How to make a killer hamster

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

killer hamster

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13 comentarii:

luvautumn said...

this is so f*n hilarious!! i officially think you are the coolest ever!!

Anonymous said...

Hamsters are wonderful and loving creatures. This is very offensive.

Anonymous said...

why would you even think of this. its just disgusting

Anonymous said...

This is effin hillarious. Those of you that take offence need to relax and smile once in a while. Get a sense of humor. Sheesh.

paco said...

I think its funny but not if you realy did it

Anonymous said...

LightenUp, i seriously think you should go see a psychologist or something. I DO know this is a joke, but this is just... i don't even have words for how cruel, disgusting and awful this is. One the most idiotic things i've ever, ever seen.

Anonymous said...

That is mean and disgusting!

Anonymous said...

thats funny and ppl its just a joke

Anonymous said...

omg ppl you r soooooo cruel to animals i have a hamster and my friend done that to her hamster

Anonymous said...

This is shopped I think. The shadows look wrong and there are too many pixels.

Zhu Zhu hamster said...

this can actually a crime for animals, and that not make sense at all posing this kind of wrong doing on the animals especially hamster.

Anonymous said...

You think it's just a joke?
Someone actually did it!

Charissa said...

I like to encourage world to put laser gun on hamster... go to:

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