actions it is still wrong and one day you will have to stand before God to explain yourself according to His standards and not yours.
/ˌfɔrnɪˈkeɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fawr-ni-key-shuhn] Show IPA
1. voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other.
is =/= ought
Believe it or not, there is no god... So don't connect your intolerant toughts to your imaginary friend.
Why does it matter to you people if someone is gay or not. In your logic, you go off to heaven and they go off to "hell". So if they want to go to "hell" let them do it. you can just ignore it and live your own life and let them live their own lives.
It's all ways a religious thing with most people. I don't get it. The bible was composed over thousands of years by people who took stories from other faiths and embraced them as their own. Quit taking the bible so literally. If people did take it literally, no one would eat seafood(Leviticus 11:9-12), slavery would be acceptable(Deuteronomy 15:12-15), divorce would be illegal( Malachi 2:16), and since the bible never says at what age two people can get married, we'd probably see pedophilia getting popular
Realist ... those are in the old testament. If you had a clear understanding of christianity you'd know why that makes your point silly. But to get back to the actual "10 Reasons" - I've never heard any of these arguments from anyone opposed. I guess I just hang around level-headed people. Either that or these are all strawman arguments. I did like number 5 though. I laughed and then said to myself, "We don't like those idiots messing up marriage either."
I'm not gay at all. I don't care what other grown adults do in their bedroom. If they choose that life, why would I care. They wouldn't choose a tough life of descrimination unless they really were gay.
Also, listening to some ancient book about some zombie that lives in the clouds, reads everyones thoughts simontaneously, but won't bother to take a trip to Earth to prove its existence is not a reason that being gay is wrong. I didn't read that book which was created by people 2000 years ago which were using it as a way to control gullable people, but I'm pretty sure it says to love everyone. There are some good morals to the stories in that book (just like with the 1000s of others man created over time) but I don't think that's a way to make your life decisions.
It's amazing that even after four hundred years of American progress, we still have people who believe as the Pilgrims did. Better look out guys, if the gays don't get you then maybe the witches in Salem will. Or better yet, look out for Indian attacks from the frontier.
The issue isn't whether or not gay marriage is "wrong," the issue is whether or not it should or should not be a legal right. Based on the CIVIL ideals of our country, it should.
That aside, for anyone who is using their religion as an argument against allowing others to pursue their civil rights should remember this - the only people capable of illegitimizing faith and religious belief are the believers themselves.
Besides, what do you care if homosexuals marry each other? In your opinion they are all burning in hell anyway, so it's not like it has any affect on your world.
ok so. im sorry after reading this... this shit, im am so pissed off. it is amazing. i am a very laid back person and i SUPPORT gay marriage. in fact i have a couple of friends that are lesbians and are life partners. The reason wy i must say "life partners" is because they can not get married!!!! and its just sick. who are we to deny who we fall in love with? huh? may it be a girl fallinf in love with a girl a guy falling in love with a girl or a guy falling in love with a guy. love is love! and not before anyone says it i am not a hippie. i am just very tollerent and you over christain ass holes need to get a f**king grip. i was once a christain. or catholic which ever u wanna call it and this was part of the reason that the catholic church drove me away to where i had discoverd wicca. which is a fully accepting religion. any way. as i was saying u ass holes who say "god hates fags" are just that. ASS HOLES!
To those of you who say homosexuality is a choice, my sister realized she was gay at the age of 10 and for the next 27 years tried to suppress it because society said it was wrong. She ended up taking her life because of the miserable BS the ignorent and fearful heaps on the homosexual people.
If God creates us then we must be who we are. It is very specific that the only unforgivable sin is to reject God. God is who we need to be thinking about, not what the neighbors are doing in their bedrooms. And to deny a committed couple the rights of a married couple is just against everything this country was based religion or politics, it is wrong to deny the rights to gays who want to be able to make choices for their partner and have the same benefits as a married couple.
And to those who hate gays so badly...why, are you worried about your sexuality?
why wont you let me say "this is gay"
It is deeply unfortunate to see that such hate and prejudice exists in the world today. The violent, outspoken words of "anti-homosexuals" seem ignorant and blinded with hate, but a really sad thing is when these people drive those filled with love and support to the point of using just as violent and ignorant language. To the gay community(and I know it's already practiced) and to supporters of the gay community...fight hate with love. We supporters and the people we support will win this battle with love. P.S. I think it's quite funny when people preface their thoughts with "i'm not gay by the way"
what i would like to know is, why is everybody so anti-gay? i mean come on there is nothing wronng with gay people!
you completely ignored the main marriage leads to tax evasion. that is the main reason
i have nothing wrong with gays, im pro choice and whatever makes you happy is good with me. gay marriage should NOT be allowed
live together and get over it
number 7 is totally wrong. I thought God and Jesus beleived in equality but clearly they are prejudice and narrow-minded and whoever wrote that the Bible or where-ever religious people get this INSANE idea from was probably homosexual because everyone knows Homophobes are just people who cant accept they're gay.
