1957 vs. 2007

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A few examples to show the difference between the 1957 and the 2007 American society:

Scenario #1: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.
1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.
2007 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark… Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Read full entry

Scenario #2: Jeffrey won’t be still in class, disrupts other students.
1957 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the Principal… Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
2007 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin… Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario #3: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor’s car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1957 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.
2007 - Billy’s dad is arrested for child abuse… Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang… State psychologist tells Billy’s sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison… Billy’s Mom has affair with psychologist.

Scenario #4: Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.
1957 - Mark shares aspirin with Principal out on the smoking dock.
2007 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations… Car searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario #5: Pedro fails high school English.
1957 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.
2007 - Pedro’s cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro’s English teacher… English banned from core curriculum… Pedro given diploma anyway… but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario #6: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.
1957 - Ants die.
2007 - ATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home… computers confiscated. Johnny’s Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario #7: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary… Mary hugs him to comfort him.
1957 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2007 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison… Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

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164 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Well, good thing is that I don't live in USA. Bad thing is that Europe is catching up :(

Anonymous said...

Where are the references for these "news" items? Have these events actually happened or are you just "making s#&t up"?

biotv said...

"News" items...?

Anonymous said...

Blameitonthevoices, by voices do you mean this article:


That you ripped off verbatim without giving any sort of credit?

biotv said...

You can find this text in about a million places on the internet. I just found it on a forum. And I gave a "sort of credit" to that site.

I can't understand why the internet is so full of haters...

Jimmy B said...

Wow... raise your hand if you totally missed the point of all that.

Scenario #8: XCO tells a joke
1957: People laugh
2007: Anonymous/blameitonthevoices can't appreciate the joke without proper citation

MommyOh said...

Ditto Jimmy B!!! :)

Anonymous said...

foarte tare!!!! that romanian for good stuff!!

Cultist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Scenario: You have a heart attack

1957: You die
2007: You're given drugs not available in 1957 which save your life

Anonymous said...

Assuming you have health insurance that is ... if you don't, the hospital leaves you out on the street to die.

Anonymous said...

Scenario 8: A black guy wants to go to school.

1957: Tough shit. Should have thought about that before being born black.
2007: Guy goes to school. Nothing is said.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and this article convinced me to block your site so I never see it again on Stumble.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Jimmy guy and why the hell does he keep going back to school?

Anonymous said...

thank you, Anon, I hate these stupid little things praising "the good ole days". The fact is that most of those examples represent rare abuses by laws that generally are extremely beneficial. The reason why these "issues" didn't exist in the 1950's is because the law and people in general preferred to ignore the terrible issues of child abuse, racism, homophobia, drug abuse, and the rest. News flash people, ignoring problems doesn't make them go away. In fact, the 50's were only great for the wealthy and middle class white americans, and even then, as Catcher in the Rye suggests, it wasn't all that peachy keen for them either. The only thing that's changed since then is that liberals have forced all of you to pull the veil from your eyes. Even while the Teapartiers and the rest desperately cling to it, the reality is right there in our faces, and thank god we're finally doing something about it.

Anonymous said...

1957; People know Cathcer in the Rye is a silly book geared to self pitying addolescents
2009; People think the book is a serious social commentary.

Anonymous said...

Mildly concealed white anger and resignation is funny!

Anonymous said...

What is this conservative BS? Does anyone actually believe anything in this post is really representative of core differences between now and 50 years ago? This is anti-progressive idiocy. You conservative monkeys need to evolve. The world would change for the better if you let it.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this before, CNN traced it's origin. It wasn't written by a sociologist or a psychologist. It doesn't even have any facts or evidence to support any of the claims it makes. many of the things it claims happens on a daily basis in modern times aren't true. A columnist literally came up with this off the top of his head, it's rubbish.

Anonymous said...

I don't care who wrote it, the fact of the matter is, it's fairly close to the truth. The politically correct spineless wonders are allowing the country to fall apart through lack of discipline and backbone. Was it really so bad in 1957? Walk into any classroom in North America now and look how children behave. In 1957 when the teacher walked into the classroom silence fell, children sat up straight and paid attention.

Evan said...

Holy crap guys...


Why can't people laugh at things anymore? Today it's all bout getting enraged about shit that doesn't really matter in the first place.

Scenario: Parents pretend their kid is floating away in a balloon.

1959: Police investigate, parents get in trouble for filing false report. Average citizen reads about it in the paper.

2009: Entire country watches the drama unfold on any one of four news networks. All useful info is disregarded in favor of sensationalistic journalism. Parents get smack on the wrists and probable reality show deal.

Anonymous said...

The article though fairly made up has decent points, today's culture freaks out about seemingly normal things.

