Rapa das Bestas - Spanish Horse Wrestling Festival

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What do the Spanish do when they are not bull-fighting? They wrestle wild horses.

More about the 'Rapa das bestas' festival

The Rapa das bestas is an ancient festival in Galicia, Spain.

People gather all the untamed horses in a corral, where men and women of all ages wrestle them to the ground with their bare hands to cut their manes and tales out and brand them. This fiesta goes on for about three days starting the first Saturday of July.

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166 comentarii:

Dan said...

Wow, are you serious? These people need to get a life.

Tradition: "Just because you've always done it that way, doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid."

Anonymous said...

This is so disgusting! What kind of people are entertained by wrestling these animals who have no clue that this is their idea of a game?! I've already reported it to PETA and not sure who else yet but it needs to stop.

biotv said...

Looks like it's the beginning of the end for this 1000-year-old festival...

Anonymous said...

No habéis visto nada chavales! jajaja

Anonymous said...

Pero qué blanditos son estos anglosajones (para lo que quieren, claro). No les importa en cambio torturar y masacrar a seres humanos en Irak o Afganistán. Vergüenza debería de darles a toda esa raza de hipócritas.

Anonymous said...

Wrestling? Better call it a Hairdressing Festival. They keep their horses clean and healthy.


P.S. Please do not report to PETA, they scare me... oh wait, we are no freaky supermodels. HA HA HA

o pArAsiTo said...

I assume you are aware of the 'harm' inflicted on those horses, because I can be the horse in Galiza but wouldn't like to be the bull in Spain. Neither would you.

Galiza Ceive


usuario said...

This horses are not being killed but getting their hair cut.
If you don't know something don't talk about it.
Never horse has died or has been badly injured in A Rapa das Bestas.

Please, if you don't want spanish talk about fox hunting and rodeos, don't try to offend us. And, also remember about Irak, yes, that hell, we left becuase we don't want kill inocents. And Guatanamo and etc.

Anonymous said...

There's no point of comparison.
This is done once a year. All in all the horses are "fought" for brief minutes and it has a PRACTICAL use: they're trimmed and marked, so it's easier to identify them in the wild. This actually helps vets and forest rangers to keep track of them and avoid/deal with possible illnesses, etc.
As a matter of fact, this becomes part of the life of these otherwise WILD FREE horses, which are not killed or mistreated at all. Vets and officials are present when all this happens.
Comparing this traditional "marking" with bullfights is just lame and totally stupid.
The horse "may" be stressed for 10 minutes in a whole year... it's like taking the cat to the vet :P

Nygard said...

First of all, it's not a Spanish tradition but a Galician one. Therefore nothing to do with "fiesta" but "festa" in any case...

Second, this is just an ancient tradition where horses don't get harm but they are only "marked" to be recognised.

Finally, previous to talk about something please make some inquirement about it.

Anonymous said...

"What do the Spanish do when they are not bull-fighting?"

What do the Usians and Britains when they are not killing Irak inhabitants? Killing afgan ones...

Such generalizations are stupid. There's a lot of people in Spain that dislikes bullfighting, and they do demonstrations almost in every bullfighting show.

Some cities like Barcelona or Coslada -closed to Madrid- has declared themselves "anti-bullfighting" cities.

Unfortunatly bullfighting is a game that still moves a lot of money, but we really hope it will be removed sometime, like the fox hunting or so...

I dont like "Rapa das bestas" neither, but I think its a minor problem not so hard, more like rodeo than bullfighting.


Anonymous said...

Que pringaos que sois los ingleses, venís a España a emborracharos y a pegaros con la gente.
Ya me jodería ser tan ignorante como para poner esto y no saber ni de que va.
Pringaos!! A ver si aprendéis a beber y así no os pegaréis entre vosotros.

Si no entendéis esto que os lo traduzca alguien con estudios que a vosotros os faltan bastantes.

papo said...


usuario said...

Looks like it's the beginning of the end for this 1000-year-old festival...

LOL If you think that two people who don't know anything about A rapa das Bestas are going to finish by reporting to Peta you have a big problem.

I would like you to apologize because of this offending entry and, please, try no to be so etnocentrist.

lavesedo said...

you have no idea about this.
this is no a game, this is not a show like f..... bullfighting. there are farmers, -only people from Sabucedo, a small town in Galiza, can do that-, there are not animal killers like bullfihgters or foxhunters, remember that

biotv said...

I'm sorry this has been taken as something offensive to the Spanish people. It was not ment like that.

They are so full of energy and passionate about the stuff they do and their way of having fun is totally unconventional. And I must say I like that about them.

And the Rapa das bestas, is clearly done for the entertainment. I'm pretty sure they could find "less violent" (for them, not necessarily for the horses) ways to get their horses haircuts.

And just for the record: I, the person who posted this, am not an American or an English native speaker of any kind. I am from Romania and even though my country does have troops in Iraq i don't agree with it. I don't see any connection between this post and the war in Iraq however... :)

Anonymous said...

Horses suffer no damage, they only get their hair cut. By the way, Galiza is not spain.

Ms. Rice said...

These are great photos. I'm not wild about a human wrestling any animal, but this is an interesting tradition. The line about what Spanish people do in their spare time was obviously not meant to be serious or offensive. And the connection between this and Iraq is more than ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

ugly, how they even can torture these horses.

Anonymous said...

loke at those people's faces. they're full of sadism and satisfaction... someday the nature will take the vengeance for man...

Anonymous said...

I understand that people are not killing animals...but still I can guess how it is unpleasant for horses just looking at these pictures...it's just disgusting what kind of entertainment people have :(

Pennine_Lad said...

Some meathead comments to be sure....The fire and adrenaline, the tradition, and the fear in both human and horses. Not one comment wondering how many people get hurt?

Waay more than horses I'll bet. Brilliant pictures.

Wait, I hunt, my comment's obviously worthless...Wait, my country's the UK, damn, bust again....

But I do help with breaking horses, and these guys have my total respect, even if I think them fun-crazy for what they do, I hope they're still doing it in another 1000 years....

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said... loke at those people's faces. they're full of SADISM and SATISFACTION"

¿?¿?¿?¿? What pictures have you been looking at? i think you must go to the psychiatrist, some kind of deep perversion if you see anything but hugue effort in those faces.

Anonymous said...

Please, before speaking you have to know about it.These are wild horses living all year free in the mountains.One day they are captured for branding and cut their hair by the community of owners inside "curros".And then they goes back free to the mountains.
It is completely diferent to bull fighting or fox hunters or rodeos.There isn`t money here.This isn't for rich people.The horses don't suffer any type of harmful, only a little stress.The "aloitadores" (it means horse fighters) receive hurt many times.
No bullfighting,no fox hunters Elizabeth the Second, but Viva Galiza Ceibe

Anonymous said...

Fox hunting is dumb. Rodeos are dumb. Bullfighting and this are also, well, dumb. You would think now that humans have completely covered the globe, we would no longer find entertainment in administering our authority as civilized people on wildlife, but alas, the world does not advance at an equal and even rate.

Anonymous said...

Anonymus said...

Anonymus said...

Anonymus said...

Anonymus said...

Anonymus said...

Anonymus said...

Anonymous said...

I was kind of hoping to see a few humans underneath some of those horses. Pay backs a bitch! Animals will never be free as long as they are manipulated by humans. Ten minutes a year then the rest of the time free. I doubt it's just 10 minutes. They go thru the indignity of having their hair cut. That compares to maliciously cutting the hair off of a child as part of punishment. It's sick and twisted. The fear factor is tremendous. BUT, people feed off the fear of the defenseless. Carry on idiots!