How can people say it's a choice? If you are straight, imagine being sexual with a person of the same sex. Doesn't sound very appealing, now does it? Likewise, imagine if the society forced you to be with a same sex partner, simply because that is what is acceptable and the norm. How would you feel then? Pretty disgusted, right? Well, now I'm sure you can imagine how gays feel when the society imposes it's norms on them. They don't want to be with the opposite sex just as much as a straight person doesn't want to be with a same-sex partner. No wonder they sometimes take their lives. As a straight woman, I'd be pretty upset too, if I had to spend my life with a woman because I couldn't be with a man. This is what all of the intolerant people are doing to others and it disgusts me. How can you say you do it in the name of God. I believe in a loving, forgiving, accepting God. What God do you believe in?
"How can people say it's a choice? If you are straight, imagine being sexual with a person of the same sex. Doesn't sound very appealing, now does it? Likewise, imagine if the society forced you to be with a same sex partner, simply because that is what is acceptable and the norm. How would you feel then? Pretty disgusted, right? Well, now I'm sure you can imagine how gays feel when the society imposes it's norms on them. They don't want to be with the opposite sex just as much as a straight person doesn't want to be with a same-sex partner. No wonder they sometimes take their lives. As a straight woman, I'd be pretty upset too, if I had to spend my life with a woman because I couldn't be with a man. This is what all of the intolerant people are doing to others and it disgusts me. How can you say you do it in the name of God. I believe in a loving, forgiving, accepting God. What God do you believe in?"
This post is phenomenal. You just wrapped the whole thing up in a nutshell so even the most thick-skulled rednecks might possibly be able to understand exactly what society is currently doing to queer people (although since thinking is frowned upon by most such folks, they will probably just grunt at your post and go back to watching Nascar, praising God for the beer they swill before beating their wives and/or children and sending them to the store to purchase more shotgun shells). Kudos, anon!
Most of the reasons people don't suport gay marriage (or gay people for that matter) relate to religion issues. Well, religiuos people need to stop bullying other people, let them do what they want as long as there's no harm in what they do.
Please, respect people who do not share your religiuos or social views, they don't go around tellng you "hey, that invisible god guy who sees you when you're sleeping is totally creepy and goes against my moral so i'm gonna hate you and do whatever I can to prevent your happiness"
Also, I'm pretty sure that if there is a God who's kind and good he/she/it would want, above all things, for people to love each other and respect each other.
PS: I'm an agnostic bisexual girl and I respect and understand all religions and the people who believe in them, even if THEY go against MY moral views. I would very much like them to do the same.
PS2: "Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in America"
C'mon. I think that pretty much says it all.
Being gay is totally natural and beautiful!!
I don't believe for a second that I would be put in the same category as murderers, and thieves (and "go to hell") for loving and caring for another human being!!
And as for "God" saying so...that is ridiculous! God is my homie, and we talk everyday. Me and God are all good with who I am and who I love. Why? BECAUSE BEING GAY is not what makes you bad!!
There is no god, the Torah, Bible and Qur'an are nothing more than an ancient trilogy, like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Back to the Future.
Two thousand years from now humans will be telling tales of how the great Marty McFly used the sacred DeLorean to travel back in time to make his life better and if you pray hard enough he will come and do the same for you.
god is very clear if you live contary to his word you will not inherit the kingdom of god and i as a christian dont want anyone to go to the horrible place that is hell and in his word he says homosexuality is wrong marrige is a sacred thing between a man and a women so if you belive something else you will not inherit his kingdom
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH GAY MARRIAGE. You can use religion, or politics, or whatever else to justify discrimation against GLTB, but all you are really doing is hating anyone who is different than you. Everyone is unique. Live with it.
P.S. I have two aunts who weren't able to get married until this year, after being partners for over thirty years. I use to be very uncomfertable with the fact that they are lesbians, but then I realized that they are just two people who love eachother. And if there is something wrong with that, our society is more screwed up then I thought.
