Canada to run for presidency of the US

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Scared by what the US has to offer in matter of candidates, The Canada Party is officially declaring its candidacy for President of the United States.

Brian McAlvert | via
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2 comentarii:

Jay Crawford said...

I was raised to appreciate Canada by my father who, though an American, had joined the RCAF in 1939 and fought for Canada until his discharge (in Nov39) and subsequent entry into the US Army.
I grew up with a substantial knowledge of Canadian history and I understood Canada as a country which stood for freedom and "punched above its weight" and was populated by sensible people.
Therefore, it was with alarm that I watched Pierre Trudeau's foolish "moral eqivalency" between totalitarianism and Western freedom and most of Canada become appeasers to the Quebecois' grievance du jour. I also watched as a stifling political correctness grew up in the aftermath of its utopian vanity constitution "The Charter of Rights and Freedoms". I followed Canada's growing nanny state and leared how Canada had become increasing RELIANT upon America for Canada's OWN national security; in the decades since PM John Diefenbaker began stripping money from Canada's armed forces (DURING the height of the Cold War) so he could fund a proto-utopia for Canada. My own military training would subsequently show me the delusional conceit of Trudeau's delusion of Canadians "peacekeeping" in any area other than minor policing between nation states which were completely agreeable to mutual security; the failure to protect civilians in Medak, Croatia is only one example which bears witness to the contemptable nature of such self-deception.
In the last twenty years while such foolish pretenses of "Canadian soft power" have been shown to be contemptable in the eyes of major aggressors and human rights offenders...yet more importantly Canada herself has become an increasingly intolerant and totalitarian nation with vast restrictions under Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Perhaps more importantly, Canadian political correctness has given way to a fractured society even without including the festering wound of Quebec seperatism. With an inability to define common CANADIAN values, Canada has been losing commonly-defined goals that had bound her together in the past. And the notion that Canada could define itself as being "not America" is utterly risable.

With Canada's devolvement into a delusional, whiny, hyper-PC, American military protectorate comes the final element of conceit: "[Canada] the country you pretend to be when you're travelling."
I know much about Canada; therefore, fifty years ago, I (though American) would have been pleased to travel under a Canadian pretext. But today, realizing how much freedom, determination, and strength Canada has lost, I would not/COULD NOT pretend to be Canadian. If I did, I would be immediately exposed for my certainty about traditional Canadian values and my respect for Canada's past strenght. Such knowledge and certainty is largely unknown to young Canadians because it is so un-PC taboo) that would immediately make me stand out amongts most Canadians.
Canada's history shows it to be amongst the greatest nations on earth; yet I have pursonally found most Canadians unable to recount (much less UNDERSTAND) their country's un-PC past glory. It is especially sad in this video as I listen to another Canadian (who is almost certainly oblivious to Canada's un-PC past) list PC-garbage as "a country already leading America in so many ways"...even as practical non-Torontonian Canadians are increasingly reviling the serious issues shown on the crawl-list to the right of the screen.
Speaking as a man who loves Canada, desires to protect her and knows more about pre-1980 Canada than most Canadians I do seriously agree with one part of this presenters' script:
"Fuck you."

Anonymous said...

That's easily the most impressive comment I've seen on this blog yet.

There is a large constituancy in Canada that agrees with you - many don't like the Trudeau vision of Canada that's dominated since the 70s. But many do. The common Canadian values Trudeau fought for, especially multiculturalism and a strong welfare state, along with basic things like regional equality of services, are supported by many, including me. We support these policies because they work: we now have a high-immigration, many-cultured society with a high degree of social peace. Immigrants from around the world succeed here, Quebec is still a part of us, and, for the most part, everyone in this 'mosaic' gets along. So, that's the common Canadian value we've adopted to replace what we had before.

The other keystone Trudeau put in place was severing some of the last formal, legal links between us and the UK parliament. His reforms were the final push that changed us from seeing ourselves as a colony of the UK to being an independent country.

The important thing to know is that: it worked for us. The strong welfare state and multiculturalism created a country that, for a string of years in the 90s, lead the world on the UN Human Development Index. Our military was smaller, but no smaller by percentage of GDP than many European countries. Our taxes were high, but by no means the highest.

Don't just look at us; as always, the Scandinavian countries show how the social democratic model works in creating prosperous, orderly, free, and healthy societies.

Why shouldn't we want that?

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