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19 comentarii:
Im a christian and my I.Q is 153. I guess that makes me a paranormal phenomenon!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!! What a joke.
Where does this chart come from? I've seen it around the internet but I can't find any background info about it. I may well be dumb but what does the y axis represent? % of adherants? Because I'm pretty sure there are more Taoists in the world than $cientologists. I'm confused.
"Im a christian and my I.Q is 153. I guess that makes me a paranormal phenomenon!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!! What a joke."
I'm an atheist and my IQ is 115.
I think there is some kind of error : your IQ is 153 but you're not able to understand simple statistics and you laugh at "paranormal", which is exactly what you believe in. Maybe you scored 153 in one of those IQ tests coming inside lollipops, I don't know.
Excuse me but you're just stateing an Ad Hominem you're just attacking the person's character rather then debating the actual discussion at hand. This chart seems not to be valid because I don't see any name to take pride in the research nor do I see any statistics and interviews to where, who, and how many people this chart was conducted on.
Except "hehe" is not attacking that persons character. He is commenting on how Christianity is a religion based off of faith rather than scientific data.
Obviously presenting the case for why religious beliefs are nonsense would take up more time than one should spend commenting. Not to mention that for the argument to be successful, the person being challenged needs to understand numerous other related scientific principles in order to comprehend the much deeper and broader reasons why Christianity, as well as all other theistic practices are false.
It's a bell graph.
Basically there are about as many people with 60-75ish IQ as there are with EXACTLY 100.
That's what the % means.
A bell graph with IQs as an X value with the average IQ of each group typed in.
"Im a christian and my I.Q is 153. I guess that makes me"
It makes you either a liar, or one of the smartest Xians alive..
Assuming the latter, good for you.. I'll be holding a celebration for you right after the celebration for the smartest kid with down syndrome..
YES! Atleast Muslims are normal(90-100IQ). Take that Christians. hahahaha, Baptists are borderline retarded like Forrest Gump.
Michelle Bachman=Christian
Sarah Palin = Christian
George Bush = Christian
There's definately a patern
Pagan here, and my tested IQ is 163. I think (no pun intended) that those who are not encouraged to find their own answers will be unlikely to consider expanding their minds.
The more a given religion insists it's adherents live by faith rather than the empiric evidence of observation, the less likely those people are to simply Think.
I believe this lack of intelligence is not inbred, but very carefully taught to insure the continuance of a system based on the total control of the individual. Those gold plated mansions of worship didn't spring from the ground, after all.
Just my opinion...
no surprise that the most tuned in to nature religions and those that place an emphasis on the mind do best. shintos just 1 because japan has a high iq because of its education system. atheist is u there because of the analytic mind and skepticism
I've only until now looked at living things as a personification, although now really it seems that everything including the water bottle on my desk does and retains equal validity to everything in the Universe; this is shinto per say. ¯\(°_0)/¯ The common man must be good than?
I hate when people lie, because Mathematician / Physicist Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of over 160 as well as Albert Einstein, so I call bs to people claiming to have an iq higher than Hawkins or close , do some research first and foremost before you open your mouths
This graph has convinced me that we must exterminate the untermench.
Science confirms our stereotypes! Death to all those who aren't South-East Asian!
Oh, wait, there's no record of 'Intl Jour Soc Relig' (International Journal of Social Religion? who knows..), nor of a paper by Trevelyan et al from 2003.
Apparently, this graph was an elegant example of the race-baiting variety of trolling.
This might be true, but I at least somewhat doubt it. First, the extreme outliers seem to call it into question. To put Baptists below 80 on the chart and followers of Shinto at nearly 130 suggests that both groups are on the fringes of intelligence. Baptists, according to this, would be borderline mentally deficient, while Shinto followers would, on average, have an IQ above average for a person with a doctoral degree. Having scientology on the lower end also seems like a joke, and putting east Asian religions higher up seems stereotypical. More likely than not, it's just an internet diagram of some sort that got repeated often enough to seem like it's legitimate.
theres a simple problem with this graph: according to this graph the average iq on earth is well below 100
although it seems thats there is a fragment of truth to this, its highly distorted
Yeah, not sure about this. Not enough people near the top to balance out all the people on the bottom. Christians, Muslims, and Hindus together make up maybe 2/3 of people, yet they are well below 100? I'm not sure bout that. Also, this puts a lot of baptists at nearly retarded, which is pretty damn extreme. 60-84 IQ is "borderline intellectual functioning", according to the relative accuracy of wikipedia.
Yeah, not sure about this. Not enough people near the top to balance out all the people on the bottom. Christians, Muslims, and Hindus together make up maybe 2/3 of people, yet they are well below 100? I'm not sure bout that. Also, this puts a lot of baptists at nearly retarded, which is pretty damn extreme. 60-84 IQ is "borderline intellectual functioning", according to the relative accuracy of wikipedia.
I am NOT a Christian, and I have myself a hard time understanding how you can be religious and intelligent at the same time. But I also have a certain degree of objectivity. You cannot deny that, pagans aside (Thales, Archimedes, Plato, Aristotle, etc.etc.etc.), almost ALL of the greatest geniuses in history were Christians. So much for the stupid propaganda and its pseudo-studies alleging that Christian were retarded morons.
Newton? Christian. And a hardcore one, at that.
Leibniz? Christian.
Copernicus? Christian.
Leonardo da Vinci? Christian.
Galilei? Christian.
Tesla? Christian.
Darwin? A Christian for most of his life, then a theist (quite like Voltaire who became a deist), with commendable agnostic uncertainties. Emma, his wife, whom he had married out of love, was a devout Christian.
Heisenberg? Christian.
Shakespeare? Christian.
Victor Hugo? Christian.
Mozart? Christian.
Bach? Christian.
Beethoven? Christian.
Vivaldi? Christian.
Elgar? Christian.
James Clerk Maxwell was so much a Christian he was a borderline fanatic. Not only a Christian, but an Elder of the Church of Scotland.
Michelangelo? Christian.
Rembrandt? Christian. As far a Christian as painting himself spontaneously at the foot of the cross.
Velazquez? Christian.
Vermeer? Christian.
Claude Monet? A Catholic who was best friends with Giverny's parish priest.
And that's just off the top of my head. Seriously, I could go ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON like this, indefinitely.
Whom do you expect to believe - yes, b.e.l.i.e.v.e! without proof and against every evidence - in this graph above? Not educated people, eh? And certainly not skeptical atheists who love cold hard facts and hate being fed nonsense.