P.P.S Oct. 11th is Coming Out Day. :)
I didn't know the religious right were allowed to use computers... And yet I see so many comments by them on this post. Isn't there a Fox News blog you can frequent and keep your close-mindedness away from normal people? If you want to keep quoting the Bible, please look up the passages where fathers are impregnating their daughters. Last time I checked, that was illegal. Clearly, the Bible is not the be-all end-all.
You all should know and then say yes or no
When you start to like someone you wanna ... go on a date
When you start to love them you... tell them how they make you feel
When you start to fight you... forgive them because you love them and dont want to lose them
When you make up and have been together you ... get married
When you want kids ... you try to have one
When you do you.... raise them and teach them the things you learned in life
When they grow up and live in the real world you.... just hope you did the best you could
Once they have moved out and they have kids of their own you..... love them as if they were your child small and young again
So now your old and times almost up you... spend time with your loved one
When it there last day and they are in the hospital you... stay by their side all night
Now tell me what kind of couple(s) was this about
hold on lets say that you didnt get to have kids well why not? what are differnt reasons why you couldnt have one. Lets go back to reason 6 in why gay marriage is "wrong"
Okay lets say you didnt get married well what prevented you? Was it because your not allowed to? Under age, same sex, Loved one isnt ready, no money, like not being tied down,
Now tell me with just 2 examples of why you didnt do something what does this sound like? Who did you picture as you read this? A female male, male male, female female, or maybe mexican african, White Chinese , or even a couple that if were married back in the 60's had to hide their love.
Think who would that be. Who was it too you. Think if this message ever said anything to change you thoughts for even a second what does that mean? Then just tell me this
(if you dont understand maybe you still need to think of that couple)
The Bible said not to Judge ..What would you be doing ?? So you are sinning by JUDGING ...Only GOD can say who will enter into heaven not you ..
Well, another hate thread
I support Christian values, but telling me, that i am ugly horrible, i never chose to be gay at all, infact i hate myself for it. But i am not gonna let some shit-heads, tell me i am disgusting, based on what some book, written by a person, who is over 2000 million years old, my god people, its the 21st century, not the 5th. grow up, get your life out of that book. I have read the bible myself, It says nothing about Gays or Homosexuals. So, when it comes to Bigots like you, i believe it's in your mind, and you have ALOT of issues to get over!
Take this as a rather smooth way, because i am writting as nicely as i can. People like you infuriate me, telling me i am wrong.
Yeah, I suffer depression, i am 17, and learnt i was gay by the age of 10, no ones words with make me change, as i said, i COULDN'T have chosen this path, if i had it my way, i'd be straight. But no, god made me this way.
GET OVER YOUR FUCKING SELF, and get your nose out of your mouldy old book!
I would like to think of it as:"...and whilst I struggled, He said, verbatim, "Let those who push the sins of others into the light before their own be the ones who will perish at my hand and suffer the deepest depths of Hell."" I'm pretty sure that means all you awesome Christians who love to point out the flaws in others and the sins that they commit will be the ones judged the hardest, not those whom you put before yourselves and push toward the hand of judgment, for they have already come to realization of themselves and do not need you to exploit their humanity and God doesn't need that either.
You're kidding me, right? These reasons are all bullshite.
This is awesome! Thank you so much for this! If God has a problem with homosexuals, I believe the homosexuals will deal with him when their time comes. If you are not homosexual, then you have nothing to worry about. So that should shut all you "Im so religious I'm gonna beat down someone else because I'm right and they're not" people. While we are still on Earth, (because we are on Earth right now, not heaven.) You decide what you believe. Once you do, then you live by that and hope that God happens to agree with you. "Religious" People are the ones who are caring, understanding, and willing to help someone in a time of need. They are gentle, soft, and sweet. People attacking someone because they're homosexual is not religious. If there is a right or wrong, then why is there multiple religions? Exactly. Stop attacking the gay. They are people. They are not doing anyone any harm. If you want to believe that they are going to hell, then do so. But that doesn't mean get all pissy because that makes you look immature. So let me ask all you pissy people this question: Are you getting into heaven by putting someone down because of what you read in a book? Yes, the bible is a book. You didn't buy it from God himself. That's why there are so many religions. You're not perfect. You commit sins. Do you want people to attack you for any sin you do? If you are going to pull the religion card, at least act like it. Pray that God can forgive the gays if you seriously believe they are going to hell. They are people just like you. Gay is an adjective. Just like black or white. Tall or short. Fat or thin. The people that are rude to someone because of color are nasty people. By being rude to someone because of their sexuality is no different. I hope that you can find it in the "goodness" of you heart to realize you have no power over who's getting into heaven or hell. I'm sure everyone on here who is bashing the gays are not horrible people, but you are acting like you are.
