Dinosaur vs. Christian fish

Friday, February 20, 2009

Darwin wins.

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37 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

A plastic fish being bitten doesn't change the reality that Jesus is Lord. You can have your own opinion about a Christian, but you can't have your own truth.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is dead

Anonymous said...

Curious, Mr second Anon that posted, do you have VALID proof that "Jesus is dead"? To state such a statement is illogical and irrational! How can you state a thing when you can't even prove your own truth to be true. Just think about it...

Totally agree with the first Anon that said "A plastic fish being bitten doesn't change the reality that Jesus is Lord. You can have your own opinion about a Christian, but you can't have your own truth."

Anonymous said...

"A plastic fish being bitten doesn't change the reality that Jesus is Lord. You can have your own opinion about a Christian, but you can't have your own truth."

lol. udum.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any VALID proof that God exists?

Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Geez its just a picture guys, there's no need to argue over it!!! It's supposed to be funny!

Anonymous said...

I laughed

Anonymous said...

And, just because someone brought it up, I have to say this: Jesus is not MY lord. How dare you try to impose your mythology onto me. It would have been much more well-received if you had said that you believe that Jesus is lord. And, yes, I refuse to capitalize lord. So there. It's early in the morning, I'm cranky, and I'm tired of arrogant Christians.

Anonymous said...

You know, I haven't seen very many pictures Christians made making fun of Atheists. What gives anyone the right to make fun of anyone else's religion? Let's all put on our big kid pants and realize that we all believe what we want to believe.

And when you call an entire religion "arrogant" it only makes you look arrogant and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Christian's don't make fun of atheists, they execute them.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish I could go back to the time when I was 12 and believe in religion like I wish I could go back and believe in Santa Claus when I was 5...but most of the time I am happy with my evolution into a logical human that uses reason instead of faith to determine my life.

Unknown said...

"I haven't seen very many pictures Christians made making fun of Atheists."

No you just tell us we are going to burn in hell for eternity....I'd rather just made funny pictures.

"You can have your own opinion about a Christian, but you can't have your own truth."

First of all a "truth" must be provable, your faith is not. My opinion is just as relevant as your faith is, and just as provable. The difference is I wont tell you what will happen to you if you don't hold my opinion as fact.

Anonymous said...

I'm a christian and i believe dinosaurs existed... A shocker, i know... I believe the world is billions of years old. I believe in the process of Darwinism. I dont believe in spreading my religion, people have the right to believe in what they wish. All im trying to say is alot of christians are retarted, see the first comment. However a small denomination of christians do believe in a logical thought process... Do i know there is an omnipotent being? Nope. I choose to believe in christianity because it's a good set of rules to live your life by.

Anonymous said...

Golden! Religion is a crutch for the weak to have something to blame their problems on. =]


Anonymous said...

The only plausible explanation for why some humans are stupid enough to have religious beliefs is that we evolved from apes. Evolution - Q.E.D.

Spirituality,on the other hand, is a completely different matter. Full respect to the poster who said "a good set of rules to live your life by".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i dont get it.

Anonymous said...

I think the first post was a joke... same with #3...

Religions are basically guidelines on how to live your life by now. God in whatever sense has outlived his usefullness.

Anonymous said...

"What gives anyone the right to make fun of anyone else's religion?"

Freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

"Let's all put on our big kid pants and realize that we all believe what we want to believe.

And when you call an entire religion "arrogant" it only makes you look arrogant and stupid."

I realize and accept that people believe what they want to believe, but that makes it no less rediculous.

It does take a level of arrogance to believe that your belief system is infallible and that anyone that disagrees with you (and any single religion is a minority of the world population) will burn in hell for eternity.

Anonymous said...

in the beginning there was nothing and nothing blew up... vs in the biggining there was a omnipotent being that told nothing to blow up and it did... continue your war.

Anonymous said...

Oh good god. some of these comments! I'm not going to bother putting any intelligence into this..

Anonymous said...

I wonder why so many non-Christians are offended.

Should I be offended about what you believe?

Isn't that a double standard...If you require me to be open-minded to you, but you hate my beliefs?


Anonymous said...

The same freedom that gives christians the right to preach their believes in a church is the same freedom that gives people the right to make fun of any religion.

Try preaching your crazy christian believe in a country dominated by Islam and see if you don't get your head chopped off.

Appreciate the freedom of speech that we have in this part of the world.

I don't have to respect anybody's believe, it's my right, look it up.

The philosophy of religion is fine but don't tell me that Adam and Eve were the first two humans with out any evidence or the existence of god for that matter.

Anonymous said...

We are all aliens. Here endeth the story.

Anonymous said...

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys
Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

Anonymous said...

flawless victory for the dinosaur.
I think christianity, along with most conventional religion- is bullshit. Notice I use the word "think". Because I don't know for sure, and neither do any of you so quit yer bitchin.

Vanilla Gorilla said...

Religion is neccesary to form society, yet it is also the biggest killer in history... Politics doesn't even stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

i'm 12 wat is this?

Anonymous said...

I think Icthyus is a real cool guy, he is on cars and dosen't afraid of anything...

Anonymous said...

Uhhh, Darwin did not introduce evolution. He just contributed the mechanism of natural selection of the means of evolution. The theory of evolution was started before Darwin. Besides that, this cartoon does not even present any type of side of argument to the thousands of Christians that already believe in the existence of Dinosaurs.

Anonymous said...

Hello People! This has been one thought-provoking conversation. I must take my hat off to all of you.
Now rest, and continue on in life.

Manza said...

Cuck Norris would eat that dinosaur in one minute, and he can spare 45 seconds to do your mother.

Anonymous said...

It's called ΙΧΘΥΣ (pronounced as "ixthys), not jesus fish.

Anonymous said...

If a dinosaur eats a fish in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does that make Jesus an atheist?

BIGFELLA said...

Jesus... Santa Claus for grown ups

Anonymous said...

Adam & eve ate my apple! ------ Paradise Lost !

That bite was their last! ---- Extinction followed. Need a second helping ?
~~ Strike three could be thee ~~

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