Face-eating tumor

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This is Jose Mestre, first aged 14 and then 51. He suffers of a rare blood illnes that has lead to his, as you can see, almost complete facial disfigurement.

Being a Jehova’s Witness, he refused for decades any type of surgery.

His tumor, now 15 inches long and weighing 12 pounds, has blinded him in one eye and made eating a daily ordeal, puting his life in danger. That’s why doctors found a solution by using ultrasound waves to coagulate the blood, making the operation possible, and the man finally agreed to undergo surgery.

Funny how religion can lead to putting your life in serious danger, possibly even death.


Thanks Reea
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1 comentarii:

Artur said...

I was looking at this post with my friend and he says that this guy is his neighbour. He rides the train with him and everything.

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