Have a good day, whoever is reading this regardless of you sexuality.
And for the record, I am straight.
i am gay and im goin to heaven because jesus loves me :)
1. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
So basically, none of us are going to heaven. Might as well let the gays marry, it's here or hell.
Read the full section Corinthians 6: 9-11:
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
So, to the religious, the Bible says it's fine. As it seems, we're covered.
I can't really tell if this is a joke or not because there are some crazy mah'fuckas who actually think this. The first one made me lol though.
Ok. The bible yes, does condemn a "man to lie with a man" In an almost insignificant passage not even in the main book of the bible. In the same passage, god condemns for a man to lie with a woman, both in the context of not being married. The bible says it is ok to stone your wife. But is it ok tos tone your wife today? Of course not. Times have changed, and we have to apply the values of jesus to the social climate now. Values like equality and tolerance. I am a devout christian and a supporter of gay rights. People just like to twist the rules of the bible around to excuse themselves for feeling uncomfortable around same sex relationships. Even if you are anti-gay, don't use the bible as an excuse, and dont force others to not get married if they are gay. SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE PEOPLE!
If in America religion and state are separate than shouldn't gay marriage be legal? Not saying the church has to agree or validate it. But the government should. Not everyone in America believes in the bible.
Hey peoples!! Here's a idea I thought of.. although personally I don't like liers.. but... why dont all the gay ppl.. just say their bi.. considering the fact its hardly brought up about bi peoples "being bad" ;D.. just saying!!! Don't get mad at me---->>> ( coz I lufv u 2)
1. comparing gay marriage with polyester in this sense is...well, it's just a fail, things are incompareable, so your argument is invalid.
2. you're right here.
3. there should be a limit in a human behavior, because humans are like that - madness will flow. look at the world around you.
4. it has changed, but it EXISTS. gay marriage is not a version of straigjht marriage, it's a completely new thing. again fail.
5. you're right again, i can't argue.
6. who are you to say anything on the humans most precious need - to reproduce? old people don't reproduce because of evolution, infertility can be solved in a lab, or in an orphanage as you said, but two girls don' give a small Bob one day, they just don't.
7. again, i agree.
8. your religion in the USA is about conquering for reesources and a rule of stupidity. so, religion is not an argument for anything. agree again.
9. as being one of those children, i could agree. on a psychological level, after some time, believe me, those role models ARE necessary.
10. you did the same thing as in the first statement, cheap logical trick which do not stand in practice.
point - i'm from europe, i'm straight and i can say i'm openminded to some level. and i have nothing against gay people, as i wish no harm to anyone. but if you want to argue, try to make less number of stupid and senseless statements.
This was very hurtful to me and my girlfriend. We are both bisexual and our parents are straight. You may have these issues about gay and lesbian people, but we plan to have a kid together and will be happy no matter what it's sexuality is.
Whose God? Yours? Mine doesn't say it's unnatural, but blesses love in all it's forms! I am vigorously against a Theocracy...and will fight to my dying day to preserve the separation of church and state! Who should tell people who they can or cannot marry? Only bigots, racists, and sane, educated person believes the drivel that these sort spew all over the net and even politics!
It's not GOD that worries the homophobe straight married "holier than thou" bigots...
it's the SEX.
They don't get any!
My Bible says...thou shall not judge. Therefore...those who do...are going to hell!
Which includes all the people above ^^^^
who are judging!
God said...Mind your own damn business! (he just told me that. :)
To all those who quote the bible as condemnation, rest assurred you will be joining us in hell if you have ever had a tattoo, smoked, drunk, eatene pork, shellfish, cut your hair, worn polyester, coverted a neighbour, committed adulty etc etc etc. What is Christinaity if not the belief in Christ (clue is in the name) and Christ never said a word about homosexuals, he did say 'treat others as you want to be treated' and would you like to be persecuted, discriminated and judged because you love different people to others? I think not.
