Coal Miner taking a bath

Friday, November 9, 2007

For real. This is a coal miner from the north China province of Shanxi, taking a bath after finishing his shift.

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8 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Did someone say "black lung"?

Anonymous said...

Why smoke?

Unknown said...

"Why Smoke?"

Because that's what you do if you live in China. The government encourages it.

Anonymous said...

not all that daft if you think about it. ok, if you smoke you'r killing your lungs, but at least this way the air you breath first has passed through a burning sigaret, which hopefully has;

a) burned some of that carbon dust
b) filtered out some more through the tobacco

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its cigarette... you tool

Unknown said...

Actually when miners smoke it significantly increases the chance of developing lung cancer. The body has a mucociliary escalator which removes particulates from the lungs. Smoking destroys this and also creates small lesions where particles can get stuck and cause cancer. So smoking is the last thing a miner should do.

Anonymous said...

A medical breakthrough has recently occurred in China...the first successful head transfusion. The head was taken from a South African man and put onto the body of a Chinese coal miner. However, the brain was now fully functional after the transplant; unfortunate lapses in judgment occurred. For example, the man made the mistake of starting to smoke, despite the fact that he already works in a coal mine, a breeding ground for lung cancer.

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