But overall life is far better in the year 2009 verses the beginning of consumerism in 57'. People were miserable in the 50-60's, trying desperately to live the American dream all living in the same houses and denying their suffering because they had to act accordingly. This is when consumerism really began to take a foothold and its effects are felt today.

If I had to choose a time to live in I would say the future.

Anonymous said...

If the point is that the children of the past led more wholesome lives, the point is lost.

If their childhood was so great they would have grown up and raised children the way they were raised. The kids from the 60's are raising the kids of now, so clearly their past was flawed as well.

Anonymous said...

This is a reactionary article that longs for the "good old days" that never were. If everything were so perfect back in the day, why did people see fit to bring in the new, albeit imperfect measures you criticize? The reason there are people who molest children is because they themselves had troubled childhoods(see MJ). Call it liberal claptrap if you will, but psychology is science, and to deny that merely exposes all the more your backwardness.

Anonymous said...

1957: I wasn't alive, and the pictures of the fifties look pretty, so I'm gonna assume it was all peachy.

2007: I was alive and able to see many localized problems blown out of proportion by the media. Tyranny!

Anonymous said...

2007. Susan is mistakenly stranded at the mall while hanging out with friends, uses cell phone and gets a ride home.

1957. Susan is stranded then abducted unable to call anyone for help.

If your going to go to crazy extremes the future still wins. Your a pessimist, every form of technology is getting better, life is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! Did you reviewers grow up in fucking bubble wrap? What the fuck? Seriously. I thought this was just some fun satire, but you all are taking this to the extreme. Hey, here's a fucking clue - maybe we can all agree racism and homophobia is bad, but so is the fucking govt. micro-managing Johnny's aspirins. Or would that all be too logical? Has the govt. really convinced you that they know best and you all believe it? That's partially what this is pointing out. How, thanks to lawsuits and the govt., our children play on playground equipment that's so damn safe it looks like geriatric equipment. No wonder kids are fat and lazy today. Stuffing their faces in front of a TV is a hell of a lot easier than hearing some overly -concerned adult nag them about the plastic knife they brought to school to cut their sandwich or that they should be wearing a helmet when riding a bike, or skateboarding is illegal in the parks... I'd give up too and just ask for some Ritalin to numb the pain. Is that going overboard? Ya think!

Well, might you reviewers also consider some moderation? You know about moderation, don't you?

Flying fuck! I had no idea we have so many overly sensitive humans roaming the planet... oh wait, I forgot - I see them everyday in govt. wringing their hands over all this crap.

Wow... good luck.

*I normally reserve my gutter mouth for outrage. And these reviews did it. I know some real whiners, but fortunately none of this caliber dares darken my doorway. I'd have their tiny balls kicked out the door in seconds flat. I disdain this sort of humor-less, drone-like weakness and inability to use critical thinking skills.

Kruiz said...

For some reason, I don't think Mr. "Boohoo government" was crying during the unprecedented expansion that took place in the fed over the last 8 years.

Just drink some Coors and rock some Skynard, you can delude yourself into thinking it's 1976 again buddy.

douG said...

anon, typical liberal, no sense of humor unless of course it's a personal attack on anyone who has a different viewpoint....grow up

roy said...

its funny cause ts true
its sad because so many people cant seem to find it funny and end up fighting:(

Anonymous said...

People read a funny social commentary

1950: Laugh and go on to the next topic

2009: Act like its the end of the world and attack the messenger.

Can people just take a chill pill. This has nothing to do with liberal versus conservative. It just sheds light on much of the idiocracy in our society.

Anonymous said...

This is so true, well done. Society has lost its direction we need another world war.

The Baldchemist said...

I quite like this. Problem is 1957 kids are the parents of the 2007 arseholes.
Something went wrong with the reasoning here.
But I certainly wouldn't treat my kids the way I was treated in '57.

Anonymous said...

Oh gods win.

Anonymous said...

Its because of baby boomers

Anonymous said...

Lest we forget,
James uses the public water fountain and goes to the movies with his girlfriend.
57- James is black so he cannot use the fountain, he is later seen at the movies with his white girlfriend, both holding hands, and it beaten and dragged behind a truck. No investigation into his death is started.
07-They enjoy the movie and go home after.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a simplistic worldview...

Anonymous said...

These are not jokes. They are not funny. They are not true. They are nothing, as is this site. Look in the mirror to find 1957.

baron stencho said...

nostalgia is invariably caused by a distorted view of the past.

Anonymous said...

1957: Johnny asks a girl out. Johnny is black, the girl is white. Johnny is hanged by an angry mob.

2008: Johnny asks a girl out. Johnny is black, the girl is white. She says yes, and they are very happy together.

Anonymous said...

