The Achilles Piercing
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Achilles Piercing is a piercing which passes between the achilles tendon and the ankle. It is a very rare piercing, and not everyone's anatomy is suited for it. Above you can see an example, Mr. Tetanus' pierce. He is a performance artist who has been wearing a self-made 10cm spike through his ankle, behind the Achilles tendon, for abbout 12 years. Read more about Dr. Tetanus on ModBlog
Piercing Fans International Quarterly magazine has documented the case of a man who had a stretched Achilles piercing that he used to suspend from. As seen in the picture below:
86 comentarii:
That has to cause problems after a while.
I love girls with piercing.. but not that piercing...
That's errm.... Very unique. O.o
It doesnt look ver nice though, and I bet it was PAINFUL.
damn thats really scary, but really cool!
Woooh I love piercings, and I gotta respect this guy for having a pretty unique and obviously difficult piercing to handle. Wonder how long it took that to heal and then stretch?
Not something I'd get, but still. Wow.
I think it's very ill . .
Because the hole. .
The people says it's nice?
what the fuck..
look at this hole there...
Sorry i speak only a little bit English I'm German!
and 15 years old...
But i've never seen people. . this is sick . .
I can't say it with words . .
It's Horrible! bahhh . . :(:(
The man/woman who has the piercing, is very ill in the head...really!
Sorry . . I want to write: *
I've never seen something like this* :-!
i wouldn't do it, but it is pretty cool.
looks BR00TAL! dayum
normally I say go for the record. but this guy broke all records
This looks sick.. cant be a normal person who would do that! omg.. sick in the head..
is he crazy or is he already dead
now that is fxcked up.
no mames!!!! wow this man is amazing.
cause that big hole was too late healtly,
i think.
great job, avoid an infecction,
but it's horrible
>>hey what's up girls wuld you like to see my big hole?
>> of curse, show me.
>> look
>>> haaaaaa!!!!!!
im crazy too.
sorry my bad english but itisn't my spoken laguage
Oh My Gosh
What the fuck is that?!
It looks like it really hurts
how can someone do that
really discausting
Man! Are you 'kay in your head?
oh my GOD!!
poor body :(
yeah i am getting my Achilles done in a couple of months it is going to be righteous. But i will definitely not go as big as he did, the smallest one possible would be best
are you f'in kidding me thats discusting...i have want piercings but thats just nasty..if you want attention try accomplishing something good for you..i wonder how infected that got... thats sick...0.o
That's got to hurt like shit Ö
but rlly; i like it :']
thatz pretty amazing...i have my neck pierced & i thought that was eccentric. props 2 u 4 goin thru that pain! ur most definitely a savage :)
ow ow ow ow ow....ow ow ow.....ow......ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.......aaaaaaarrrrrrgggghghhhhhh i tied my laces too tight!!
that is rough
Wow, im surprised they are still able to walk. That must hurt.
thats insane, but if its what the guy no worse than strecthing ur ears till they look like shoe props fella...
OMG I'm will pierce my belly in a week and I can't wait,I think it's pretty!
But this is sick!And it's ugly, the people who are doing this need help!
wwwwwoooooohh :O :O maaaaan!"!!!! it's sooo discausting...just look hole in the leg....realy scary...I don't have a word for that..well let say "piercing"...that man/woman was very sick and crazy when they do it!!!...
I don't know how she or he can do something like was realy painful reeeaalyyyy!!!
oh no O.O that's cruel.. the picture with that hanging foot looks like a scene from the movie 'hostel'. but if you like it, it's ok at all. i would never do it, but seriously, i respect you for doing that ^^
lol. I love seeing peoples reactions to this type of thing. I mean look this is not a "piercing" can't just walk into your local tattoo/piercing studio and expect to have anyone even consider doing this for you. It's a body mod. that's more than likely extremely dangerous and difficult to heal properly. wouldn't really be able to wear socks or shoes that get anywhere near it for months...flipflops anyone?
But yeah all those "normal" piercings that we have today actually have been around for thousands of years and mostly started as tribal rituals or rites...and most were stretched more than we are used to seeing...and not just the ears! You don't have to like it,but if you're going to get pierced...respect ALL piercings, please! Remember, it's body ART! Some people just like pain more than others...
Dude your crazy but fucking awesome all at the same time. Mad respect to you man. If you could send me an Email to let me know if it was worth doing and If you recommend it. I'm always looking for some radical shit to do to myself. The email is: [email protected]
i think that the only spot in your body that is cool to be streched is your EAR..........everything elese is discausting
oh my god that looks so painful. GO YOU FOR BEING ORIGINAL. its not for me, but i think its sooo cool!