Besides it doesn't matter what you think. History has shown us that a wave of rights like this is unstoppable, sure you can slow it, but states by state, country by country people support this, maybe you can try and stand against it, but I have no doubt that in time you will lose, you are already the minority and it's just a matter of time before you are wiped all together. I pity you I really do. Maybe from now on make your own mind about things. Not a political old book, written by a cosmic zombie who killed his own son and wants you to eat his flesh. yum!
all the unbolded contradictions are complete bologna.
you can not compare any of that to a real marriage.
this is such a slap in the face to someone who has been married years and years and years.
gay marriage is not even comparable to straight marriage. it is completely different. people think theyre so so right all the time when they are not, they assume things about Christians and are extremely hypocritical
Let me ask you some questions here. now what values will gay marriage bring to society. Convince me why it should be allowed. Will it lead to longer marriages? Will it lead to stronger family ties? Will it bring about this Utopia you so much long for? Will it lead to procreation among same sexes? Will it end abortion? Will it give a bastard child a chance to know his real parents? Will it ever be considered a holly union in the eyes of god? Why would it not be seen as unholy in the eyes of god? Why should we model ourselves after Europe when they all want to live in America? What has gay marriage ever brought to a society that benefited that society? If you can answer at least half of these I would be impressed.
As for you biblical idiots. If "GOD" claims that homosexuality is wrong, then why does he also claim that he loves all his children. If something were meant to be, he'd make it so. If this almighty GOD created you straight people, don't you think he also created homosexuals?
Why have none of the commenters realized this is supposed to be sarcastic?
How about you go research to see if God really exists and then you can talk. But if you really want to try and say he doesn't exist without even finding our first, then your just assuming. who are you to say if he exists or not.
Now that's just being plain selfish. Why would you want someone you know has a high chance going to hell, to go to hell? If you have the chance to speak the truth then speak it and do as God said. Spread the gospel.
You gotta know that when Jesus came to this earth and resurrected, he broke all of those things. All the sacrificing, seafood and pig meat eating was all not mandatory anymore. And marriage is not illegal according to the USA but according to the laws of God , its still illegal
Do you not know what effeminate means? No ones changing the words of God. to not effeminate means that basically males shouldn't develop feelings that women would normally have. So someone liking a boy is something a woman would do. A boy liking a boy is a job of a woman. So your proving yourself wrong.
God doesn't hate gay people. He hates what they do. And to let you know, rape and murder IS in more consideration . You just don't know when others talk about it.
Yes, God created us. But he did NOT create who we turned out to be. And God wants us to be spreading the word of the gospel and not be selfish.
How would you like it if your kids turned out gay.
Hey, um. If you read the tags, one says funny. This is a joke.
So you shouldn't have a extremely long debate.
Frankly, everyone on here talking about God saying thi isn't natural, there are a heck of a lot of atheist and agnostic people who don't believe there is a God or anyone we'll have to "speak before" or whatever. And especially in America (because we have freedom of religion), religious issues should not be causing the homosexual 10% of the population to be denied their rights. It even says in the fourteenth amendment that all United States citizens get the same rights and priveleges. Banning gay marriage is unconstitutional, and religion has no business being involved in the government.
I wrote an essay on this subject last year, and a great website to go to to get both sides of the conflict is
I hope someday that just like we look back now and see black and white segregation in America completely irrational, that people will be able to see that the discrimination gay people have to deal with is completely unfair.
Umm, guy who said the overly done article up above me, read my 2 comments above you. Yes Straight Supporter of All Things Constitutional, I mean you
Saying gays can't marry is the same thing as saying people of different races,or different religions, can't marry. Americans have to stop focusing on WHAT we are and more of WHO we are. Whether rich or poor, black or white, Christian or atheist, male or female, PhD or GED, rap-music-lover or Indie singer-songwriter fanatic, dog person or cat person, democrat or republican... a human is a human is a human. And life is short. So instead of judging the moral integrity of others, let's start trying to focus on the moral integrity of ourselves.
Love is love. What more is there to say?
"It is a proven fact that embracement of homosexuality will lead to incest, beastality, and rape."
Yeah, because a guy that likes other guys will definitely get turned on by his cat too.