So, basically it was better when it was alright to abuse children physsically!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Beaver and Happy Days are not accurate historical representations of the 1950's. The 'good old days' everybody wishes we could return to never existed. Things still sucked, just in different, usually worse ways. I kind of laughed at the guy who thought 1897 was the high point of American civilization, though. Seriously, pick up a history book. Am I a bad person now for not simply agreeing with the writer and moving on, as some of you say?

James said...

Fail. Please show your work next time.

john said...

is it not possible for there to be good things in the 1950's AND now? things have changed for better, things have changed for worse.

get over it and make the best of what you have because whatever it is that you have, it's better then the people who live in extreme poverty in africa!3

Anonymous said...

Try working in a school and see how true this is. Children should be protected, but not to the point where they control the schools. The kids know the system and use it to manipulate the system, and bully each other without consequences. The pendulum has swung so far that the public schools are broken.

Anonymous said...

Kids are rude now, think they deserve respect, will get none, then find themselves buying guns to get it, get jail, then of course, no job. After all this they might become the terrorists we are currently "at war" with. Go terror!

Anonymous said...

It is kind of silly how everyone who is going on about how liberal or conservative this little joke is are just calling each other names. Maybe instead of wasting your time trying to belittle someone who posted a -joke- you could put more effort into raising your own children, instead of telling others that what they're doing is wrong.

Anonymous said...

This is a joke?
I thought jokes were supposed to be funny?

A teacher said...

1955: People watch Blackboard Jungle, sympathize with Glenn Ford, and think schools, and by extension America, are going to rot. Reader's Digest writes a blurb about how much better it was in 1931, conveniently leaving out the depression, the millions of unemployed, the dust bowl, and the rise of fascism in Europe and Asia. The remaining Joads read it and are pissed.

2009: Nostalgic tripe on the internet (internet: post 1950's) make people think that everything was hunky dory back in the 50's, conveniently leaving out gender and racial inequalities, the resurgence of the KKK, the Korean War, HUAC, overthrowing the government in Guatemala, bomb shelters and the red menace, and watching TV on your enormous 15" RCA console while eating Spam for dinner.

I'm a middle school teacher and in my experience none of the scenarios are anywhere close to reality. #1 -No, we don't let bullies get away with beating up other kids, and we don't call SWAT. #2 -No, we don't drug kids. Parents make those choices based on a doctor's examination. Sometimes my opinion is sought, but they do what they think is best for their child. Some-days I'd love to Prozac mist a class, but I can't. #3 -If Billy gets whipped with a belt for accidentally breaking a window his father is wrong and is in need of help. Seriously, whipping a kid? #4 -That's just ridiculous. Where'd you hear that Ditto-head? #5 -Again, Ditto-head. Site your sources. #6 -What are you, a Branch Davidian? ATF? FBI? Homeland Security? Really? #7 -That would have to be some hug. I could use a hug like that.

Defenders - just because you call someone on their posts doesn't make you a hater. Sure this is satire, and sure the author wanted to exaggerate, but I know plenty of people who think this stuff is true and that our country is really like this. Comments such as kids "control the schools," and "public schools are broken" are gross simplifications and founded upon base ignorance and are simply not true. This kind of post just feeds this ignorance so why not call them out?

Anonymous said...

What an exaggeration. People were NOT that lenient 50 years ago! My parents were honest about how they were raised. Discipline was used and mischievous kids stayed mischievous even after being disciplined. And I was going to school when they enacted zero tolerance, but we didn't care. Everyone thought it was so ridiculous that we didn't change a thing. I got into a fist fight and got off, and I always had Ibuprofen at school. And half my family is on the "terrorist watch list" (it's by random selection- we didn't do anything) and we can still fly. It's meaningless! Why does everyone insist our generation has dumbed down?

Anonymous said...

Reading these comments made me lose faith in humanity.

Anonymous said...

Racist. Also shopped.

Anonymous said...

Johny was given a list to go local market and grab a few things. His mother listed cigarettes, Johny is only 10 years old.
1957: The store clerk happily hands Johny the cigarettes. Boy, and five cents for a pack!
2007: The store clerk asks, "Can I see your I.D please." Boy leaves disapoint

Anonymous said...

1957: funny item on interest shared with general population. Everyone laughs!

2009: Funny item posted on internet. Ridiculed and turned into political debate by those who only criticize and never want to post a solution.

Solution: Except that humanity is a naturally aggressive force that internally destroys itself and will continue to do so until it obliterates itself into extinction. Sad, but i don't know what will make you guys get along even when it is just a joke.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is completely biased. Why is there no mention of computers, NASA, the space program in general, increased life expectancy, vast improvements in medical technology, vehicle safety, increased literacy and the significant decrease in racism. You can't just say, 'the world sucks' and try to sound as if everything is fucked and make yourself look like a pessimist. The shit you're criticizing is what makes you happy. If you want 1957, go find Doc Brown.