"you can put your weed in there" LMAOO!! -Hotchicks
haha, &obviously it's a hairy ass female leg :] jk! wtf xD
neways... that's disturbingly hardcore.
ohh my god grosse
look i love piercing of pretty much every type, i currently have 7 in the ears, my hips, nval, and web pierced. but this is just.. horrid. it looks so painful. i mean i know you started out small then moved up but some things just shouldnt be pierced.
MA STIAMO SCHERZANDO??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try 2 pierce ur neck like frankenstein thats realing cool.. lol.
Ya could hang a pair of curtains on that bloody thing!
(the comments on this post are never gonna end)
woow, that's disgusting, seriously..
I thought that that only happened a thousend years ago, when people did not have brains yet...?
oh I forgot! there are still people with no brain -_-*
dear good... that must hurt a bit.. :3
that is REALLY HORRIBLE!! such a pain...
How can you walk with that.. THING!!
fukin idiot
cool but... eew. i wonder if you can get fake achilles peircings? i love turning heads ^^
that is awesome
Wow! It looks gross but.. I cant stop lookinh at it. The meat in his leg looks so gross..u can like see the meat in his leg! >.<
Nobody can judge that, (sorry for my english cause I'm from belgium) I think if this man like this piercing why not, it's original and amazing!! It's body art, if a little bit of people like that please shall you don't critic their choices!! I don't like this piercing in particular but I respect other comment.
meh. not impressed. show me a streched dick peircing. then i'll be impressed. also i like how the guy who said this ...
"I thought that that only happened a thousend years ago, when people did not have brains yet...?
oh I forgot! there are still people with no brain -_-*"....
you my friend are pretty thick really arn't you.
i agree with you, it's awful.......How did he do it^^^^
That's pretty nasty. Why would anyone get a piercing like that???
the 15 year old is right: this person IS mentally disturbed, good for you and your clear thinking.
By the way: this is no more a mutilation than the other piercings. In the eye of an psichiatrist is the same thing. The size, position and number of piercings gives only the scale of the problem. Anyway, it's better to communicate to others that it's not all fine with you than trough violence or stuff like that. GO MAKE A PIERCING TODAY! :)
YUCK. I'm sorry, but that's sick.
Crap, that must have hurt. You are stupid, weird, crazy, and how do you wear pants in the winter dude? Did you do that just to get attention or because you just wanted it? Do you have any more leg-rings, or just this spike one?
frankly, it sickens me.
Ohhh intense!
It makes me hurt just to look at it.
And, you could never wear boots...
OMG....that piercing cause infections
this makes me cringe... sorry.. it just does
personally, I think that this is amazing.
sure, it may have some medical dangers, but it's what he wanted to do. piercings are a way of self-expression, so if this is who he wants to be, I respect him for that.
there is no "normal" in this world, we all like the things we like for our own reasons.
so cudos, man. you're my idol :)
who gives a f*** what other people say.
good job :D
This gives me the chills imagining having this!
I agree its kinda out there..
But I give him props for doing this!!
i chewed out my own tendons and i still think ur crazy.. but meh its ur body
jorge. bete ala berga metete un pepino por el culo aber si aguantas jajajajajajajaajaja
What Drugs were they on DAMN!!!
I think it's really cool :D but it's only nice when the piercing is inside :/
:-o scarry piercing
There are no words for this ... Well, maybe a few:
Just plain DISGUSTING!
Seriously people, why do you think this is nice?!
okay, so i thought about getting an Achilles piercing but not like that just smaller. I thought it wasn't possible turns out it is...anything is any more! its really gross but totally wicked.
okay, so i thought about getting an Achilles piercing but not like that just smaller. I thought it wasn't possible turns out it is...anything is any more! its really gross but totally wicked.
Ohhhhhhh my god. This is absalutley discusting. YOU MAKE ME SICK :/
I agree on this Blog! 100 percent true. thanks to this blog. its cool because i found the right solution!
This is where religion/stories and legends brought us lol It's horrible and it's painful what she can do >.> seriously can u try do et?!
this is amazing
GODDAM That Looks Nasty Sick :p
It never ceases to amaze me just how narrow minded and judgemental people can be... And that you'll drag in a bunch of unrelated value judgements about what you THINK "MUST" be true about this guy.
i.e. That he must have mental problems, or have no friends... I know I wouldn't be interested in having a bunch of judgemental bigots like yourselves as friends.
It's his body, not yours, and not any of his friends to dictate how and what he does to it!
Add to that, he's one of the most unique, considerate, wonderful people that I have ever had the honour to call a friend... He may be a little weird, but that just makes us love him more... :)
I actually had one of those piercings for a while. You'd be surprised how soon you gain full mobility. Although mine was only a 10g... I had to take it out for a job, but I plan on getting it redone. Doesn't hurt a lot and I love how it looks.