The book doesn't work. It's clearly faulty...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Amazon customer review of The Bible:

This book doesn't work. I've tried the "praying" method to get a new Porsche 996 delivered but to no avail. There's nothing in the instructions about not wanting German sports cars but I tried praying for less ambitious things. I gave up when it didn't even get me a Big Mac. In the early part there's a bit about people crossing the desert and being sustained by manna from heaven, so you'd think that it would be able to manage at least a hamburger.

I'm disappointed and will contact the publisher. In the meantime I can't recommend this book as it is clearly faulty.

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2 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

LOL...nice share...the other comments at that link also brought tears to my eyes from laughter!

Anonymous said...

sorry for you, but the book usually works very well, as a rule it suggests you getting couple of bucks and stopping at McDonalds for your BigMac, for German sports car sevral years of hard work may also be required if not a skill of hijacking one(that might be a sin, though)...
So don't return the book yet, it might work for you!

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