Anonymous said...

oh my god people calm down its the internet

Anonymous said...

funny post...

everyone who freaked about it one way or the other, you all take things way to seriously.

Brendan said...

1957- everyone loves eachother
2009- we all eat pandas
Oh look, I can make up random bits of information too!

Black Tape said...

That Anonymous that posted on December 5, 2009 6:38 AM is absolutely right. If it mocks one side and glorifies the other, it's partisan propaganda. If it at least makes an attempt to mock both sides, then you can safely call it humor. To paraphrase Seinfeld...

"And this offends you as a Jewish person?"
"No, it offends me as a comedian!"

Who cares if the information/opinions presented are right or wrong, as long as everyone is shat upon then it's all good. 8)

Black Tape said...

Feel free to replace "Jewish person" with "bleeding heart liberal douche" in my previous statement to make it relevant to this article.

Anonymous said...

What reactionary bullshit. How about

1957: A group of African Americans are lynched in the south. Local cops and judges refuse to cooperate with federal authorities. No one cares

2007: African-Americans can legally marry and get jobs.

Oh imagine that, the horror

Anonymous said...

Fighting on the Internet is like winning gold in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded. It's supposed to be a joke, whether or not you find it funny...whooooooo cares

Anonymous said...

1957 White President

2009 Black President

Anonymous said...

1957: People argue to each other's faces. a resolution is reached

2009: People use the internet to argue. the conflict perpetuates...

btw you guys are hilarious...thanks for making my day

Anonymous said...

Stumble Upon you have done it again...idk what was better the actual joke or the people arguing about it. BTW I liked the everyone eats pandas part lol.

Anonymous said...


you care too much.

Anonymous said...

1957 - drunk working/suburban/white fathers have anger problems, beat their kids, beat 'em again for cryin' like bitches. wives are enablers, suffer severe anxiety. kids grow up and take a lot of acid, start communicating with pebbles.

2009 - dad yells at televised sports, breaks espresso machine. mom pops percocet, passes out getting nails done. kids huff air duster and drink cough syrup, grow up and start comparing snot bubbles between beer pong shots.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i'm never using this site again. next stumble please.

Eddie said...

How about:

1986: children ages 9-12 gather to play *ball at the local park every day after school until sunset; they get scraped knees and various bruises and learn you sometimes fall and get minor injuries, but it's all part of growing up. Children go home at dusk as their individual mothers call them for them for a delicious, hot home-made dinners.
2006: children are picked up by their parents immediately after school or take various chartered buses home so they are home by 3 pm and monitored virtually 24 hours a day to make sure no one learns any real world experience from their helicopter parents who are grief-stricken when their child is 2 minutes late for anything and doesn't have their every action planned out a month in advance.

Cameron said...

You guys really need to find something better to do than simply poke holes at something that was intended to be humorous and showing to what a great extent the freedom of parents in how they raise their children has truly changed. This is the internet, either go ahead and like it and continue reading, don't like it and stumble further, or be a whiny little bitch and feel the need to express your opinion on something that wasn't meant for only you to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. I cannot believe people are getting so worked up about this! This has nothing to do with the government. I'm extremely liberal and I took light of it. I can completely understand it. It's a joke. Stop acting all holier than thou and go back to drinking your pbr and growing your ironic mustaches.

Anonymous said...

got the joke, wasn't funny.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Who would want to go back to 1957 with all the sexism, homophobia and racism that was rampant back then?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This makes me wish i grew up in the 50s... it sucks being a teenager in this day and age

Mark said...

