Motivational poster: Harpoons

Thursday, September 13, 2007

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17 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Attractive? The only reason she has a cute face is because her leg fat hasnt made its way up to her face yet.

I could lose an arm in there, Holy!

Anonymous said...

her face is way to hot, guarantee it is photoshop

Anonymous said...

Anyone looks attractive with sun glasses on and with thier mouth closed. Youd be surprised.

Anonymous said...

yeah really like man them glasses are coverin half her face! surprised they could do that tho.. lol

Anonymous said...

Lol man the harpoons.Ahaha

Anonymous said...

i'm not too sure. don't forget, if it IS photoshop, it's as likely to be a skinny made into a fat girl or fat girl.... stayed as a fat girl. i love me some bbw's tho so i don't mind at all lol

Anonymous said...

she probaally isnt that fat cuz ya her face wud b more wiggiyl lol

Anonymous said...

this is the plump princess.
chubby as ever i see.

Anonymous said...

at least her face looks ok, so i'd hit it.
she looks like she can take a pounding XD

Anonymous said...

it is photoshoped you can tell her neck is put on over her shoulder strap

Anonymous said...

I you have sex with that thing you will be sucked into it's fat folds. I you do or are already sucked in you will have to organize an escape with ladder, a vat of pudding, a rope, and a dog.

Anonymous said...

I you have sex with that thing you will be sucked into it's fat folds. If you do or are already sucked in you will have to organize an escape with ladder, a vat of pudding, a rope, and a dog.

Anonymous said...

I would pound the sh@& out of her! Fat is where its at. I takes a man with an open mind and some courage to apreciate the fat princess. Bet she's smokin hot in the bedroom too!!! All you little boy's that think "her kind" is gross probably have too small of a peepee to satisfy her anyway! ...... Jimmy

Anonymous said...

you're all idiots. what's the point in this. blatantly all uncomforable with your own appearances so you have to make jokes at her expence. i'd rather be big than as ignorant and thick as you lot. besides you know it's not unheard of for bigger girls to be pretty.

john said...

i'd hit gladly

Anonymous said...

She doesn't care. She gained weight on purpose, because she likes being fat. She runs a site, Plump Princess, and makes a lot of money for the guys who think fat is hot.

Anonymous said...

That is her real face.

She hasn't stopped gaining weight and is now probably 50lbs heavier.

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