Anonymous said...

Bullfighting, Horsewrestling Its all the same - Bloody madness....what is wrong with these people, Are their lives really so boring that they have to resort to this ?
A.S. ( UK )

Anonymous said...

It's not what it looks like. These horses were actually caught committing violent crimes, and their punishment was to fight to the death as gladiators in this Spanish ampitheatre.

Anonymous said...

Who are the animals in those pictures? I know animals don't torture other creatures for mere fun. Human beings are animals too but because these horses cannot speak out for themselves they are abused for the sake of human enjoyment. These people might say that they are humans but they are not demonstrating any humanity. We are part of nature. Nature is not for us to dominate and exploit. Taking advanatage of those who are helpless so that one can feel powerful or derive joy from it is barbaric and indicates cowardice. Remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "The moral progress of a nation and its greatness should be judged by the way it treats its animals."

Anonymous said...


erin said...

You see a photo and form an opinion with no other information. Oh what the media in our society has done to us.....Come on educated people, find out alllllll the facts before spouting off emotion based opinions. This makes trouble for every one. Live and let live!

Natasha said...

This is disgusting. These horses are terrified. Yes, there are ways that other cultures abuse animals and humans, and no I don't think America is perfect, but how exactly does all that make this righteous? Do many evils make one good? I don't care how long the tradition has gone on for it's cruel and abusive. Why they heed to trim their manes and tails is beyond me (being a 20 year long horse owner and breeder) but if it is that important there's this wonderful little modern thing called SEDATION. Look it up. Cheap and humanitarian, but maybe not quiet as sadistically 'fun'. Oh the loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm Spanish and what a shame. It`s a tipical stupid spanish thing: the defense of an tipical stupid spanish tradition. And more stupid when local etnicthism is involved to do that defense. (Sorry the faults)

Anonymous said...

When I see things like this I am ashamed to call myself a human being, the ones in the pictures are nowhere near that... savage and barbaric, they repulse me. I will be boycotting spain, never buying a thing they sell or visiting that vile place. The wheel turns and when they are tormented by something, I will be all smiles...

Anonymous said...

Hey, offended guys ... watch this:


I agree we should be more careful with animals, but it's not something happening in Spain only.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is all really full of “barbaric ignorants” and “sick stupid freaks” but this ones are the people that comments in blogs without any idea of what they are saying.

The “rapa das bestas” -Crop the beast`s hair- is a festival in which possibly the last wild horses of Europe are marked by its owners by cropping their manes -see the last photo-, without fire, AND NOTHING MORE. And after that, the animals are set in the wild again, to the next year. THAT IS ALL (Well, and the music and wonderful food and wine). The “wrestling” -like in the photos- happens when they try to immobilize a horse so it doesn´t hurt anybody. Or itself. Nobody wants to hurt his or hers own horse.

Is a bad idea to speak about something, specially when insisting in what is right or wrong or who is this or that, without knowing what you are saying.

Anonymous said...

There are other ways to claim your horse, like take it home and FEED IT. It's not just Spain that is full of cruelty and drunken idiots, but it comes in first,right above China and what THEY do to tamed pets.OK. Maybe UNDER China.

papo said...

Ask an indian what does he think about your cow burgers.

Anonymous said...

This is animal abuse. Nobody wants to see it. Its abuse covered by "tradition"...

Anonymous said...

I´m Spanish and I think that we are still living more equilibrated with the nature than in any of the other more "developed" countries.
Have you ever searched about how the chicken you eat lives?
Have you ever considered why there are so few different kinds of fruit in UK or US or Germany or...?
What is more developed to grow animals for free, feeding them and them kill them; or to grow animals all together in reduced spaces, stuffing them with chemicals, shortening their live expectancy and them, when fat enough, "electrically" killing them to pack them in wonderful plastic bags, make them travel miles in lorries and show them in a big shop?
Who destroys Mother Earth more?

Let´s start looking further!

Anonymous said...

i think these people need a PS3 or Xbox
may be a computer to play WOW or COD4 =)

Anonymous said...

Many studies have shown that horses need an occasional wrestling to promote healthy manes, teeth, and bones. This age-old Spanish tradition has been a major contributor to the vitality of the wild horses of the region. One notable example is the Lipizzaner Stallions, world renowned for their refined breeding and stature.

Anonymous said...

Looks sexy, I'm going

Anonymous said...

Horses aren´t like puppies. These horses are living free; they get real fights among them when they´re fighting for females or leadership. Check how the animals you are eating everyday live, before talking about cruelty. These horses live this events as adrenaline discharges, they don´t feel as scared as when they fight with other horses. I bet most of horses in the world would rather to live like these ones. Btw; "this is what we do when we´re not bullfighting"?? so ignorant... so easy to talk without having a clue... did u ever met a spanish?? may be a freak one... with an open mind, like yours... :(

Anonymous said...

It looks like more of the people are getting hurt doing this. If they cut the tails to "brand" them to keep track of them wouldn't it just grow in a matter of time and they wouldn't be able to tell them anymore?

- ignorant American

Anonymous said...

usuario - you left Iraq because you bottled it when the terrorists bombed you. you totally shit it basically. England does not bottle out of anything ever - fact.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, 'Anonymous' this more for the horse's health than anything else! You don't even know what you're saying about it being dumb! If these horses were left in the wild, without any way of identifying them for veterinary services, they'd get very sick, and through the passing on of diseases and such, weaken their gene pool and -probably- eventually die out! Use your brain, if you have one! How much do you really know about horses anyway?!?! Seriously, you are one stupid idiot! If you think these people should be reported for animal abuse, then report those cooking shows on TV that involve cutting of crabs' claws while they're still alive and boiling live ju-jus in tofu!! Really, when people talk animal abuse, it's so stupid 'cause all the animals they save are the 'cute and cuddly' ones that were bred for human entertainment and are barely even close to their natural ancestry anymore! At least this event is specially organized for the horses' health!! So, yes, follow my advice: use your brain, if you even have one!!!

Anonymous said...

i am sure that what some people have said is true about the vets and identifying illnesses etc but im sure that this can be done in a much more humane way which does not cause pain and suffereing. that is one of the 5 freedoms that every horse should have. some people have said that no horses are injured and killed but that doesnt stop them from feeling pain when men and women are pulling them to the ground frightening them and foals i mean come on that picture is horrible it can only be about 9 months old!!

Anonymous said...

joder... joder galiza ...viva espana!

Anonymous said...

I am Spanish

And never before i've heard of that "ancient festival" so this is not something you can see everyday when you get out of your house...

Oh, and too many spanish people HATES bull-fighting. Spain has a lot of things to offer, not only bulls, flamenco and paella.

We have TV in colour, microwave, mobiles and yes, we can watch the Oscar Awards too...

"Antes de mirar la casa de tu vecino, mira la tuya"


Anonymous said...

Ascot racecourse is much more distressing for horses.

In the same terms:

What do romanians do when they are not stealing everywhere? Sleeping

Do you want some tea? No, dear, I've got to get drunk before killing a fox and remember, tomorrow I've got to run after a cheese.

I've got some more clichés....but I wouldn't entitle an article like thay 'cos I'm not that stupid.

Anonymous said...




Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i have no problem with the horsey haircuts.
Except. that in the 13th photo down, you can clearly see a pregnant mare get jumped by two men at the neck and one guy is tugging on her tail. It should be double and triple checked by vets that all the "contestants" for the haircuts are UNpregnant mares and males. Otherwise its putting undue stress on the mares and foals still in utero that's just cruel and uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

tatakaukuroneko said...

i think these people need a PS3 or Xbox
may be a computer to play WOW or COD4 =)

Pero q pedazo de friki!!!!!!!!!! Q levante su culo gordo y salga a ver un poco la naturaleza.

Anonymous said...

Part of me wonders what this small part of Spain's tradition of cutting the hair of horses, wrestling them a little and branding them. (Like a Rodeo) has anything to do with Iraq?

Horse Wrestling =/= Iraq War?

Anonymous said...

on pic six looks like guy is biting horse. and the rules clearly state there is no biting in wrestling so he should've been disqualified. lol

Anonymous said...

Es una verguenza ser española! que asco de pais!!! Gracias a dios no todos los españoles són como estos asquerosos!!

Anonymous said...

Por favor, no metáis a todos los españoles en el mismo saco. Los españoles no estamos todo el día toreando ni haciendo salvajadas.
La mayoría de españoles estamos en contra de los toros y de toda esa mierda que nos rodea, no tenemos la culpa de que una minoría sea inepta.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure there are easier ways to "brand" horses than wrestling them to the ground; And what are you branding them for if you're going to release them?? This is just stupid. It's like people who catch and then release fish; it's just cruel.

Anonymous said...

The simple answer to this is if these horses were valuable Andalusians or dressage horses, do you think they would risk using such dangerous methods to brand them? Not a chance !

Anonymous said...

The "crazy sadist psycho blah blah who needs an Xbox" at the left in the 8th picture is a telecommunications theory teacher at uni. He is a brilliant Phd, and he's part of the team that developed the most advanced telecommunication equipement for militar ships in the world. He loves horses and dogs, he dislikes bullfighting. And he happens to be from this village, Sabucedo.

Every year they gather all the wild horses born in the mountains in the last year, they knock them down and they cut they hair, list them and mark them, to know who's each horse owner: it's the same than knocking the horses down throwing ropes to their necks or legs.

Do the horses like it? of course not.
Do the horses get hurt? of course not.
Does people get hurt? Sometimes (try to knock fown a young horse with your own hands)
Is it necessary knocking the horses down to mark them and list them? yes.
Do they have fun doing it? sure! it's an ancient tradition, and when the work is done, they eat and drink together.

Yes, the pictures are very spectacular. Now, as a Galician, I would ask people to leave us alone and mind their own business.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jordyn said...

thats horrible !! look at the fear in the horses eyes..it makes me want to go out and give my horse a big hug! :( i can't believe people do that! it's sooo stupid and mean !

Anonymous said...

thats one of the worst things i've ever seen

those horses look like they're about to pee themselves

all you who do that....wow...GET A LIFE

Anonymous said...

You guys are sick who would even think about doing this

Anonymous said...

Hello, can anyone tell me WHERE and WHEN exactly it will be held this year?

many thanks,

Anonymous said...

It must be possible to cut the horses' hair in a way that don't harm them. I appriciate that you try to keep them healthy if that is the point but I don't believe that it does't inflict them any harm - to me the horses look scared and everybody knows that forcing a horse to the ground is cruel no matter if we talt about this or rodeo.. But please remember that the English actually took the consequense of the unethical treatment and made fox hunting illeagal - no matter if it was an old tradition and the aristocraty protested..
We have a long way to come if we want fair treatment of animals but stopping this seems like a good place to start.. The Spains cannot take responsibility for how other contries treat their animals but they can take responsibility for how they do.. I am so proud of how a planned rodeo was shut down here in Denmark even before it came to the country.. We did not want it here and we let the organisers know that loud and clear..

Anonymous said...

Once a year the wild horses are taken to the “curro” where they are grabbed and immobilised so they can be marked by cutting their hair. Then they’re released. THAT IS ALL. As a matter of fact, many of them do seem to know this “ritual” and walk towards the “curro” themselves when the date approaches.
Cutting the hair was believed to be in the horses’ best interest (hygiene) and it’s a way to keep track on them. The tradition goes back hundreds of years and it’s also believed to be related to the Celtic adoration of the horse; in many ways, in the “rapa”, one admires and appreciates the beauty and the strenght of the wild horse.
The “rapa” is fast and the animals are not beaten or mistreated, other than being grabbed for a few seconds. There are vets present, who actually take this chance to check the state of the horses (something they can’t do the rest of the year ‘cos the horses are in the mountains roaming free).
In any other country these horses would have been shot/killed or tamed to serve as domestic horses (slaves) to humans.
Unlike other barbaric events involving animals around the world, the horses are not drugged or receive electric shocks or anything like that (go do your research). They’re at their 100% and they kick humans as much as humans try to grab them.
If you feel offended by this then you better stop eating fish and meat, stop hunting, stop the damn bullfights (the “rapa” is in Galicia, where bullfights have no following cos they’re indeed cruel) and so on. Do you even have any idea of what’s going on in a normal regular standard farm??
Do not talk about what you do not know. Do not extract conclusions from a few selected snapshots. Go there, see it with your own eyes and understand the respect, care and admiration people feel for those wild FREE horses. Spend the day there and share the love locals have for these amazing beautiful beasts.

Anonymous said...

Um, look at the horses' expressions, you can see they're really enjoying it, right? Um, no they aren't. Tackling wild horses and holding them to the ground is cruel. Why? Horses are flight animals and this is terrifying for them. As someone who works with horses and a firm believer in natural horsemanship, this is not the humane way of handling horses.

Gerard said...

Some people seem to see this as an indication of Spain being a barbaric society, insensitive to animal rights. As far as I'm concerned, I'm all for forbidding this tradition AFTER the same is done with other barbaric traditions such as rodeos in the USA, horse races in the UK, whale hunting in Norway, Iceland and Japan, etc.

In reply to the author of this post: "They are so full of energy and passionate about the stuff they do and their way of having fun is totally unconventional. And I must say I like that about them." How can you possibly be that patronizing towards us? What ways of having fun do you consider 'conventional'? Shooting ranges in the USA? Chasing a cheese down a hill in England? Any Romanian traditions? :rolleyes:

Anonymous said...

this is actually disgusting these people are insane if they get joy out of hurting and terrorizing these beautiful creatures


tekilita said...

Oh no! such horrible pictures!

There are less barbaric ways of marking the horses!
Like... they could drug them! or what, because if 4 of us have to make a horse still to mark it, even if the animal get scared, I prefer that. Even if the beauty is still stronger than the 4 of us.

You know, my dog also get's quite scared when we go to the vet for its shots, if I made a pic of him at that minute, you would not find a more terrified doggy face, and I know it's stressful and it hurts, but I love him and I know it's good for him, and once a year, it's vet day.

People from Sabucedo love their horses and let them just be free at the mountains.

Tell me about another part of the world where people use their land just for the horses to wander around totally free.

Sorry, but I have to say, just can't stand so much idiocy.

pieropanc said...

There is absolutely no medical or veterinary purpose served by cutting the horses' hair. Quite the opposite, actually. It can take up to seven years for a tail hair to grow and their manes and tails are their primary means for keeping flies and other biting pests off of them. Not to mention the trauma involved with wrestling them to the ground, jumping on their backs (that's what predators do to try to kill them) and wrestling foals in this manner risks serious neurological damage. Then there is combining herds in a small space where they will naturally fight to establish their relative positions - risking injury to themselves - and denying them their primary means of resolving these fights, that of running away. And horses naturally have a unique identifier, similar to human fingerprints, and that is their chestnuts. Each horses' chestnuts are unique to them. Finally, given that the stated purpose of cutting the hair is to use it to stuff matresses, pillows, etc. this activity seems especially pointless and of absolutely no benefit to the horses. It is only cruel and unecessary entertainment for the humans.