Im a straight christian female at a private christian college and what I've learned by growing closer with Jesus is that his love is never ending and knows no bounds. Everyone is a child of God. Everyone is deserving of respect. Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, in fact it is only brought up 5 times in the bible and the passages that i researched historically were talking to groups of people that were raping young boys or were selling young boys (aka prostitution). It is hard for me to believe that having a monogamous homosexual relationship is a sin, but even if it is how why do Christians put themselves into the position of the judge? We are to love unconditionally. Right after the passage in Leviticus that says laying with another man is an abomination, it says that standing up against another life is an abomination. Jesus loves everyone so much, that he died for us even though we are sinners. We need to stop judging people for 'sinning' differently then us (not that im saying gay relationships are a sin- this is directed to the people that are POSITIVE that it is) and love them instead. There are so many homosexuals in the world that have been victimized by the people that have been called to love them. Being rude is not growing the kingdom of God. If anything it breaks Gods heart- to see his children act in such a way. I know I am rambling but this is a passion of mine. I love gay people and am not one to say if they are sinning or not. They can be Christian to, but i see why some do not even want to look into Christianity when they are constantly told they are going to hell. For anyone out there that is bitter towards Christians, just know. That is not the purpose of Christianity. And the way people treat you in the name of God is not Christianity. It is their way of 'rationally' covering their hate. For myself, I cannot believe that is not grounded. Instead of hating God and Jesus for what his 'followers' do, look into it! And I am positive you will feel his love. And i apologize, for every Christian that has ever hurt you. I am so sorry.
Who are you to say god does exist? Go ahead, prove it, I'll wait.
only a fool says "NO GOD "
this is gay.
I am a gay woman who has a relationship with god. I don't know who your god is, nor do I need to but let me tell you about mine. My god is loving, caring, and forgiving. I do not need to be perfect because he knows I'm not. All he asks of me is that I help my fellow man and treat them and myself kindly. See the funny thing about sins are that they are forgiven when I ask him to forgive me. I do not have to live in fear of a vengeful god that punishes me. I am one of gods children, as all of you are, and all he wants is for me to come to him and do his will. I have a girlfriend that I do not need to call a partner, though we are partners, I can simply say that we love each other, have meaningful lives and god has blessed us with more than we could ever imagine by doing his will and leaving selfishness to the wayside. The bible is a set of principles to live by, but you all are taking it too far. We as humans are uncomfortable about what we don't understand. It's okay to be against it and it's great if your for it, but if your a straight man or woman that gets the chance to marry the person you love, enjoy it. Even though I'm happy with my life, I may never get the chance to do that.
Yes, the bible forbids homosexuality. It also forbids the eating of shrimp and ham, the wearing of tatoos, women speaking in church, and divorce. Also, u know when the barber asks you how u want ur hair clipped in the back? If u said "rounded"...ur going to hell! So tell me, why do people ignore the dozens of other things the bible forbids, but they treat the "anti-gay" clauses of the bible as if they were their own religion?
This theological discussion is beside the point. As a gay man in a long relationship with another man I can sum up the problem for u all....WE ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF!!! We have to pay more, thousands more, in taxes and legal fees than straight couples. I don't give a fuck what you people believe...STOP RIPPING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is about legalizing gay marriage. Let's look at the First Ammendment.
1.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Hmm. So let's say God exists, and he wrote and condemns everyone who doesn't follow the bible to hell. It wouldn't matter, because the constitution doesn't follow religion.
The rest of the bill of rights is pretty much unrelated, but the whole point is that aren't legalize anything unconstitutional. I don't give a **** whether you think it's wrong, they can marry whoever they want because it's not unconstitutional.
What possible reasons should the marriage not be allowed, besides the fact that you're following your supposed God. You're using your religion to hide what a judgemental ass you are because it's different than a straight marriage. Why do you want to refrain people from being happy, it's not your business whether they get married or not. Even if you were right and gays go to hell, why do you care if you're going to heaven? You don't have the right to stop a couple from getting married. Anyways, it's happening. State by state. So it doesn't matter if you approve or not. This thing is right, about not producing, because hello! We're fucking up the earth, we should die out anyways. Also, people are making plenty babies, we're not endangered. So it doesn't even matter. This 10 Reasons post says everything brilliantly.
Too many people confuse love for sex. Love is not sex. Sex is not love. Marriage is between a man and a women so they could procreate. So marriage is about procreation. Gays or lesbians can’t procreate with one and another, and therefore could never be married since they can never procreate. Love is a feeling, and nothing more than that. Even though this feeling can make you do things; some of them right, and some of them wrong.
To the last post August 7, 2012 5:01pm… Yes god did create man in his image. Image being what he thought what mankind should look like. Not as image as in what he looked like or acts or thinks. Think god as a painter and the entire universe is he canvas. Whatever he paints is his image. The Devil first tempt EVE to eat the apple. Then Eve got Adam to eat the apple. So any wrong is actually because of the Devil is tempting you to do it. Not because God put that wrong in you. The Devil puts that wrong in you so God could test your worthiness. If you keep doing this wrong with this false belief that god is also imperfect and any wrong you do is actually okay. Then you need serious help or you will be in hell until you are cleanse of these thoughts. God expects you to learn from your mistakes and drive on. Not learn these mistakes, lust after them and continue to do them. If you haven’t learned from them, then learn and drive on doing right.
