Cannabis price chart

Friday, September 14, 2007

I find it hard to believe they would pay $58 for a gram in Japan

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31 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

i wanna go to south africa and buy 10 pounds for $5.23

Anonymous said...

No way dude. You can get 4 grams in the US... Tennessee to be specific, for $20... Which means 1 gram = $5

Anonymous said...

Uh, I can get a half oz for $50. And it's not sticks n' sprouts, either.

Anonymous said...

i want to go to japan and rip the shit out of everyone if there payin almost 60$ haha

Anonymous said...

mmmm, i love maryjaneee (:

Anonymous said...

Average price in Australia is $80 for about 7 grams, or a quarter of an ounce to be exact. Funny thing is that price hasn't changed for at least 15 years. Shame you can't say the same about petrol.

Anonymous said...

People forget that the more grams you buy the less each gram costs.

I LOVE my reefer <3


Anonymous said...

i dont think ive ever heard of paying 15 dollars for a gram in the us.
more like 10 or less.

Anonymous said...

um, in Ky where i live u can get .5g for $5 or so, so that means 1g would be $10 or so 4 a gram. not $15
idk any1 who'd pay $15 for 1 friggin gram!!!

Anonymous said...

its a price chart for dro. not swag. 20 dollars a gram from dro is pretty much the typical street value everywhere in the us. as for swag and middies the price depends on location. i.e. half ounce(14 grams) of SWAG from texas is only 20 bucks. but that same half ounce(14 grams)on the east coast can go for $50-$80+...

Anonymous said...

In Florida what will $350 purchase in pot

Anonymous said...

more like $30 for 1/2 oz

Anonymous said...

japan is generally very expensive!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In houston u can get an ounce for $50

Anonymous said...

Yee Boi in Houston you can get a ounce for anywhere from 40-55 depending on who you know

Anonymous said...

To get some fine ass B.C. Bud ( Some say best in the world ) It is 5 bucks a joint ( I can make a J outa .3 =) ) 10 bucks a Gram, 25-30 $ an 1/8 ( 3.5 Grams. }, 50-60 a Quarter ( 1/4 ) ( 7.5 Grams ) And so on. An Oz can range from 180-210 depending on the dealer. Prices range from around the world.

Anonymous said...

60$/pound in oklahoma from underground grower

Anonymous said...

wow sucks to live in the US i guess,in canada we get qp's of jack herer at 800- 200 an oz or 25 a hq and thats top bud

Anonymous said...

yo new jersey (where im at) has the best system. 1 gram =$10 of some crazyy piff. it makes perfect logic. 1.0=10 bucks

Anonymous said...

Hey in Oroville, Ca pounds of outdoor bud go for 1200-1300 a pound what ever you like Chem Dawg, Grape Ape, Zour Diesil etc....

Anonymous said...

I will pay someone to mail me weed from outside florida! =)

Anonymous said...

in columbus, people be payin lyke $35 just for a grams, i mean its some killer weed. you would get high has fuqk jus off one blunt. but its to much, i can get 7.8 grams for $10. i got a hook up. and i can get 28.7 grams for $65. shyt watch up in smoke and get really high. lmao :).

yo its the joker!!!!

Anonymous said...

dude florida has some good weed. shyt u jus got to find a good deal. cuz florida has some good shyt. i pay $3 jus for 1 gram. cuz in florida there is alot of weed. so much that they will sell cheap. i mean it can be some purple shyt or blue shyt, and they be sellin for $3 a gram, that cheap has fuqk.

Anonymous said...

the weed down there is fuqkin gud and shyt down you need to go down there to party wit everybody. i went down there and into this club they had some good good, i mean shyt that will blow your mind away no joke. shyt im not a light weight. i can smoke bout 55 blunts one after one. and jus be high i llittle bit. shyt. i smoke 10 blunts and 5 bowls of this blue weed i had the other day. yes i said BLUE WEED. its really good. its this new type of weed. it can go from $100 for one gram. i pay $25 jus for 3.5 grams. and anybody live in columbus ohio??? shyt i can gett that killer. @narcolepsyofblue

Anonymous said...

that dude talkin bout 10 a gram aint talkin bout no kind bud. he talkin bout compressed shit. panhandle prices are 20 a gram of kb and bout 25 a quarter of the mids or low grades. aka mexican brown.....georgia prices are the same as well. ga got some good bud. but ya gotta know the right people to get the good shit.

Anonymous said...

i ive in baltimore... lo's r like 5 bucs a gram, mids r lke 10 bucs a gram, hi,s are 20 bucs a gram. and i can find sum nice kom bud for 15 a gram to

Dancingdeville said...

Dude, where im from a g is ten to twenty depending on the variety and weather or not its dank, and thirty to sixty for an eighth depending on the same things. And 120 an onion. VA is my residence nigga. Suck on that one. I smoke mad weed im on my high horse.n:) aha.

Unknown said...

my nigga where u form i gotta go der

Anonymous said...

Montana- $10 a gram of super dank. Always good quality. Occasionally get a better deal... got 6.5g for 20$ from my buddy a while back. He didn't like the smell.... lol. Crystally, big, dense buds.

Anonymous said...

Here in myrtle beach sc 25 a gram.

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