I would like to add something small to this with hopefully as little bias as possible. I believe that this was meant to highlight a few *very specific* situations where the author believes we have become overly sensitive. While the year 1957 was chosen, it would be equally as accurate to say 1987, as that is when I was growing up.
#1: I grew up in a small town, so, being a small class, we fought all the time. Never weapons, never bad, just kids fighting. We would get a talking to if caught, but it was understood that we were kids and kids fight. By the time I was in highschool 10 years later, I had friends get suspended for calling another student names *to eachother*. I could never understand how having a negative opinion of a person was grounds for punishment.
#2: I was hyper Jeffery in 1987 and was simply told to be quiet or they threatened to call my parents. I wasn't special or broken, and nobody ever thought I needed medication, just a little discipline and a good deterrent. This highlights another point, I was scared of getting in trouble from my parents. They didn't beat me, but also weren't afraid that grounding me, denying me something, or a spanking were out of line. In no way do I believe that beating or abusing children is okay, I also don't believe that a spanking is said abuse.
#3: I actually agree with 2007 on this one, but only in the sense that nobody should be hit with a belt. Do I believe that immediately warrants foster care or jail time, no, but his dad should be punished and if he does it again, that would be the correct course of action. And maybe, just maybe, Billy has relatives or even a mother who he can live with.
#4: Exaggeration at its finest regarding 2007. Then again, let Mark get caught with little white pills with no writing and tell me he won't get searched at the very least.
#5: Our schools teach English for the same reasons that schools in most industrialized nations do. I knew kids who spoke Spanish at home or had a parent who only spoke it, but they understood that, to be competitive, that wasn't an option. Schools are meant to prepare our kids for the world, and in this world (or at least this country), 98% or more of the people speak English. If Pedro can't skip math, science, and geography, why would we let him skip English. I even live in Las Vegas where we have Spanish speaking elementary schools., I just think they're putting the kids at a disadvantage in the workplace as a whole.
#6: Exaggerated but not as far as some people here would like. I found things like this fascinating as a kid, not unlike strapping bottle rockets to G.I. Joes. We ground up fireworks, played with model rockets, set stuff on fire, and in general, tried to figure out how things work. If Johnny tries to destroy something maliciously, he should be punished accordingly, but part of being a kid is exploring the world through your own eyes. For boys, part of that is destruction, so long as it isn't hurting people or animals.
And finally, #7: A hug from an adult when you are a child can be extremely calming and reassuring, especially from a person who is respected. Too many times, the respect has been taken advantage of, and if Johnny could describe a trend of inappropriate behavior, something should be done. It's sad that we have to even consider this, but reality in this case is far too ugly to ignore.
I understand that I have been ranting,but this is an issue that I consider close to my heart. Personal coping skills are not what they once were, and our kid’s ability to defer any and all responsibility is frightening. Before, you didn't get medals or awards for simply completing a task. If you wanted to be awarded, you had to be exceptional or work exceptionally hard. Respect was never something that was given, but rather earned.
I would say that's just my 2 cents, but I'm afraid I left the bulk of a dollar :)

krist said...

John and Sue get married and live happily for some time. They start to get on each other's nerves. John starts spending all his time at a local bar. One night, he comes home late, obviously drunk, and beats Sue up.

1957: Nothing happens. Sue is still expected to cook and clean for John. They maintain the appearance of a happily married couple. It doesn't matter that John drinks so much, because Sue does too and takes a pharmacy's worth of medication to keep from killing herself.

2007: Sue moves out of John's house and into a friend's and then sues John for everything he has in a divorce suit and wins. John gets arrested for domestic violence.

of course...I do not deny that there are some instances where 2007 looks a bit like 1957, but at least women have the option, now.

Psycho Bill said...

Once again, '57 wins.

Anonymous said...

Thank you democrats, Thank you Obama for making the United States as noted above...

Anonymous said...

I enjoy that the comments are longer than the text of the post itself... that makes me happy in a very special way akin to climbing the rope in gym

Alexander said...

Scenario: You're atheist
1957 BC: You get burnt alive

2007, the internet makes you their king.

Anonymous said...

Scenario 8:
Jimmy reads an article.

1957: He accepts it, stores it in his brain, and spreads it to his friends.

2009: He Googles that sh*t, finds references, studies and reports, proves the article to be a load of malarkey, writes a commentary on it, and realises that he doesn't actually believe in god either.

Mary said...

WOW this article was PROBABLY intended to amuse, not to piss anyone off. grow up and enjoy it for what it is.

Brian said...

1987 I never wore a bicycle helmet riding my bmx

2009 i will never wear a helmet riding my bike.

I wont make my kids wear a helmet when they learn to ride. WHAT IF THEY FALL!!! well, what if they fall when running or walking, should we wear helmets all the time? I hate you PC america.

Anonymous said...

Graduated High School in 08, kids fought every single day in my school (I kid you not). It was a pretty bad school, we had 4 gun incidents senior year, and the most we had was occasionally the on campus police officer would mace the kid, but no swat teams. Granted this was some gang shit going down, or just girls fighting and pulling out weave.

Anonymous said...

Scenario #8 Woman wants to not marry or have kids and get a corporate job
1957: Woman cant do that. Back in the kitchen
2007: No problem, where did you graduate from again?

Anonymous said...

Scenario: Johnny has homosexual feeling that confesses to his family.

1957: Johnny’s parents take him to a psychiatrist. Johnny is given aversion therapy – electrodes are attached to his genitals, he is given hormone altering drugs, Johnny begins to grow breasts. Johnny hangs himself in parent’s garage.

2009: Johnny can find help and support on the internet, friends at school that are tolerant and eventually his parents accept his sexual preferences

Scenario: Johnny is a young black boy seeking an education.

1957: In an attempt to attend school Johnny is arrested. Segregation is in full force. He has a criminal record. He falls into a life on drugs and crime.

2009: Johnny attends school, watches president Obama get elected, and sees Michael Steele head up the GOP. Johnny works hard, gets good grades, goes on to college so he can lead a life of service to his country.