To post July 15, 2012 7:23 AM.
So in what your saying is since the bible first defined marriage between man and a woman. Then congress cannot redefine it since that act itself would constitute the establishment of a religion. Therefore it would always be forever as in god’s image… Marriage will be between a man and a woman.
You are a beautiful person
You are basing your claims off of a childrens book full of lies. Grow up and find your own beliefs other than what the bible says.
Wait, since when does hanging around tall people make you tall? That isn't even true.
Lower suicidal rates....
I'm highly educated on the issue, and once I became more educated on the issue my beliefs shifted from supporting gay marriage to supporting the traditional and legal view of marriage.
I love this. I really do. If people really wanted to stop the fighting they'd push for people with Civil Unions and people who would like to have a Civil Union to have more rights. Marriage offers way more rights that Civil Unions do. That's why a lot of my friends and even me, wanted gay marriage to become legalized -- so we could have the right to be considered next of kin.
With the expansion of Civil Union rights religious and traditional thinkers can be happy with their way of life while people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual can be happy with theirs. In the end everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone, not just people of the LGBT community, but also polygamists -- if that's what makes them happy, and they've all consented to be in that relationship, why not let them be.
Sincerely, a Bisexual Atheist.
Hey guys, guess what! I'm a straight white female from Nevada. I'm sixteen years of age, and I'm going to college early, as in *right now*! I'm in the top 2 percentile for my SATs, and I have been in all the advanced programs. AND--now don't die--I was raised by two moms! Shitballs. Yes that word is made up. So is there anything wrong with me? No way. So thanks for bitching about how my family is terrible and unnatural, guys, really. It made my freaking day.
Even if gay marriage/homosexuality does not align with your religious views, that does not give you liberty to take away someone's rights and force upon them YOUR beliefs. We are fortunate in American that we DO have the freedom to choose which religion we do (or do not) believe, as well as choose whom we marry. A right is a right and cannot and should not be taken away.
I think you meant to say only a fool says 'god'
Being gay is definitely not a choice. You think that I would choose to be hated by others? You think that I would willingly become something that is insulted everyday without a second thought? Why would you think even for a second that I would choose this. I hate myself sometimes, because people like you taught me that it is okay to hate, to judge, to discriminate. All I want is to be loved for who I am.Is that so much to ask? Don't you want the same thing?
Traditional like having multiple wives like in olden times? Legal like in Maryland?
One question: Didn't Jesus die for our sins? What makes homosexuality worse?
terrible answers...but you are right on one thing it might open a door that we cannot close dealing with animals and possibly even corpses or children. All of the above is Sodomy and goes hand in hand. NOT 'gay' but Homosexual...same meaning but you are twisting the words so they do not collaborate with the are wrong or the bible is wrong I think I will take the text with all kinds of wisdom whether believed or not.
Well homosexuality may be considered bad because it has no benefit other than lust and passion. Being Heterosexual has a benefit of a family...and reproduction of man....reproduction is truly our only godly gift and we waste it. Reproduction and the ability to bear daughters and sons is definitely the reason altogether for sex and marriage/couples.
Hi, my name is Michael Beckett, I am 15 years old. I have a couple problems with this list. The first problem is with number 4. I don't understand why you are encouraging discrimination. It's true that God said that women must obey men because Eve deceived Adam, but we can't treat them like slaves or pets. There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage either. A human being is a human being. You are supposed to be convincing readers that this is an issue of gender. My second problem is number nine. My mother is a single parent and she is doing very well in helping me become a strong Christian man. God said that widows have a special place in heaven. If a parent dies the widow just needs to play a bigger role in the childs life. A widow should not be forbidden by society. If you mean in terms of a single person adopting a child, then that's not entirely wrong, it just leaves a bigger risk of children being abused. The last problem I have with this list is that you do not include God or Jesus or any other Christian-based fact in your list. If God planned for two men or two women to be together, then he would have just made two Adams or two Eves. If same-gender marriage and sex is okay, then there wouldn't even need to be two genders. God doesn't do things just because they entertain him. He is a very serious God.
