Hero of the day: man saves the lives of over 2 million babies

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

'Man with the golden arm' saves 2million babies in half a century of donating rare type of blood:
James Harrison, 74, has an antibody in his plasma that stops babies dying from Rhesus disease, a form of severe anaemia.

It was found his plasma could treat the condition and since then it has been given to hundreds of thousands of women.

Mr Harrison has been giving blood every few weeks since he was 18 years old and has now racked up a total of 984 donations.

It is estimated he has helped save 2.2 million babies so far.

He said: 'I've never thought about stopping. Never.' He made a pledge to be a donor aged 14 after undergoing major chest surgery in which he needed 13 litres of blood.
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299 comentarii:

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Anonymous said...

This man is a credit to the human race.

Anonymous said...

the world needs more of this guy

Anonymous said...

Bless you, sir! You are a treasure. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

He is an example of the spirit we should try emulate.

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

All praise belongs to God by whose favour good things are protected

Anonymous said...

Good job overpopulating the world, letting the weak survive is not good for our species. I don't apologize if some of you morons think I'm being harsh and/or cruel.

Anonymous said...

I guess when you, anon, got sick as a child with a fever or illness, your mother should have just let nature take it's course and killed you off, as you were weak. I don't think you are being harsh or cruel...I think you should not be allowed to breed and pass on your stupidity

Anonymous said...

To one who thinks he helped overpopulate the world... dont forget you are one of the weak helping the overpopulation :)

To Mr Harrison... Thank You... I'm glad to see good, kind people still exist.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what his blood type is?

Anonymous said...

this man may have saved my life

Anonymous said...

I'd love to join him in such a noble cause, but the Red Cross says I can't donate blood simply because I'm gay.

BAM said...


Anonymous said...

I'm also gay and cannot donate blood.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the whole 'weak' thing but

"To one who thinks he helped overpopulate the world... dont forget you are one of the weak helping the overpopulation :)"

How does that make that person one of the weak? For all we know they are one of the strong o-0

But congrats to that man all in the same.

Anonymous said...

proof that there is some hope in the human race and an example for all good people to follow. Human nature has triumphed over biological nature many times in history, as it should. To all those who believe this man is wrong because he is saving innocent lives. You should be ashamed of yourselves go and put a bullet through your own head if you think overpopulation is that serious of an issue

Anonymous said...

A modern day superhero.

adonis said...

God bless this man...

Anonymous said...

high 5 sir!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! If I could I would award you the Nobel Prize for your act. You sir indeed are special :)

Anonymous said...

am i the only one that's concerned about over population? are we trying to use less energy? more people=more energy consumption.

Anonymous said...

Wow now if everyone who thought this man is doing a great thing only donated themselves also we wouldnt have such a huge need for all blood types here! Oh ya by the way I am a 30 year old 4 galloneer so I am not just a supporter I am a donor also! Awesome job James!

Anonymous said...

To the gay people who cannot donate blood. The reason you can't is because of your risky behavior. Change your behavior if you want to donate.

To those that think the world is overpopulated, have you ever seen how much open, unused, and empty space we have on this planet? Seriously, people are not dying because we're literally trampling each other to death.

You might argue that people are starving to death. This isn't because of a lack of food, it's a lack of getting the food to them. It's a political issue, not a food issue.

Get a clue people, not matter what Green Peace or the Sierra Club tells you, it's not an issue.

adriennejackson at g mail dot com said...

to suggest that being gay = risky behaviour is ridiculous.

kudos to the blood donor.

Anonymous said...

What a legacy.

Eax said...

If anyone deserves a Nobel Price. This is the guy!

Brandon said...

Ya he's a stud. High Five!

Anonymous said...

some real mean people posting here

but this guys is awesome in my book

Anonymous said...

Survival of the fittest... broken by the weak.

Anonymous said...

"Survival of the fittest..."

Oh yeah. You get in a car wreck, mortally wounded, you're not fit. You must die. What did Helen Keller or Stephen Hawking ever do for the world?

Healthy drunken no-accounts of the world, unite!

Unknown said...

Wow, that dude is amazing. He should get a Noble Peace Prize or something.


Anonymous said...

Why does everything have to do with god? god didn't make him do this! science did, religion, SUCK IT!

