Squirrel Smoking Pot

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

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9 comentarii:

The Nag said...
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The Nag said...

That'sa chipmunk. Did you take a toke off that pipe before you blogged this? :)

biotv said...

I don't exactly know what a toke is but no, I blogged this in the morning, at the office:)
And sorry about the chipmunk thing. We don't have many of them in Europe...

Anonymous said...

toke means to inhale off of a blunt or pipe....to take a hit or a pull.....hahaha that chipmonk knows wazup tho....lmao

Anonymous said...

why do u think alvin symone and theadore voices are so high pitched? cuz chipmonks like to have a good time and get high just like the rest of us....

Anonymous said...

theres no way that chip munk actually came up to take a toke but it still really funny

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hope that person realizes it is not a real picture. jeez lay off PETA

Anonymous said...

that is a real picture. at a gueat ranch where i worked, the chippies would come up to anyone holding your hand out. timing was perefect. signed, THE HAND

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