Abortion facts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Key facts about abortion in the United States in a short animated video created by the Guttmacher Institute, a leading research and policy organization on sexual and reproductive health.

Guttmacher | via
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4 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anonymous number two!

Anonymous said...

abortions tickle

Anonymous said...

Protip for #1: It's not a human YET, fucking basic biology 101. When it can survive on it's own, then you have a point. It's a clump of cells, and anyone who thinks a zygote compares to a living, breathing, concious woman is an eejit.

marie PRO-LIFE said...

so if you arnt a human until you can survive by yourself then you arnt one till about 18/19 years old. as a baby or child you cant survive on your own. someone has to feed you ond buy you clothes, dumbass.

and if you dont have money to support support a child, give it up for adoption.

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