Anonymous said...

lol yeah....very noble what hes doing, dont get me wrong...and needing a tranfusion from a car accident..yeah thats one thing, but handing it to genetically inferior people that might pass those genes means there would only be a greater need for this blood supply...so yes, it is an injustice to nature and natural selection, at that rate, 2.2 mill, multiplied exponentially over the course of a 100 years could very easily put this defective gene into up to 40% of the worlds population..and thats assuming they each only had one child...so when he can donate enough blood for 40% of the worlds population all at once, then we can talk strong and weak vs. nature... and as for overpopulation.... well duh theres enough space in the world for people to live...but is there enough food?... right now if every person in china had one egg... they could do it.. but if everyone wanted a second egg, there wouldnt be enough to go around, thats just one country. With crops dying, economies failing and natural resources depleting...how long do you think the food will last if we add more people to the table?... now understanding this is NOT being heartless, its being logical and more concerned about the future of mankind than the few people that live right now. Math is math, and until 2+2 stops equaling 4... this is the correct answer... dont believe me? Do the math yourself... see if im lying.. love and peace and caring is fine... but survival of the fittest is what got us to this world you so love... maybe take a step back and realize the ignorance of yelling at those that do believe in natural selection... If you want to live in a world of people with health problems asthma, bronchitis, mucus and the inability to even be able to bag groceries due to mental disabilities...fine...but then let them breath YOUR air and eat YOUR food...not mine or my very healthy childs food or air.. I do contribute to society, and he will int he future as well, drooling in a chair is NOT contributing and therefore useless... now aside from correcting hippies who believe rainbows and unicorns drop candy from the skies when its sunny.... I do applaud this man, his heart is in the right place, and wish we had a 7.2 billion more of him.... just not donating blood for genetic deficiencies :)

Anonymous said...

god, if I had 2 million babies...

Anonymous said...

and what DID Helen Keller do for the world?... be blind deaf and dumb?...to compare her to Stephen hawking is just an admittance of your own ignorance lol... You compared a genius who has given the most resourceful answers to some of the most complex problems of the universe... to a non functional being that contributed nothing meaningful to society... she was more like a freakshow with a heartwarming story... think with your brain, not your mouth ;)

Anonymous said...

and what DID Helen Keller do for the world?... be blind deaf and dumb?...to compare her to Stephen hawking is just an admittance of your own ignorance lol... You compared a genius who has given the most resourceful answers to some of the most complex problems of the universe... to a non functional being that contributed nothing meaningful to society... she was more like a freakshow with a heartwarming story... think with your brain, not your mouth ;)

Anonymous said...

For all those saying let it die for the good of the species, remember that the only reason this species is so successful is because they help each other out.

Anonymous said...

no, this species is successful because the strong survive and the weak die, this goes for any animal population, and yes we are animals. Do you think 4000 years ago that if someone lost a leg that the rest of the tribe would slow down just for them? Someone with anemia back then didn't get a blood transfusion, there were no needles, or medicine based on science for that matter, so they would die. So yes they helped each other hunt and gather and care for each other, but sickness was actually treated as a demon, a horrible and evil plague to befall them, and the sickly were usually sent out to die on their own to keep from spreading it to the rest of the village or tribe. A little flu could have killed an entire village back then. Much like Alaskans sending the elderly out on an ice drift when they could no longer contribute to the society. Pick up a history book that isn't about America, you might actually learn how brutal the world truly is, there isn't a Starbucks on the corner street of every country. Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. Humans are not above nature.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't make any sense. The number of donations is consistent with donating about every 3 weeks, but you're telling me that every pint of this guy's blood saved over 2200 babies? I don't know about that...

Anonymous said...

They should have given this man 100 children

Luke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke said...

I couldn't care less what this article says, the obnoxious ads that I can't turn off have turned me away.

Unknown said...

Ok, where to start... first of all, in the law of nature the strong survive and the weak die off. Here's the thing, intelligence is part of this equation and although humans may not be the strongest we are one of the smartest and thus our survival. Helping our own species is a way to keep up the gene pool and therefore increase diversity and the chance for life to go on even after disaster. Monkeys have been observed going out of their way and even sacrificing themselves for other similar primates for no reason than to keep the others alive, not because they are above nature,but because helping others is nature.

Point 2, you really should read up on the subject before you spread your ignorance. These children are not genetically inferior, it's simply incompatible rh factors. if they were born by a mother with a different factor they would have been fine. The genetics didnt make then any less just incompatible parents. After birth though, they are no less or different from anyone else. Simply, a positive or a negative rh factor makes no difference, niether is better or worse than the other.

point 3, this man is only one of many who can donate (about 15% of the white population can and less for minorities) It only take a few antibodies to create a massive snow ball effect in the body. Please read how antibodies work and you will completely understand

your friendly neighborhood biochemist PS My mom was Rh negative and my dad was Rh positive, so she was given injections of Rhogam to prevent any problems for me and my brothers

Ajya Phoenix said...

Wow! Over-population? Do you even have a clue what that means? Do you have any idea how much resource(s) there really is? I don't mean fossil fuels that have been wasted on the industry, luxury and general abundance showered on the privileged of the world, thereby creating a shortage for everyone else, but basic foodstuffs? There is plenty of food to feed everyone, but the system of global capitalism spreads a very unfair percentage of food and raw materials away from those who need it the most and into the supermarkets of those who are spoiled. Letting the weak survive? What?! So, there should be no medicine, and no one should be allowed to survive who gets sick and whose body, without the help of any external factors, can overcome the sickness? Who are you, do you think you're somehow special and more deserving of life than anyone else? You overly privileged jackass who understands nothing of how the world actally works and is only capable of spitting out dumb talking points invented by conservatives and lunatics.