Anonymous said...

plain animal cruelty practiced by historically cruel, ignorant people who think they are advanced.

lotte said...

If you think that the single day of stress the horses have to endure while getting their hair cut is worse than the other 364 days of fending for themselves in the wild (with predators, unstable food/water sources, and fights among themselves) then you should probably have your head checked. The horses don't suffer any damage and it's considerably less stressful for them to wrestle a human or two than another horse. The horses get a haircut and health care, and the humans get to party for a day. It's a win-win situation.

And Manza, your comment is full of win.

Anonymous said...

i saw that someone said they should use sedation. ok. you pay for sedating hundreds of horses. and while you're at it, look up the standard income level of the natives that would have to pay for it if they used it. and the hair cutting and branding? the government needs to know how many wild horses there are roaming around, and branding lets them know the numbers. and you claim to be a horse owner? then you should know damn well how tough these animals are.

and PETA? they sicken me. they cry and moan for animals while we have human children starving to death. really? they say they fight for animals because they have no voice. they fight for animals so they can ignore the voice of children.

Anonymous said...

Que cerriles son estos espanoletes, con sus toros, sus toreros, sus torturas,su religion catolica que noslegaron como el sida, sus curas, sus santos, sus virgenes,sus dictadores,sus cazadores, carnicerias y embutidos por todo su territorio, sus espectaculos vergonzosos que nosostros los infelices hijos nacidos de sus puercos y genocidas vientre hemos heredado. Ah espana, la cerril. porque no la han sacado a patadas de la union europea.

Maria Luz San Martin said...

me revuelve el estomago

Anonymous said...

c'est fête UNE? une tuerie! Comme L'humain Peut être stupide! et cruel!!
Neima peintre et amie des animaux

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would lay off the English. The cheese that we chase down the hill is NOT harmed in any way.

Obviously, it suffers a degree of light bruising, but its only for 30 seconds, once a year, and is equivalent to the levels of stress it would receive anyway when being monged by a traditional English cheesemonger.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with the ppl in Spain?

You have so twisted traditions and you have no Idea how to treat animals right.

You guys hang Galgos, or burn them alive. These dogs eat something like old bread.If they're lucky.They live in dark places with no contact with human what so ever.
Bullfights- well, is there something more brutal and cruel "fun" out there, and people pay to see this and thiks matadores are heros (hahaha, more like balless fagotts you mean?)
And whats up whit the bulls burned alive? Ommm, you're sick..
And the list goes on.. I think China and other asian countris are in same categoria whit Spain.

I bet in your country have a few good things and that a señoritas (i score everytime i visit there.so easy girls!)and food.

Anonymous said...

Soy gallego... Esto se hace por el bien de los animales, son caballos salvajes, y una vez al año se hace esto para controlarlos y cortarles el pelo para que no les estorbe.

De paso se controla la poblacion ya que esta en peligro.

Anonymous said...

Están tolos estes celtas!

Spain is the cheap country down south where people from the North vacation (and demand to eat the same food as they are used to at home).

Anonymous said...

Has anyone thought of the damage being inflicted when the horses are fighting (for their lives they think) to their spines? You take a horse that weighs maybe 600lbs (some less like the foals) and 2 people who collectively weigh 400lb and land them on their necks at 90degree angles and your going to do some spinal damage. Really people, at least put them in stanchions or something.

Roxy said...

Jane, you could not have put it better. Pai however, I think you missed the point all together.

Anonymous said...

This is really stupid, some horses could get their cut on accident or something. No matter what, one horse is going to hurt by the humans or others. Take an easier way to do the dam deed. It's just ridiclous :/

RenoBartender said...

of course the liberals cry brutality. If you don't like it click on the next link and try to open your mind to other peoples traditions. The world does not revolve around you OR your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

That's the wonderful thing about the internet: we can sit here on our fat behinds, look at pictures of people actually doing stuff, and make uneducated judgments about them - without ever leaving the comfort of our own homes.

Ride 'em, Cowboys!

Anonymous said...

Mongo only pawn... in game of life.

dezza uk said...

see the spanish allways have and allways will be cruel to animals in some way or another to make up for there small penis and yeah the english are in iraq killing civies but we love it just like you love hurtin animals so deal with it n dont make excuses

Anonymous said...

That's just wrong. Simply... just... wrong.

Nik, US Vet said...

For centuries communities have physically handled their horses without the use of drugs (sedation is not necissarily safer or gentler. The horse cultures of the Urasian stepps take a wild horse, throw a ropar around its neck, jump on and hold tight until the horse gives up and aceots the rider. When people bring their diogs and cat to the vet, we have to physically restraint them sometimes. For a large 200lb dog it can take 4-5 assistants to wrestle it down so we as vets can get a good look and treat. This actually makes it rather even. Its hand to hoof combat. About as even as it gets (actually the horses are way more dangerous to the humans than the we are to them.)

This is really no different than calf wrestling and it happens once a year for these horses, where as calves in rodeos do it show after show until they have no more fight.

There is no paid admission fee, it is not advertised as a tourist atraction. All the participants are locals pulling out thier own horses to branding them for identification. We brand horses and cattle here in the states, usually with out any sedatives or pain killers. We humans are doing much less physical damage to horses than would happen if ropes and darts were used.

JaneGael said...

Thank God you aren't my vet, Nik!!! Let's just ignore the fear and trauma caused by this, not to mention the pain of being throttled and thrown to the ground. Horses have to get hurt doing this, there is no way you can wrestle a large animal in a free-for-all with others egging you on and not cause pain. That a vet would support this is appalling. Or maybe you mean "veteran" and get off on being macho no matter who it hurts.

It's a tradition that needs to stop. Now!

mitchdcba said...

Thanks your article is delightful.
I will definitely read your blog..

gypsy horses

Anonymous said...

Tradition is just a weak excuse to hide behind, it means nothing. Look at the anger, hatred and violence on the faces of those people and the fear in the horses eyes. If the horses need to be branded then fine but don't make it an excuse to terrify and torment them and sorry... but what is the reason for cutting off their manes and tails? Trophy's for the barbarians I guess. In all that fear and adrenaline you can't tell me the knives and scissors are being used with care! It is a disgusting show of human depravity at it's worst. Shame on them, may they rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

A little excessive for a haircut.. Why the audience? I hope your first haircut did not look like this. There is no need to terrorize any animals. If you would like to accomplish this in a humane way, WHILE RESPECTING WILD HORSES.. then please contact WSPA WORLD SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS. I am sure they can assist you and your town with your branding and bring this processing into the 21st Century, where it does not offend the Horses or the better part of the Free World. RESPECT FOR HORSES. RESPECT FOR ANIMALS. RESPECT YOURSELVES.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


mary foley said...

i'm glad i'm not a horse or a bull in spain

Anonymous said...

It is a brutal abuse. The horses-even though they may not be killed- feel all the agony and pain they can feel! I don't understand why some people make excuses over this and how some people attend this attrocity. In the pictures you can see that we speak about savages. What on earth do they gain over this? A simply stupidity!

Moonflower said...