I find it very funny how the people who want society to be all inclusive, are very hateful and exclusionary towards the people with whom they disagree. Reading these posts, especially the older posts, people who support traditional marriage are idiots, wife and child abusers, alcoholics, NASCAR enthusiasts, and so on. Only the "enlightened" people are worthy of being heard. Everybody is entitled to their beliefs and it makes your argument less credible when you belittle another person's beliefs while trying to convince them that your beliefs are correct.
Great advice. A person could not truly be intellectually superior like you if they believe in what you call a children's book. Yet you suggest they grow up and believe what you believe because that will prove they are adults. So you prove you are an adult by hurling a childish insult about a persons spiritual belief? No thanks I will stick with that kids book.
Just a note 31 states have amended their constitution to NOT recognize gay marriage as opposed to Maryland and 8 other states. Hmmm. Also your reference to polygamy doesn't help your argument because any student of the BIble you are referring to will know that polygamy was note recognized but tolerated. All polygamist marriages in the Bible had some kind of strife attached to it as to be expected. The New Testament did not allow those who practiced polygamy to hold any kind of leadership in the church. Also the Bible did not speak to or support any gay marriage in its teachings.
It's people like you that give inbreds a bad name.
You got that right
Who are we do keep a person from the thing they love? If a man loves three woman than dammit he should be able to marry them. If a girl loves her brother why should we keep them from pumping out kids? Hell if a man loves his dog break out the china patterns lets have a wedding.
Let me get this right. It's ok for 5% of the population to dictact and force their beliefs on others but its wrong for 60% plus to dictact the 5%. Makes perfect sense to me.
Well, you believe in a 2,000 year old book, so why wouldn't you resurrect a 3-year-old post. Go eat some chick-fil-a or something, christlicker.
This is funny!
So why do you all want the kingdom of god? You'll be dead, there is nothing after, there was nothing before birth, so there will be nothing after death. Live now, who cares about afterlife? Why would that be so brilliant? No proof of that, so you better make this life as brilliant as you can AND others people's lifes (yes, by making gay marriage legal for example) THAT should be the goal of life, and of god if there would be any!
By the way: wanting the kingdom of god is pretty selfish!
Love is love, connects two people no matter the gender.
We all have our own opinion. But saying Gay Marriage will make them want to marry animals? And saying hanging around with tall people will make you tall?
I am guessing this is a joke or teaser. Because if it's not, It leaning heavily toward bigotry.
well it is certainly becoming very difficult for us Straight Guys looking for a decent Normal Woman, which i can see why.
Hmm...this looks like the dialogue of a Youtube video...
Am I the only reader to see this as ironic....or satiric? Isn't is post really about the intellectual insolvency inherent in the arguments against marriage between consenting parties of the same gender?
Epic face palm...this is a matter of love and attraction. How would you feel if I came up to you and said that you cannot marry the person you love because I don't think its a good idea based on non conclusive data (I would love to see conclusive answers to why gay marriages are less meaningful than straight ones. In the mean time, I am going to go watch pigs fly). When people say gays are not equal to other people, it is like saying people who like the color purple are not equal to people who like the color blue. None of these people have done anything to offend you have they? Its not like they are trying to convert you into being gay? Its YOU who seem to think they are not right. It is YOU who wants to change them. I am seriously loosing faith in humanity right now...can't we worry about something different, like cancer or something. Something that actually can hurt the human race, and not a petty matter of opinion.
If you are gay, or lesbian, your choices are to change and repent, or go to hell. Pick one. In the Bible, it does say a lot about gays and lesbians, like when God sent angels down to Sodom and Gomorrah, the men wanted to have sex with the angels, who were also men. God said in the bible, that this is a sin and it is wickedness, and that is the reason God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. No matter how old the bible is, it still refers to today, whether you like it or not. "I'm gay and I'm going to Heaven because God loves me." You will not go to Heaven if you are gay/lesbian, but God does love you. That is why he wants you to change. You were not "Born this way", you were simply, raised that way. You went through some things that made you think being gay/lesbian was okay. It isn't. Face it. Your Options: Change OR Hell.
I am a 14 year old boy and I know this.
I'm straight.
God loves you.
errmm.....this whole thing is bizarre. Look i don't agree with gay people too but it doesn't affect me in anyway because its their business about what they want to do and the feelings they have towards the same sex. its discrimination because everyone has the right to have sexual feelings to whomever they want
Guy movies look and feel a certain kind of way. Revenge, action, comedy, and yes, even a little romance, is what it takes to please us.