Scenario: Johnny is violently and sexually abused by his mother.

1957: Johnny is to scared to tell anyone, if he did they wouldn’t believe him, as the received wisdom is that such things simply do not happen and if they do it is best not to talk about them.

2009: Johnny is helped by a social worker who takes him into care, before relocating him to a stable member of his extended family. Johnny’s mother is arrested and given therapy whilst incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else just think this was cute. I don't know why this was taken super seriously or into really deep topics like race or evolution. I wouldn't inform PETA that flash is hurting the retinas of puppies when I see a cute puppy on the internet.

Psycho Bill said...

Why do you hate puppies?

Anonymous said...

babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies babiesbabiesbabies


Anonymous said...

this makes me rage silently

Anonymous said...

ha ha what a hilarious comparative...:D

Anonymous said...

I believe the original post and the follow on comments illustrate that the pendulum is swinging. Most extremes are not good at either end. I look forward to a bit of balance in the coming decade. Happy New Year.

Vorion said...

Some publishes a controversial, and/or possibly offensive joke on a platform that's known for its humorous content

1957: people understand the humor and appreciate the intend - to entertain.
2009: people lost their sense of humor and make an ass out of themselves.

For those of you that remember the little "comparison" between a brick and an Iphone, why didn't you jump in there and screamed murder? I mean it's obvious the iPhone can do more than a brick, yet nobody complained.

You guys as a whole understood the joke in the iPhone comparison, but now you fail to see the identical idea behind the joke?

You make me laugh and cry at the same time.

Anonymous said...

The joke has some funny points.

The responses are funnier.

Anonymous said...

One black guy is walking down the streets of a predominantly black neighborhood:

1957: is greeted with a smile and a hello
2007: is shot to death because he is waering the wrong color clothes

Steve said...

It's amazing how articles like this bend the brainwashed SO out of shape. It's obviously not a factual account - it's social commentary, people.

Academia (and the media) do nothing but push the negative aspects of life "in the good old days", such as terrible race relations, and so on. While we've come a long way on that front (Barack says "Aloha", btw), it's also clear that we've gone backward on so many others. Pieces like this do a great job of pointing it out.

What's so sad is, as much as the examples here SEEM to go way over the top, I have heard real-life news stories that parallel each and every one of them.

I'm only 32. Already, the world I knew has been flipped upside-down by leftists. They do nothing but call the insane "progressive" and ruin just about everything that makes sense. Point to any area where the USA is lagging behind or failing, and there you will find "progressive" policies in action.

My $0.02.

Anonymous said...

You people need to get a life.

East said...

This is more bs than is healthy for one joke.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap people you all need to just calm down a little. This is nothing more that a simple social commentary on how the US as become more protective to the point of excess.

Were there problems in the 1950s as well absolutely. This in no way suggests that we were any better off then than we are now.

The lack of general intelligence and your insistence that this has political intent is just astounding.

Anonymous said...

lol @ those that think the 50s were actually this way.

Nice fiction...too bad there never was a time like that.

@Steve - seems like you are the one that seems to be taking this a bit too seriously...

Anonymous said...

some people are just too serious. I was a joke and a funny one. stop looking too far into it. if you didnt find it funny move on you sad losers!!!

Anonymous said...

Ritalin does not make you a zombie. If anything, it makes you more alert. Do I think young children should be diagnosed with ADHD on the basis of being squirmy? No. Do I think these children should be medicated from an age to early to give fully informed consent? Of course not. But the people I know who are prescribed Ritalin (and who take a correct, reasonable dose) most definitely not zombies, but instead alert, alive, and fully engaged in the world. Don't make assertions you can't support with fact.

Anonymous said...

to summarize: in the past everything was better. a classic one, around since classical times is "students are becomming more stupid each subsequent generation

Anonymous said...

"Point to any area where the USA is lagging behind or failing, and there you will find "progressive" policies in action."

1) health care
2) environmental protection
3) building energy efficient vehicles
4) public transport and the railroad system in particular

Anonymous said...

If I stumbled upon just the comments section of this page, having not read the original article, I would give this a thumbs up and say thanks to all that participated, you just made my day.

Willy said...

Scenario... Niger wants to go to school

1957- He/she cant and end up complaining about their crappy job
2007-He/she does and then goes to work at the gas station and still complains about their crappy job

Anonymous said...

quite a slippery slope you're depending on here... :/

Anonymous said...

real original...the past was so much better than the present. not like i havent heard this a thousand times.

Anonymous said...

Wow. One 0f the longest running posts I've seen. The 50's are dead and so are the 60's-00's. Perhaps when the past has taught us it's lessons, (done and DONE) we can think about the FUTURE.

Wen J. said...

1957: People didn't seem to give a crap about anything.