There are ways of marking and managing horses which do not include sick, sadistic, violent and ignorant mobs of bullies and brutes jumping in and terrifying the hell out of them. THIS IS ABUSE, THIS IS CRUEL. One only needs to look at their faces of the horses to see the fear in their eyes. And one only has to look at the faces of the people who are attacking these animals and then worry about what kind of mentality a human has, who would do such a thing !

SHAME ON YOU ALL who are involved in such an act - shame on those who allow it to continue !

I feel so sorry, my heart breaks for these horses :(

Scottishrose said...

what on earth is the matter with people that they need to be cruel to innocent animals to have fun!!!! they are sick and we are meant to be the most intelligent animal? I dont think so. My solution round them all up in a pen - the people i mean - and let some tigers or lions in on them and see if they are so brave.!!!
Horrible - we dont deserve to survive - so much cruelty - so little love.

Anonymous said...

"A universe is, indeed, to be pitied whose dominating inhabitants are so unconscious and so ethically embryonic that they make life a commodity, mercy a disease, and systematic massacre a pastime and a profession."
~ Professor J. Howard

Anonymous said...

"The thinking man must oppose all cruel customs no matter how deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of another, even the lowliest creature; not to do so is to renounce our manhood and shoulder a guilt which nothing justifies." - Albert Schweitzer --
Rituals and celebrations centered around violence are no way to celebrate togetherness, and killing live animals is no way to prove courage or maturity.

Anonymous said...

You don't have one heart for people and another for animals. Either you have a heart or you don't.
Brutality to animals is cruelty to mankind. It’s only the difference in the victim. Lamartime

"Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Anonymous said...

This kind of thing is not beneficial to the animals in anyway. It causes stress and to be fair that amount of pulling and strain on them could cause muscular injuries (much like any human would receive trying to fight off bullies at school). How about we take all the people who do this and stick them in a ring... Then allow a whole group of silver back gorillas to wrestle them to the floor to give them a hair cut!! The people would S**T themselves in fear, same principle and would never be allowed... Yet humans think they can do what the hell they like to any creature on this planet without any moral justifications other than "it's tradition"...or "it's fun"... to be honest it's bollox and shouldn't be allowed!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care what country this is, it looks awful. I can see the sadism and brutality. The horses must be stressed sick. I couldn't care less how many people are injured. Screw these 'traditions' - they just bring out and reinforce sadistic and violent behaviour tendencies in humans. These horses should not have to endure this treatment from an untrained unruly mob.

Anonymous said...

the horses need to be left alone, and do not need to be abused or have their hair cut. the wildlife should not be interfered with.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing rational about these images.They show the savage intent to harm animals that have no desire to be anywhere near maddened psychotic looking people.It looks like some kind of perverted orgy.The pictures say it all,This is sick and this festival is for losers,There are plenty of extinct festivals that were older than this and this should join them.Let these morons at this brain damage festival go find a tire to beat on and end this cowardly (yes ganging up on 1 creature is cowardly...) main cutting animal abuse perversion excuse to vent their frustrated useless emotions on.

Anonymous said...

To the Spanish people commenting on these pictures, I apologize for my countrymen (from the U.S. I assume) who appear to have completely lost touch with reality. I can't believe a horse having at most a day of discomfort as part of a 1,000 year old tradition is worth the outrage I am seeing here today.

Anonymous said...

Please don't come to my farm and take pictures on sheep shearing and foot trimming day--LOL!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
To the Spanish people commenting on these pictures, I apologize for my countrymen (from the U.S. I assume) who appear to have completely lost touch with reality. I can't believe a horse having at most a day of discomfort as part of a 1,000 year old tradition is worth the outrage I am seeing here today.

May 5, 2010 9:05 AM

Anonymous said...

« 'A Noble Heart' - a tale of Milly, a survivor of the annual Spanish galgo holocaust | Main

Galgueros deny hanging dogs - Lies, here's the proof the Spanish hunters hang their dogs!
Look carefully at Polo; he was found on 28th April 2010 wandering the streets of a town near Seville. Look carefully at his neck! He is a survivor of hanging! For whatever sickening, senseless, stupid reason, this poor galgo had been hung. Presumably his weight broke the line, or he would be dead by now. I cannot believe people walked on by and ignored this poor dog!

Galgos112 tell the story of his rescue.

His neck wound was open, the rope embedded in it, whilst people walked by and ignored him. Luckily Marcos caught him and moved heaven and earth to get save this dog. He contacted Galgos112 for help, loaded Polo into his car and drove more than 40km to our veterinarian. Within hours we were there, Marcos and his friends with Polo and Galgos112.

The wound was cleaned, Polo treated with serum, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication and much love.

We cannot understand why he was not dead; if he had not broken free, he would have died from the infection in his wound. But he now has a second chance of life, thanks to Marcos.

Polo is not out of danger yet, the wound is deep, almost 4 fingers, and there is a high risk of infection. Nor do we know if the damaged muscles and tendons will regenerate. The important thing now is to keep him alive, without pain, sleeping, eating, relaxing, and alive.

We shudder to think of how many Polos we are unable to save, because no one sees them. And those that say there is no hanging of galgos in Spain lie, and lie more because they will not address this subject. Those who could take action lie, because they continue to subsidise and protect hunting with galgos, and therefore permit galgueros to hang their dogs.

The galgueros say ‘we have never seen a galgo like this’. Strange! And still ordinary people, going to and from work, turn aside from galgos like Polo, half dead on the street.

Something is not right in Spain when this happens so often.

We know many of you follow us and know that many galgos are destroyed by their owners, or abandoned to their fate.

And still there are stories in newspapers and magazines which insist this is not true, that the cases reported are few and only isolated cases. We say ‘yes, they are isolated cases, thousands of isolated cases!’

What gives us hope is that we still find people who want to know the truth, that want this horror to end, so that there will never be abandoned dogs everywhere.

Thanks to everyone who helped Polo, especially Marcos, for being the only person who wanted to help Polo, to Nuria at the Simon Green Clinic – she is always ready to help Galgos112 in Seville, and to galgos Marite and Paqui who are comforting Polo so that he too can have the future they all deserve.

Click here to see all photos of rescue and intervention of Polo. Please note, these images may distress you.

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Beryl Brennan on May 04, 2010 in Regional news | Permalink


Anonymous said...

The Rapa Das Bestas is an ancient horse wrestling festival in Galicia, Spain, where people gather some 600-700 untamed horses in a corral, and men and women of all ages brutally wrestle them to the ground with their bare hands to cut their manes and tales out and brand them. Townspeople claim they are doing it for the horses since many of these are wild horses; the branding is needed to ensure they are protected. Not only does the event cause great distress for the animals, if branding is needed, wild horses should be gently handled using humane chutes. Cutting of the horses' manes and tails removes the horses' natural defenses from flying insects. While the people of Galicia find see this cruel festival as a tradition, officials state that horse wrestling is a %u201Dpart of life%u201D.

This fiesta goes on for about three days starting the first Saturday of July. Please take action and demand a stop on this festival!

Anonymous said...

I am weary to the bone seeing how moronic idiots continue to torment living creatures just for entertainment. These horses are clearly terrified! There is not one ounce of need for anything so horrendous and it's things like this that perpetuate animal cruelty. Allowing children to participate teaches them nothing except that animals have no value as independent beings, but rather are for nothing more than food, clothing and entertainment. They will then teach their own children the same sick "values". This needs to be stopped!

Anonymous said...

