Motivational Poster: Black People

Monday, October 15, 2007

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7 comentarii:

biotv said...

I'll take that as a compliment. It's funny how everyone knows how to laugh at a good joke... :)

Anonymous said...

You racisty bastard. i should sove my G-36K up ur ass, or better yet, fir eit in full auto into ur head

Anonymous said...

lmao, so when u say cracker that isnt rasicist but this is? how is it that there are "black only" collge funds and black history month without being rasist?

Magus said...

People are too easily offended. Which is a shame. The reason for things like this, is that we know where our own limits are, and that we streatch, but not break them. Then we truly know who we are!

Most people can shove their delicate sensibilities where the sun doesnt shine.

Anonymous said...

First of all.. you dont what black had to go threw to get were we are today, ignorrant people like you spend there time making fun of african americans when we are passing you!! In education and in sports... WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT!!! THE A MIRCALE NOTIFYING THE FACT THAT THE LAST ONE WAS A RETARD.....

Nessa said...

Listen here. I do not know how I found this site.. but whatever. I just want to say that a joke is a joke, and everyone should just love everyone. Black and white doesnt matter. I am a white female, and I still love and respect black people. There are people from both racists I may not like but I would not single out a race because of one person. The past is the past.. shit happens, but it's time to let go of the whole "look where us black people had to go through" because half of them haven't been through anything. slavery was a long time ago now, and the world is a changing place. We all need to just learn to accept each other for who that person is on the inside, and not the color of their skin. Still a joke is a joke, and if you can't handle a joke maybe you should not be on here.

Anonymous said...

As a white person, the only good thing about having a mulato president is that now us white folk are allowed to say "axe" instead of "ask".

If blacks cant take a joke then by all means go sit at the back of the bus.

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