2007: People make a huge deal about effin' EVERYTHING!

WTF? It wasn't good enough then, it isn't good enough now and I don't think it'll get any better any time soon, but that doesn't mean we have to take something like this so seriously and make such a big deal about it like this "Anonymous" person is doing. Both the past and the present have their good side and their bad side, just like everything else.

Point is, some people really need to get a life, and "Anonymous", if this post insults you so much, GO READ SOMETHING ELSE FOR FUX SAKE!!!

I don't care what anybody says, I found it really funny =D

Anonymous said...

Its all true. Every word. That's why its so funny.
Now lets all go join the KKK and burn some non whites!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious and depressing at the same time, what a load of utter bullshit....i really have no time for this sort of nonservative nostalgia about the 'good ole days'...the responses to this article however give me hope that there are some people with fully functioning brains left afterall though...

Anonymous said...

This comment section is really depressing.

Buy Viagra said...
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Mike said...

Yum Viagra!
O btw what I wanted to say...
Instead of using some intelligent satire to attempt to amuse the masses of brain dead wurbers(just made that word up, its awesome), just write a multitude of dead baby jokes. Its a winner every time!

Anonymous said...

100% agree with Mark on December 13th.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. So both the swept-under-the-rug issues of the 50s AND the overblown PC reactionaries were dangerous.

Yay! Humans suck as creatures of logic and mercy! Film at 11.

The trollfu in these comments is not strong. Obvious trolls are obvious.

Anonymous said...

1957 blacks are attacked by police dogs for protesting, for civil rights.

it was a better time.

J said...

2007 - Pedro school loses federal funding because while it is not required to teach ESL, the No Child Left Behind law requires all ESL students to take and pass the test in English. Even though the school as a whole passes the standardized testing, the students who don't have good enough English skills, because again, the school is not required nor funded to provide any extra help, do poorly. This means the school does not make AYP.

Therefore said...

1957: History is taught in the public education system from credible scholars, hinged on empirical data available at the time.

2010: History is loosely assumed from mass media sources. This incorrect, generalised, biased, and PC-revised history is then regurgitated so often it drowns out all credible sources until history is eventually, and inaccurately, rewritten.

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Anonymous said...

I agree-Annon-Jan 24th. Considering that only about 4% of them have a passport, it's no wonder they can't see the big picture. Get over yourselves. :) Aussie.

Anonymous said...

1957 People kept their opinions to themselves because the only way you knew a fool is when he opened his mouth.
2010 Anyone can be an anonymous fool.

Written by Anonymous

Anonymous said...

OHAI! ADHD/ADD is not legally classified as a disability, so the schools don't get to count all the ADHD kids as disabled. (Parents were pretty pissed about that decision.) If they did, they couldn't keep them all classified as special ed students: there is a limit to how many special ed students you can have in your school.
Also, a lot of those scenarios seemed pretty unlikely.

Anonymous said...

man breaks into another mans house gets attacked by a dog in the house

1957: dog praised thief goes to jail

2007: thief sues owner of house wins dog is put down thief walks for (mental anguish/ pain and suffering)

Anonymous said...

Some of these are true, but some of them are horribly horribly false.

Anonymous said...

Sad this is....its all true! T-T

Anonymous said...

Scenario: You get sick.
Canada: You get treatment.
USA: You get rejected because you haven't given enough money to a private corporation.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

people dont like the material they are reading

1957: they stop reading
2007:they stop reading and post a comment

Anonymous said...

Probably the dumbest thing I've ever read. Basically they are taking the 2007 scenario to the extreme where as the 1957 method is a lot more tame. There was just as much bull shit back then, just different varieties. Everyone thinks their generation is the best. Its the "well that's how we've always done it" attitude that is going to make America go right into the shitter. If you do the exact same thing 100 times, what makes you think it will work the 101st time? You have to change the variables and make them work to your advantage. It will either work, or it won't. The lightbulb wasn't discovered in a day. I agree that people have become over sensitive and over protective in this country, but we have also made the most advancements in the past 30 years than we have made in the 200 years before then.

Anonymous said...

OMG this comment section is redicilous

1950s. Someone tells a joke, some people laugh, some people don't. We move on with our lives.

2010. Someone tells a joke and everyone uses the joke as a forum to show how intellectually superior they are to everyone else. They point out obvious things like "this jokes not entirely accurate" and tells everybody else on the internet they're morons because they're so insecure about themselves

2020 The people of 2010 are now world leaders. A French prime minister tells a joke which isn't entirely accurate so all the other world leaders decided that is an inexecusable act of war and nuke the shit out of everything on the planet in order to prove that they're smarter than the person who told the joke.

Bring on nuclear holocaus

Anonymous said...

Funny how that the people who grew up in the 1950's were the ones creating the laws and social norms we live under today.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... from africa... where the real problems are at.

