Men in skirts

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

This is a screen capture from the shopping site

Apparently, these guys are using male models to advertise skirts. This is the enlarged picture:

Well, either that or it's a very manly woman model...

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6 comentarii:

eleventhdr said...

Yeah alright is nordstom selling male skirts now at last where can i order some from i want some skirts to wear and then some male drsses as well.

i would be willing to mkae mlae skirts to sell so us males could be comfortable at last in skirts and dresses.

[email protected]

Unknown said...

man or woman? is this interesting? men are able to wer skirts and high heels, so as women are able to wear jeans and shoes without heels.

Jürgen64 /

eleventhdr said...

i want to order some of thses skirts for men where can i purchase some of them please?

Anonymous said...

They are nice.. I'd get one...

Anonymous said...

That's a female who may have added some size to the forearms due to exercise. If a seller uses "concealed" males to model skirts, they'd sell them openly to men. They don't and have no plans to, apparently they fear the wrath of their local Mental Health Association which is not there to identify "illness," but is there to enforce social conformity, which they call "mental health." Inquisitors and witch finders are still with us--they're called "mental health professionals."

Anonymous said...

bearing in mind that the word Mannequin is derived from the flemish word manneke, nothing new under the sun

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