Amazing to say they're frightened for just a few minutes - that's like telling a woman just to lay back and enjoy being raped...it will be over quickly! What BS!! No wonder male energy and ego is destroying the entire planet!

Febrina Limanto said...

Oh God... This has to stopped!!!!! humans are heartless lately... they become monters... Im so sick of it!!!!!

lynda chabane said...

This may well be a tradition in Galicia, but we should be working to abolish any form of cruelty against animals, not encourging more of it. Ok, the horses need branding, why their manes and tails have to be cut is absurb...for what reason. These horses are wild, distressed and absolitely terrified by such treatment, that is clear to see by the photos. Why can you not simply corrall them and single them out one by one and brand them??? Easier and much safer, for humans and the horses surely. The problem there will be it will not be such of a spectacle for the viewers and thats all this is about!! Too many atrocities already in Spain..the Bullfighting, the plight of the Galgos and the stray dogs that suffer every day...please think of a kinder method and gain the respect of all those that really care for animals. You have a beautiful country only spoiled by its lack of animal welfare. Thankyou.

Anonymous said...


Fulgum said...

Because it is a 'tradition' and has been going on for millenia does not make it RIGHT!

Moonflower said...

Never hate a nation as a whole because of cruelty unless our/your own country is completely free of it - which no country is. Dispise and oppose the act of cruelty and those who partake in it, and a law which allows it to continue. There is good and bad in every country, some worse than others but not everyone there is to blame for these cruel acts. I work along side of many wonderful people in Spain, who are as horrified and ashamed of this cruelty, as we are. And in fact if it were not for these wonderful people there working FOR the animals, we would never know of such cruelty or be able to join hands to try to stop it. So thank you to those who have brought such issues to the world wide public and know that we will do what we can to help these animals.

Anonymous said...

Bastardos de mierda que defendeis con tanto ahínco? por mucha tradición que sea no deja de ser un maltrato.Vosotros sois los que no teneis ni zorra idea de como tratar a un animal. No hace falta comparar con los toros ni con cabras defenestradas ni pollos decapitados porque la esencia es la misma, esa no es forma de tratar a ningun ser vivo! y si la excusa es que tradicionalmente se ha hecho así, ya va siendo hora de evolucionar ostias!!!

Anonymous said...

It should be needless to say that not everyone in Spain is like this bunch of arsholes without brain and of course most of the spanish people dont support this kind of folklore :/

Anonymous said...

I am not Spanish. To say Fucking Spanish, is racist. To say you are outraged, YES rightly so. TO say fucking stupid abuse..can not agree with you more than I already do.

Basically humans everywhere are destroying, torturing...its endless. It is one of the darkest hours of man when this abuse goes on. Humans are so destructive! Just look at anyone one human. Maybe they look like a nice guy? It is not what we seem to be..it is what we do, what we say that matters. And the there is always a price to pay. I want everyone to know this horses abuse have been reported.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok I'm going to guess that most of the people who comment saying good things about this, don't own a horse, have never ridden a horse, or even been near one. I own a horse and trust me that half the things you see the horses doing means it hurts them. And yes, there is abuse in this. Cutting off a horse's tail is causing them to sit in flies. They use their tails to shoo flies away so without their tails they're unprotected against them. It doesn't seem like that much to you, but just imagine having a hundred flies every hour on you and you not having hands to swat them away. That's what a horse's tail is.

So it may not seem cruel to you, but to horse owners and lovers it's extremely unsightly and frankly it just pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

that is just horrible, give these poor horses a brake people, get ur life organised

Anonymous said...

animal abusers? Bloody idiots, fight for all those in meat factories called industrial farms or those human dying while you type on your ipad made with the suffering of explotation. Get a life and get more information. Tontos del culo (igual que los paletos que mezclan el asunto politico)

Anonymous said...

What do the illiterate do ?

Ohhh... They post comments here.

Anonymous said...

thats seriously sick.

Anonymous said...

Those pcitures are very unfortunate. It's not like that, you can youtube some videos if you want.
I specially don't like the guy pulling the tail. That sure must hurt.
You usually hold a horse around the neck.

Actually, no one 'wrestles' the horses.
They struggle, of course, but that's what any animal would do if a bunch of crazy people were around them to hold them. My cat does too when I have to bath her, I'm just big enough to hold them without hurting her. But horses are way bigger!

They just hold them, cut their manes, brand them (now that's done with microchips, not with hot iron) and give them proper vaccination and such.
Once they are clean and it's know they are healthy, they are released and left alone for another year.

I wouldn't do that, horses smell foul. But it's that or using expensive tranquilizer darts and being able to brand and vaccine less of them, or leave them alone and die in some epidemic like they did many times before.

Anonymous said...

A toda la gente defendiendo esta mierda: que les corten la crin para identificarlos no es ninguna razón para que este 'festival' siga occuriendo, pues existen otros métodos para ello. No parece haber otros métodos para demostrar la "hombría", eso sí. El hecho de que a los caballos no se les haga "heridas" no significa que no estén siendo maltratados: se les somete a estrés, y por la forma como se los agarra de la crin y se los derriba, es evidente que acaban siendo golpeados, incluso aunque no sea por lastimarlos sino por hacerlos tumbar. This is no better than bullfighting, in the end.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious and Awesome

Anonymous said...

it may be cruel, but im sure these people dedicate most of their time to take care of horses and im sure that they treat them with more respect than most people treat their dogs or even their family.

Santi said...

1st. Today the Rapa das Bestas is like a show, a turistic event in many places but a few years ago It was just a work to do once a year. In Galicia the horses are running wild all the year in our mountaisn. Once a year we bring them down the mountains to cut their hair and hoofs. The best way to do this is to lie down the horses in the floor, and that is not easy. To mark them we do just a little pierce in one of the ears. So now compare it with the way of life of the horses elsewhere. This is not a joy to suffer the annimals, is just a job to care them that is made just like centuries ago. Nothing to injury or to torture them like in Spanish bullfights or things like that. Anyway I think the title of this article is very unfortunate.

Santi said...

And another thing. Those horses don´t use horseshoes, they don´t need riders because they run free all the year except one day. Obiouslly many people think that put 4 horseshoes to this animals don´t make any stress if we compare it with the "Rapa". I think a horse can have less stressfull moments to be cleaned and a better care but please be realistic. Do you know many places in western Europe where horses can run free during the year? Is a better life the one of horses elsewhere? If you wold like to change thinks in the way of life of Galician communities to make better this work, what that means? The same that happen since a few years with the milky cows? keep them in a farm all their lifes? Put youself in the place of a hose, yes that clean and beautifull horses forma clean and tidy barn. What do you preffer? to be marked whith red iron once on your life or a little ear pearcing instead? run free all the year or just for a while you stay inside your owners farm? to have cuted your hear and just the longest part (not everything)of your tail or to have almost everyday a saddle an a human over you? In Galicia we have problems in the countryside, and one of them is that nor for humans or animals wath many European people think is progress means a better life for us. Please, try to think about this in the properlly context. What means for the commonwealth owned horses to be cared in other way? More money? meaby, is that possible? an army of veterinarians going across the Galician mountains to do this job? beliveme, is not that easy. This is not the bloody bullfight and who compare it with that doesn´t make any favour to abolish that horrific thing. Please don´t be demagogue. Galicia has today the biggest horse lifestock in the Spanish state. Most of them run free in the mountains. The commonwealth cattle and horses are not vey usual in todays Europe. Please try first to understund the entire context and be clever to see what is just a sensationalist report. Come to Galicia and see it by yourselves.

