Nine-year-old's book about how to get chicks

Friday, December 5, 2008

wow to talk to girls

He's only 9 but he knows plenty about how to pick up girls. He's so good at it that he wrote a book about it actually. And it must be pretty good too, since everyone is talking about it.
Over a few Shirley Temples yesterday at Langan's on West 47 Street, Alec said that he culled his wisdom by peeking at his peers at play.

"Pretty girls are like cars that need a lot of oil."

"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry."

He advises, "The best choice for most boys is a regular girl. Remember, some pretty girls are coldhearted when it comes to boys. Don't let them get to you."

He believes the best way to approach a girl is to keep it to a simple "hi."

"If I say hi and you say hi back, we're probably off to a good start," he said.
- Link
He must be a genius.

You can get a copy of this awesome and revolutionary book - here

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3 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

it's a bit creepy

-turd ferguson

Daughter said...

I don't know whether to think this is awesome, terrifying, or just unhealthy...

Many VII said...

actually i find these lines corrects

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