Ich Bin Ein Berliner

Monday, March 10, 2008

ich bin ein hamburger
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5 comentarii:

Roald said...

"ich bin ein berliner" unfortunately also means "i am a doughnut"

Anonymous said...

"Berliner" is a little german cake like doughnuts.
In german hi says: "i am a doughnut"

Anonymous said...

What he really said was "I am a Berliner." Not "I am a doughnut." Because Berliner is still a proper noun in German, and thus the same in English, and there's a difference between Berliner and doughnut. So he still made a mistake, but not the one people quote him as making. In fact, "Berliner" isn't even the mistake he made, saying "ein" was. He meant "Ich bin Berliner." That would be similar to in English for someone to say "I am a a new-yorker." Unfortunately though, in this case, the extra "a" meant a different proper noun.

Anonymous said...

And how would you say "I am Berliner" as opposed to "I am a Berliner"?

Anonymous said...

Pretty much a grammatical error.
A hilarious one at that.

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