This is Sparta meme

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I don't know where it started, who started it or how it started, but ever since the graphic movie 300 was released, faces of famous spartan warrior Leonidas (Gerard Butler) screaming "This is Spartaaa!" have taken over the internet. And it spread pretty quickly. I don't think there's anyone who's been surfing the net lately and hasn't heard of "This is madness / This is Sparta", "Tonight, we dine in Hell". Thanked mostly to Photoshop and Flash. And to all those people who have lots of free time on their hands.

Here are a couple of funny ones that I found lately:

The Village People
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The latest Harry Potter book
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Dining in Hell
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Windows error in Star Trek
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Leonidas on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
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Famous internet clips
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Michael Jackson
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Dining in Hell?
funny picture
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2 comentarii:

caregive said...

Wonderful! Thanks so much for the overview. Tooooo funnny!

Anonymous said...

There are few things that my husband and I both find funny, at the same time.

But Gerry Butler's crazy King Leo, used in all those clever ways IS FUNNY!!


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