Big Lebowski's Walter in a video game

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A great homage to the movie Big Lebowski is given by the FPS video game The Hell in Vietnam, which features a cameo of John Goodman's character Walter Sobchak. You can actually get to see Walter's buddies dying face down in the mud.

View some screen shots

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5 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

now we just need a videogame where chinamen try to take your leg in korea, and nihlists vie for your toe downtown. Open toed boots and pfannkuchen optional!

Anonymous said...

We're also leaving out Smokey,

"Smokey this isn't Nam there are rules here"

mike said...

The story centers on a mix-up between this Lebowski, who goes to the supermarket in his bathrobe and writes a check for 69 cents, and an identically named pillar of the community who lives in a mansion with his trophy wife and keeps the key to the City of Pasadena on his wall. The Big Lebowski (David Huddleston) meets the Dude (Smaller Lebowski's nom de bowling) over the rug incident. When the Dude discovers that the rug-ruining hoods were actually looking for his namesake, he storms into the tycoon's lair and demands reparations. But what he gets is a lot more than he'd bargained for, since the Big Lebowski soon hires him to retrieve the trophy wife, Bunny Lebowski

wow gold

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

متجر بيلو اليرت نقدم لكم تصميم اليرتات فل سكرين للتيك توك أو تويتش أو جاكو مفرغه وجاهزه للتركيب

اليرتات فل سكرين

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