Keisha said...

All of you who thinks that the people getting disgusted by this totally pointless animal abuse are "hypocrites" because people are getting killed in Iraq - what exactly is wrong with you? What relevance does it have? What on earth do You know about what other issues or world problems engages others?
As having worked with horses all my life I think this kind of treatment is seriously damaging the future confidence towards humans, these horses will probably always feel fear of abuse and lack of trust for humans.

What surprises me is that women are participating in this stupid abuse. That men, to some extent, always have found some kind of sic pleasure in hurting, killing, abusing other (weaker) beings is something I have realised over the years, but to see women participating makes me chocked and sad.

Nestor said...

I live in Spain and never heard of this. Ask 100 Spaniards and 99 would say they have no idea what this is.

Looks like a good way to get your head opened by a hoof

Unknown said...

No puedo creer que este leyendo tanta gilipollez junta. Creo que ya han defendido con los argumentos adecuados esta tradicion lo suficiente. Sin embargo las criticas se reactivan una y otra vez por culpa de gente que NUNCA ha estado alli ni sabe de lo que habla y que opina desde su casa porque ve una imagen de un caballo salvaje resistiendose a una inmovilizacion (no se de que otra forma se le podria cortar el pelo). Probablemente estas mismas personas dejan sin pasear a su chihuahua hasta que orina en la alfombra, le pegan por eso, y luego se comen un filete de cerdo pensando que crece en los congeladores de los supermercados. Lo que veo es mucho "susurrador" al oido de los caballos que no ha visto nunca uno de cerca. El que quiera ver sin aditivos sensacionalistas en que consiste la rapa que mire esto:



For English translation use google translator or learn Spanish.

Anonymous said...

Seems that spanish ppl like to abuse animals... and this is their whole culture. xP

Instead of this cruelty start working you lazy asses...

Anonymous said...

That's horrible. That's like making a sport out of wrestling people, but instead of one on one with equal weaponry you crowd people into a ring, so crowded they can barely move, and let people launch themselves at them without any hindrances.

Note to self: If i ever take one step into spain, spit on the ground and then leave.

Anonymous said...

@anon, except whites evolved unlike the people pictured above. Also, If I knew who you were I'd smack your face...1000 times.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but that is just plain stupid and just abuseing horses even if it is a "Tradition"

Anonymous said...

A professionally crafted buy logos is one of the greatest blessings for a company; whether it is big or small. It gives them an identity of their own and makes them different from others.

Shame on you said...

For starters thats alot of STRESS on the horse's, they need the hair on the tail to swat at insects from biting them all over.
Never having a human hand placed on them then being grabbed all over in a harsh manner BS it is crule.
you know nothing about kindness and love

Anonymous said...

Wow, the spanish sure do like to abuse animals, Got a bit of a reputation for it, bull fighting, wrestling with horses, wew your messing with two of the largest and strongest animals on the planet, clearly under estimating horses and bulls, ar well, horses and bulls will prove wrong one day....

Anonymous said...

A Galcian horse raised in captivity is something very weird. The horses are raised in the wild (we don't see the point of keeping the horse in captivity unless it's going to help with farming or you're going to ride it) with barely human intervention, which only happens when striclty necessary. The Rapa, is one of these cases when it's necessary.

Horses get their hair cut because Galcians forests (they cover 2/3 of the territory) are thick and full of toxos, a kind of bush with thorns instead of leaves (google it to see how it looks) and many bugs that can make a horse ill. If not cut, their hair (the fur is sometimes also needed to be cut, by the way) can get tangled in a bush and they can hurt themselves or become ill from infections.

During this event (which IS NOT A FESTIVAL), foals and pregnant mares are taken to another part so they don't get hurt. The ones who remain are the males, and then two things can happen:

1. When an animal (humans included) is grabbed by the neck, their first reaction is to try to get free. At first the horse thinks that you're a predator that wants to kill him, but they do calm down and don't need to be held down against the ground. In fact, some horses allow to be ridden afterwards.

2. Why do some horses have to be holded down against the ground? Because horses, like all animals, have alphas. And if you grab an alpha, the horse will take it as a challenge.

The point here is not being incredible strong. As we say in Galicia: "más vale maña que fuerza", in other words, skill always wins against strenght. The ones dealing with the horses are their owners, and they had learned from little how to handle them without actually hurting them.

The ones you should worry about are the humans, they're the ones that end in the hospital.

And talking about hospitals... During the Rapa das Bestas, horses get their wounds threated and desinfected. However, they're wild and don't like to get grabbed.

And no, sedating them is not an option; in fact, it's a bad idea. The only way to sedate them without grabbing them first would be by shooting the horses, which would scare the rest. It can get the horse killed, either because the rest of the horses may stomp over it or because the horse falls down a hill full of rocks(Galicia is not even and rocks, contrary to popular belief, are not soft).

Why do the aloitadores use their hands? It's the safest way to hold the horse. The other option would be a rope, and then you risk suffocating the horse.

Aslo, as I said before, this is not a festival. It's a tradition that takes place every year to check the horses. Why all the people? THAT is another Galician tradition: our community is important for us, so we do practically everything together, to the point that everyone in your town will know who are you marrying and when because someone has announced it (with a big poster).

The job is tiring (horses are not exactly weak), and aloitadores need to eat and rest. By tradition, all neighbors will help with the job in some way.

Anonymous said...

espero que la humanidad cambie para bien...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is neat. They are not killing or torturing them, so freaking out about it is unnecessary. There are far worse animal games that exist in history, and this is an interesting and silly one! lolz I'm sure many humans get injured though, but everyone looks pretty happy. :D

Anonymous said...

Just because they aren't getting killed to get their mane and tail cut does not mean they don't feel any pain while you are doing so,and you would not know because you are not the horse.The amount of abuse these horses look like they are getting is unbearable,I think this tradition is stupid and needs to stop.I hope people have died during this festival by the horse,and I hope people do in the near future if this carries on.It's disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling more humans are injured than horses in this practice but I really fail to see the necessity of it. Why do they do this? What is the point of cutting their mane and tail? That is their defense against flies and other insects. The horses in the pictures do look to be frightened but they are not being roped and thrown or shot or even drugged from the sounds of it so their terror is short lived but I would also think it would severely hamper their future ability to trust humans which may or may not be a good thing in their case.

Unknown said...

How freaken barbaric. I fail to see the glory or entertainment value in this

Joe Mitchell said...

Some brilliant photos of the festival. I have to agree with the majority of others who posted here - a bit cruel on the horses if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

Afinal quem são as bestas?
As de duas ou quatro patas.
É bem evidente que são as de duas.
Tradição, tradição que venha a Santa Inquisição e que lance na fogueira as BESTAS 1que tanto sofrimento e terror causam nos pobres animais

Anonymous said...

OK lets start from the beginning, American's and other people love to see the things through their cultural perspective, people wants to report this to PETA although the UNESCO considers it a Intangible Human Good, and I promise there is better animal rights protectors inside the UNESCO than iside PETA.

1 It's easy to take the pictures as a cruel act, you should cheek a damn video on how this is done. I love animals, I'm against traditions on my country like Bull Fighting or San Fermines where cruelty is inherently intrinsic on them.

1 These are the last wild horses of Europe, and they are there because of this tradition. No I don't mean that they are kept for the tradition, 1 The animals are trimmed to protect them from ticks and flees, 2 the animals before and after go through a veterinarian checkout. They control that no disease affects the last remaining wild horses of the continent.

