The Simpsons as The Beatles Wallpaper

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Simpsons - Beatles - Abbey Road wallpaper

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6 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

This wallpaper sucks!
It's an insult to the greatest band ever!

Anonymous said...

Very Very Cool

Anonymous said...

This is wicked! I'm a huge fan of The Beatles and The Simpsons. And to those of you who are freaking out that it's insulting to the band........ it's not. So stop shitting your pants about it and do something worth while with your lives instead of freaking out over a picture.

Anonymous said...

omfg CHILLLLLL i think its funny only i would have switched Homer and lisa around. The Beatles are insaly AWESOME and the simpsons always take the micky out of everything. So just stop makin a big deal out of nothing for god sake!

Anonymous said...

where is maggie?

Anonymous said...


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