Lego waterfall

Sunday, November 9, 2008

When you see it, you'll shit Lego bricks.

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6 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

What's so funny? That the water can't run that way? Or that the guy is hanging up bodyparts?
Neither made me shit bricks, or am I to dump to see the real joke?

Anonymous said...

look closer :))

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but what is it on your page that makes the little clunking noise every so often.

Very irritating and not safe for work.

It is costing you readers. Think about it and dump it.

Marcy Massura said...

I looked and looked and looked.
I don't see it. I DON"T. and it is drving me insane. Someone just tell me ok?

Anonymous said...

just try to picture it from above, you'll realise how the structure is impossible

Anonymous said...

Took me long enough. I see it now! Haha, 2 weeks later.

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