2 Yes it could be made different, but sometimes what your eyes see is knot the reality. This people trains all year round on the techniques on how to do this, they don't train with horses of course, and only the people who trains can perform this task no one else is allowed inside.

Why I mention this, because par average taking down the horse and trim it is less than 3 minutes, they are independent studies that were accepted by the UNESCO showing that no serious bruces or contusions happen during the process.

It gets me angry, because you worry about something you don't know or understand at all, somebody posts a few images out of context, you don't check the independent studies, and not only that PETA Spain is completely aware of this and they have never been against it based on the fact that they payed their own studies that showed what I'm saying.

While you complain, you go and eat chicken coming from mass production plants treated inhumanely, not to mention milk cows, wool sheep, pork crates and all the tremendous horrific stuff that farm animals suffer in the US.

And let me repeat it in the US, because in the region where this tradition happens there is also a long tradition on only eat products from the land, and their farm animals still are grown in tradition manners, actually they are a huge exporter of ethical and organic meat derivates to the North and Center of Europe.

Anonymous said...

Saxon people is not only idiotic but hypocrite. If you trace a line through Madrid and you look at the North you will find some of the Regions of Europe that are more aware of Animal welfare, already two states on the North Backed bullfighting, and surveys show that exempt for Navarra, more than 85% of Northen Spaniards are against bullfighting and they expect that it will get banned.
Catalonia was the first region in the whole European Union on closing public animal shelters and giving the money yearly to non profits who take care of stranded animals. These non profits have the mandate to keep the animals in great conditions until they find an owner and there is not a time set, no animal is sacrificed in the Non Profit shelters unless it's for medical needs.

The rules on animal farming are among the hardest in the World, California passed their new rules based on what the Bascs, Catalans and Galician people imposed many years ago. Still California went half way through because their farming industry though the rules were too harsh for them.

Some of the Northen States mandate that there is a slaughterhouse in every county, so animals don't suffer stress due to transport, and there has been a huge investment on techniques to have the animals half way slept in the slaughter houses so they are out of stress there. No animal can be sacrificed out of a slaughter house.

Catalonia has in place some of the hardest penalties in the world on animal cruelty, and together with 5 other regions have tried several times to get laws to incarcerate people who harm animals, or people who neglect animals.

Anonymous said...

hose are competencies of the Central government and they can not be decided by the States.

Catalonia was the first place in the world where big apes where ban on medical experimentation, and one of the regions that pushed harder to ban any cosmetic in the EU that has been experimented with animals.

Put your bullshit together. I can believe also how many stupid comments, I've been in this tradition a couple times, I was with line of the vets that checks the animals.

1 They are timed to keep ticks and other parasites away during the summer, yes it could be done in a different fashion, but these animals have survived wild because humans took care of them once a year.

2 There is no ear mutilation allowed in the 4 main villages where this is done, and those who do it are excluded from the touristic guides about these traditions.

3 These animals are checked before and after by vets, they get shots to protect them from several diseases.

There is a reason why the last herds of wild European horses are in Galicia, and not in your countries, people care for them. It may look brutal but I've been with the vets and they keep records, if any animal is injured, the videos are check and the persons involved are not allowed inside the square for 2 years.

I hate the saxon hypocrisy, you only care about things that don't affect your life style, when it turns to fight for proper conditions of farm animals, or in the case of the US better shelters you don't move a damnn finger, may be it will rise your taxes or may be the price of the food for your burgers, even those animals suffer the worst conditions and mishandling you can imagine, they are tortured since they are born until the day they die.

I live now in the US, I can shop meat because as a vet myself I've seen what is done. Luckilly there is a few people who do the right thing, I have a local farmer pasture raised beef and cow, cage free traditional space for hences, and pigs with a lot of space to do whatever they please them. The funniest part, as for any other local farmer in Maryland, most of the customers are from somewhere else but the US. Americans complain it's expensive they prefer their level 2 meat from whole foods, they feel good about it, Level 2 is industrial rises animals which tinny space and no need of natural light. But since they leveled the food through the humane society, they have seen that that is the level their hypocrite customers are shilling to get, to the point that many supper markets don't offer level 3 and level 4 is rarely found anywhere.

Not to mantion that your index of abandoned animals is higher than any Western country, the shelters kill the animals after 10 days almost everywhere in the country, and there is not clear legislation on maintaining wild animals at home, so thousands of tigers, lions, chimps etc are kept by owners in tinny spaces without the minimum conditions that a 19th century zoo would offer.

Ohh not to forget, last place in the West where Orca Whales are kept in captivity and used for shows, Americans are number one customers of swim with dolphins in the Caribbean, (dauphins that lip he par average 3 years, come from Japanese dolphin slaughtering, and they tend to drawn on purpose to die due to the conditions they live in, but you like to maintain that industry, that one makes a lot of sense.

Not to mention that you are the first consumer of Fur in the West after Russia. Keep your shit together and culture yourselves a bit before speaking, this tradition is controlled and just putting a bunch of out of context pictures does not make it inhumane, as said it keeps alive and wild roaming the last herds of Horses on Europe.

Anonymous said...

OK lets start from the beginning, American's and other people love to see the things through their cultural perspective, people wants to report this to PETA although the UNESCO considers it a Intangible Human Good, and I promise there is better animal rights protectors inside the UNESCO than iside PETA.

1 It's easy to take the pictures as a cruel act, you should cheek a damn video on how this is done. I love animals, I'm against traditions on my country like Bull Fighting or San Fermines where cruelty is inherently intrinsic on them.

1 These are the last wild horses of Europe, and they are there because of this tradition. No I don't mean that they are kept for the tradition, 1 The animals are trimmed to protect them from ticks and flees, 2 the animals before and after go through a veterinarian checkout. They control that no disease affects the last remaining wild horses of the continent.

2 Yes it could be made different, but sometimes what your eyes see is knot the reality. This people trains all year round on the techniques on how to do this, they don't train with horses of course, and only the people who trains can perform this task no one else is allowed inside.

Why I mention this, because par average taking down the horse and trim it is less than 3 minutes, they are independent studies that were accepted by the UNESCO showing that no serious bruces or contusions happen during the process.

It gets me angry, because you worry about something you don't know or understand at all, somebody posts a few images out of context, you don't check the independent studies, and not only that PETA Spain is completely aware of this and they have never been against it based on the fact that they payed their own studies that showed what I'm saying.

While you complain, you go and eat chicken coming from mass production plants treated inhumanely, not to mention milk cows, wool sheep, pork crates and all the tremendous horrific stuff that farm animals suffer in the US.

And let me repeat it in the US, because in the region where this tradition happens there is also a long tradition on only eat products from the land, and their farm animals still are grown in tradition manners, actually they are a huge exporter of ethical and organic meat derivates to the North and Center of Europe.

Unknown said...

We have 'wild' ponies in the U.K too. New Forest Ponies are also rounded up and branded. Tails are cut, but in a distinctive pattern to enable identification, and I believe they are also inoculated/wormed and given reflective collars to protect them on the roads. However wrestling is not necessary as the ponies are funneled from a corral into an individual pen where they can be be more safely handled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-HqC0CGD9U

Unknown said...

Cutting the horse's hair and removing parasites/having them checked by a vet is bad now? How about the american rodeos? Where animals get abused, receive electric discharges, etc FOR NO REASON AT ALL until they are basically dead ? That's animal cruelty and not this... Use your brain

Anonymous said...



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