Donating sperm in Shanghai

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

These women will help you.

Shanghai - that Extra Mile…:
First you need to go for a health check, then 4 days prior your visit to the “free-hand-job-then-get-paid-paradise” you must abstain from sex and masturbation. You can go 4-5 times a month, and each time you will get maximum 3 hand jobs. You will also get paid RMB200 ( US$30 ) at the end of each session for your kindness.
Sounds like fun.
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1 comentarii:

Xerxy said...

There must be a catch. They do it too fast maybe? Or too slow to be enjoyable? Nah, both are usually enjoyable.
Maybe most people just aren't very interested. In any case, it's an excellent deal.

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