The Phoenix Bird scarification

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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16 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

looks sooo beautiful i wish i could do something like that

Anonymous said...

Omqq that is so cool But I wuld never do somthinq like that in my life .

Anonymous said...

It is so ugly and awful. I don't see why people do thinks like that with their body. It is dangerous too. A girl in my old class did something like that and she died because she got an infection or something like it. Horrible! Don't ever do something like that.

Anonymous said...

its gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

It is an amazing piece of artwork though I would rather stick to regular tattooing myself ^_^ scarification is a dangerous thing to do (infection..etc.) and it doesn't always turn out exactly like the person hopes it will because it is going to be a scar. As long as it's kept clean and is well taken care of it will turn out fine...You've got major guts to something like that! I mean damn that really had to hurt!!

Anonymous said...

I would do it Just a lil bit at a time...I'd say itd take a year year n half to do it one or two slices at a time... I'd think itd get less chance of infection too since it is a smaller area and easier to keep clean. outline it with henai always until it gets cut out.

Anonymous said...

How was this done? I've only seen scarification done with simple lines, or the skin pinched up to increase the area, but never carved with such line variation. It's a beautiful piece, I could never do it, and respect the cojones of this person.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thats insane. I thought it was a really amazing tat at first. Too bad it won't be that bright forever because it looks beautiful like that.

Anonymous said...

cas I cant email you for what ever reason call me when you get back..custard

Anonymous said...

thats some hectic work there got to be real skilled in doing that my self i am covered in tats would love a scarification piece but i dont have enough bare skin on me for the piece i want for the people who think its horrible wake up and realise that this kind of thing is an extreme form of art and i think its beautiful keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

What is the point of doing that??? Why is so funny for some
people to torture themselves?
I think you should appreciate more the life you have rather than jeopardize it by doing such things... you only have one... Don't you see you might result dead by getting an infection?
And what about the pain you had to suffer to do it? Does it really worth?
Do you really think you're making art by damaging your body?
That IS NOT any kind of art, that is insane. You're mad my friend....

Anonymous said...

its really beautiful! ive been thinking about getting something scalpelled sometime soon but i havent decided on anything yet, howd your healing go? any problems with it? and i know this is a really common question but how much did it actually hurt? its really not that huge of a concern for me, im usually pretty good with the pain, but more so just a curiousity so i know what i should be ready for..

Anonymous said...

look you people need to be more open minded just because you guys would never do it doesn't mean you have to project it on to someone else and some people have high tolerace for pain like me i love scarifaction and i would consider it for people who have cut or harmed themselves in the passed so for those who think thats gross or wrong well keep that to yourself because there are other people out there who say different wow people are so closed minded and probably half of you who are talking shit about it have tattoos or peircings and is same thing its considered scarifaction and you have risks at getting an infection reguardless if its just an ear peircing or a belly botton so really most of you have no room to talk...

Anonymous said...

omg...its so pretty...Ive been looking and looking at phoneix pictures, tattoos etc ...and this one caught my eye...I wanted to sketch it until i bigged it up....and I cant look at it long enough without wincing and getting literaly sick to my stomach, and its because i cant imagine the pain.....and it is so pretty...I thought it was just a very nice red phoneix sitting? for all that? damn

Anonymous said...

wow *_* just beautiful... i want s cutting too *__*

Anonymous said...

Nice artwork but hell no that shit could get infected etc... I aint trying to risk my life for that, Ill stick to the reg, tatooing... PPl are soo stupid for doing that to themselves...

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