Snake charming festival in India
Thursday, August 28, 2008

In Bishnupure, India, every year in December a festival is being held, where people charm and play with their poisonous snakes.
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The charmers start playing an instrument and the serpents simply get hypnotised and start swaying out of their baskets. They never strike and the tamers often go as far as kissing the creatures on their heads. They start handling the snakes, playing with them and dare the audience to touch them. Of course nobody ever does. Would you?
The King Cobra, found in India is the largest venomous snake in the world. In a single bite it can inject enough venom to kill an elephant...

3 comentarii:
Mi-ai intors matzele bah ...
What a picture!!!
Short Funny Jokes
Amazing photographs ! Snake charms have always charmed photographers from all over the world and make good photos with them. The most amazing is where a man has a snake through the nose and coming out from his mouth.
I would love to photograph them at Bishnupure. Where is exactly Bishnupure?