Baby's miracle escape

Friday, October 16, 2009

Warning: this footage is pretty shocking. Baby hit by train and survives - video released:
A security video camera has captured shocking footage of a train running over a baby in a pram.

CCTV footage obtained by the Herald Sun shows the pram rolling away from the baby’s mother, tipping onto the tracks and being hit by the train.

Witnesses fearing the worst were stunned when the six-month-boy was hauled from the tracks with little more than a bump on his head.

The pram was carried 30m as the desperate driver tried to pull up the 250 tonne train. It ploughed into the pram at about 35km/h, dragging the child along beneath the front carriage.
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2 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

i love this blog =]

Psycho Bill said...

How is this shocking? No blood, a bump on the kids head, the train itself blocks the view of what happens after the kid tumbles into its' path. The only shocking part is the mother releasing it, and letting it roll right off the platform.

I bet she's at home right now, hating that little bastard, knowing she won't get another good chance to rid herself of him. It was a good plan, executed perfectly, and the kid should have ended up looking like ground beef, but it got lucky, and she's still stuck with it.

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