Crappy balloon art

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Blogadilla Gallery of the Crappiest Balloon Animals ever
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36 comentarii:

Alexandre said...

so real!

Anonymous said...

Ok, if they're so good, let's see them make a penis!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, they're exact replicas in balloon form!!

Anonymous said...

you got the banana & the plantain backwards. (plantains look like real big, green bananas)

Anonymous said...

Shopped, you can see the shape, no balloon is that shape..

Anonymous said...


Thijs said...

That earthworm does not look like an earthworm at all, an earthworm has segments. It looks more like a Ascaris lumbricoides.

Anonymous said...

The pickle must be the hard one to make.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree - must be 'Shopped. The pixels in the balloon are all wrong.

DocZayus said...

That was awesome, it looks soooo real !

electronic cigarette said...

You're an ARTIST. The pickle was dead on!

Anonymous said...


Linda said...

Even the colours are right!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, a hyphen. what about stick insects? or aerials?

Anonymous said...

For every one who said "Photoshopped" and 'Can tell by the pixel" before or after me is a retard.

Anonymous said...

the person above me has no sense of humor and should get out more rather than find every "photoshopped" post and argue about it

Anonymous said...

totally "shopped" the shadow's are all wrong

Anonymous said...

you are too humble. instead of calling it "crappy" I'd call it a masterpiece.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best stumble I've seen all week. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

some people have no sense of humor do they?

also, look at the crappy reflections. totally shopped.

Anonymous said...

awesome i want a hot dog for my birthday

Anonymous said...

this looks shopped, i can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time

Anonymous said...

As a pro photographer, I can say these images are NOT heavily shopped. Colors in shadows are totally normal in colored translucent objects. The talent of the balloon artist is pure and I can not believe that the artist was able to create such unbelievable recreations of real life objects. Genius.

lovelydarkness333 said...

omg it IS so crappy that they messed up the plantain! Those little baby bananas aren't plantains, ppl. Plantains are big and usually look rotten when I see them in the stores. I don't care for them at all, really. I like 'nanners though!

Anonymous said...

you guys are out of your mind. No way these are shopped. It am continually amazed on how people have talent and do hard work for the world to see, only to be called "shopped" pisses me off. could you please release a "how-to" for the hyphen..this is the one I struggle with the most! - thankee sai

Anonymous said...

realizing that it is difficult to capture the depths of my sarcasm with text

Anonymous said...

plantains are bigger than bananas

Anonymous said...

you guys are all dumb its not photoshopped cant you see there just balloons and there pretty much all the same shape jeezums

meezy said...

i can tell from the pixels
besides, no balloons look like that

Anonymous said...

They're definitely shopped. I make homemade balloons but the air leaks through the gaps between the cellotape and cardboard. These balloons must be shop bought. They're soooo smoooth!! Any chance of posting a link to the shop?

Anonymous said...

so fake

Anonymous said...

Now when asked what's the weirdest balloon I make, I will look that kids straight in the eye and proudly proclaim, "a HYPEN!"

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Anonymous said...

If only this inspiring work had come sooner, I might have finished clown school. Instead I work at a brothel testing the skills of new hires. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, well, sometimes the bear, he eats you.

Anonymous said...


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