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that the real point of a post like this is the fact that there is a middle ground that would do everybody a lot of good. In 1957 people seemed to close their eyes to a lot of the things around them, in the present everyone seems to be more concerned about feeling sorry for themselves instead of bucking up and dealing with what goes on around them. Simply put, shit happens . . . . deal with it! Get over yourself and remember that you're not the only one on the planet that matters.

If you take the time to think about how your actions will effect those around you, instead of how it will make you look, you may find the world becoming a better place then when you got here.

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Narfi said...

Sad but untrue...

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Anonymous said...

Anyone heard of satire?

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Anonymous said...

Hmm, here's how it should've been written...

Scenario #3: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor’s car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1957 - Billy becomes emotionally stunted and continues the line of intimidating fatherhood with his kids, causing them psychological abuse.
2007 - Billy’s dad is arrested for child abuse… Billy lives happily with his mom no longer in fear of his father's barbaric punishment methods.

Captain90s said...


Seriously, the article itself made me chuckle, as well as think seriously about the condition of our society today as opposed to fifty years ago. The endless drivel of comments made me laugh aloud numerous times. Way to go.

Anonymous said...

1957: Blacks, women and gays are oppressed or even killed for how they were born. White men control everything. Whites and blacks are separated. Women have little to no job opportunities or rights in or outside the home.
2007: Assholes like you still think that was "the golden era."
Granted, lots of these things could arguably still exist in some form. But come on dude...1957? really? This is most certainly the desperation of a scared middle-aged white man.

Anonymous said...

Yeah sorry, but not quite.

Anonymous said...

It's a joke man, everything has to be so goddammed serious, that's what it's trying to say with it, and you sir o miss, are a perfect example and just played into it.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I got from this:

Life's changed. Some changes are for the better, while some are for the worse.

Better: Bullying is no longer tolerated.
Everyone can vote and live together... well, ALMOST everyone, but that'll change one day.

Worse: Parents are becoming very overprotective.
Everyone is quick to insult others based merely on their political beliefs.
Partisan politics rule now more than ever in our nation's history.

We seriously need to grow up and learn how to live together as one nation. And, just maybe, one world.

acai optimum said...

Hmmmmm, I don't like scientology and consider them as sect!

Unknown said...

some things change in a good way some in a bad way. USA is a paradox. on one hand its fighting wars on the other hand praises political correctness (or as we know it gay points of views). in my country we don't have the black people we have the gipsy. witch they call them selves gipsy. but we have to call them rrom ... does this ring any bell ... or gay correctness has blinded everyone. racism is not about the words is about the intention behind those words. i could say Niger and still not be racist and also I could say American and be racist. bottom of line we all know the facts in this article is true more political correctness and misinterpreted rights more gay population - and i mean gay not in the homophobic way. just to be gay correct!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, but i think this is stupid. People say things are overprotective now, and in SOME cases their right (airports, for instance). But at the end of the day, things really haven't changed all that much. I go to school every day wearing a trench coat, i have a bag of Ibuprofen and duct tape in my backpack, I play Halo and my mom laughs when i get a headshot. It's like when people insult the government: it was always better "Back in the day" but it never is NOW. There's always something that's changed, get over it and stop pretending like your generation was any better than this one.

Anonymous said...

I guess people didn't know that this is a joke. Now people are pissed because it doesn't have cited sources and blacks and gays weren't mentioned. . .It's like tearing apart SNL for having skits that aren't based on real events.

Anonymous said...

I think the main issue with this is that you only find it funny if you agree with the point it's trying to make. if you don't, it's just over-blown conservative BS. I side with the latter.
Political humor will always be polarizing. I personally might have actually found it funny if there were sources. This is just a bunch of rhetoric from some schmuck with an axe to grind.

Anonymous said...

1957: People Smoke weed and wonder why it's become illegal

2011: People Smoke weed and still wonder why its illegal...but can now stumbleupon and order off the dollar menu

Shit's lookin' up from my perspective.

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double chin said...

yes, so true. good.

dark circles said...

i'm sorry but i dont agree with any of that

J. Charles Brister said...

1957: black child can't go to school with his white friends

1957: timmy is sent to a mental hospital for being a homosexual

1957: johnny enlists in the army, is killed in vietnam

2007: johnny enlists in the army, is killed in iraq

Anonymous said...

why is it that hitting kids is more acceptable than hitting literally ANYTHING else.
and you brought it up twice. yep, moving forward sounds terrible.

Anonymous said...

if u read all these comments you have a longer attention span then me. fair play dhuit.

Anonymous said...

1957: Johnny smoked cigarettes because nobody knew they were bad for you.

2007: Johnny is dead.

sexcams said...

Well alot of difference as you can see !

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