Who is this guy?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Che Guevara - I don't know who this is

And what do you know about him?

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10 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

His name is Che Guevara and he was a revolutionist who fought with Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Aitarak said...

you are joking?! aren´t you?! Wtf?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i loled!

biotv said...

Yeah, me too...

Big Don said...

He was a trained doctor of medicine who, for kicks, beat people, whose politics he didn't agree with, to death with baseball bats. Yeah, a real role model.

Anonymous said...

Some share your view Big Don, others do not. That's the beauty of being able to make your mind up on things.

Anonymous said...

Since when is a fact a "View"?

emma said...

Che Guevara, freedomfighter from 1960

Anonymous said...

A fact is a "view" when it carries a message that someone really doesn't like it - the word "view" is used to soften its impact.

Similar incidences of softening the impact of words are:

-the use of "feel" rather than "think" - i.e. 'I "feel" we should do things this way', rather than 'I "think" we should do things that way'.

-the substitution of the idea of moral _laws_ for moral _values_; "values" can - and someone probably thinks they should - differ easily from person to person, "laws" are strict and impersonal and unfeeling. "Thou shalt not kill" is one of those uncomfortable laws - turn it into a value and you can get away with murder.

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