Anonymous said...

to the people applying darwinism to humans:
you're doing it wrong.
your theory on it is not more elaborate than 2+2=4. but nature is not as simple as that.
you're forgetting that the reason the human history is a successful one is not superior blood or anything like that. it's basically science. using tools and our brain. natural selection very obviously works totally different for humans. live expectancy or world population increased in recent 2000 years not because our genes become better - natural selection doesn't work on that timescale
(by the way, your theory is nothing new, it's the foundation of the social darwinism which was very popular in the '30s and '40s of last century in germany)

who knows, maybe there will be a cure for this in future. or the blood he is generously sharing now can be manufactured in vitro.

and this is exactly the thing people forget when talking about the lack of resources. of course mankind cannot grow with the same speed and at the same time increase the need for resources. but the past has shown that this is a matter of efficiency, which can be increased. and because that is strongly dependent on what scientists all over the world find out, the nobel prize is given to them.
sure this guy is amazing, but even more is the fact that a transfusion is possible at all and that it is possible with such a small effort for him compared to how much it helps.

Anonymous said...

just going to throw this out there, what happens when this guy dies??.....

Anonymous said...

Glad someone had some knowledge in the matter or I would have been forced to refute some of these idiotic comments. Although it wouldn't have been as effective coming from a ChemE.

But on another note, this man might have just forced me to start giving blood. Great job

Anonymous said...

This man being unselfish has made a difference in many lives.I am rh negative and have only one son who is rh negative. I had to get the injections of rhogam in order for my boys to survive inside of me. It's an awesome feeling knowing i have a rare blood type that can help many people. For all the ugly comments on this page. I wonder whats so wrong with what this man is doing? Be very carful there might come a time when you need something like blood to survive.Anyways love hearing good stories of unselfish people in the world.

Anonymous said...

So much hateful banter going on here.

One of the worst comments I saw

"To the gay people who cannot donate blood. The reason you can't is because of your risky behavior. Change your behavior if you want to donate."

Risky behavior? Change it? Is your last name Hitler?

Also, don't even bring religion to these types of discussions. It has no place here. It's an article about a man giving a blood tranfusion, not the pope's friends molesting children or womens right to wear a burka.

Anonymous said...

The blood drive is a pyramid scheme perpetrated by Dracula and his night minions.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless and moved. All I have are cliches but what else to say but this guy's a hero?

Anonymous said...

good for him, but do they keep a port in him? how have his veins not collapsed by this point?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've worked in a transfusion service for over 30 years. Without having the entire picture, my guess is that this man is Rh negative and has anti-D (Rheusus factor) in his blood as a result of being transfused with Rh positive blood during his surgery. If he needed 13 units, it's possible there wasn't enough Rh negative blood in stock and he was given Rh positive blood. In response, his body started to produce anti-D.

Anti-D isn't rare. What is rare is finding a selfless person willing to donate blood repeatedly. His blood isn't being used for transfusions. I believe they are using his antibody to produce Rh Immune Globulin. This prevents pregnant women from producing antibody against their unborn babies. Vickie is correct. Fifteen percent of the population is Rh negative. Even Rh positive people may be heterozygous for the gene, meaning their children may be Rh negative. Their are 57 comments posted already. Statistically speaking, about 8 or 9 of you geniuses have Rh negative mothers and might not be alive if your mothers didn't receive RhIG.

Anonymous said...

All praise belongs to Science by whose intelligence good things are protected

Anonymous said...

With almost 2 million profiles, ____ S e e k I n t e r r a c i a l [DOT] c o m ___, the Interracial dating site, is the best source of dating profiles for Interracial Singles.

Anonymous said...

/b/tards, go back to 4chan, would ya?

Unknown said...

I don't understand why this man didn't make CNN,MSNBC, or FOX but I will do what I'm supposed to do as a human and pass this article around until it gets to the news..AMERICA stand up we need voices for good people.

Anonymous said...

Overpopulation is only a problem in those parts of the world where the people are too stupid to feed themselves, yet still pop kids out knowing they can't feed them. These people should start feeding on each other, or even better, go where the food is!

Helen Keller did contribute something to the world, entertainment. Most tards I see are quite entertaining, in one way or another. That's why they say "hire the handicapped, they're fun to watch." Modern medicine has given life to many grotesque creatures that should have died, and have no purpose in life other than as an example of what happens when you drink paint during pregnancy. Many of them are great practice for surgeons, because slipping with a scalpel inside one of these horrors is just going to leave more resources for the rest of us.

Too many people? Time to experiment. don't like using monkeys to cure cancer? Use real people, pluck them out of whatever refugee camp is most overloaded at the time, or just add things to the water there to find out if it kills anybody. Let the surgeons practice on them, let the drug companies do all the research they want. Us the people who are going to die anyway to save the rest of us. Slavery wouldn't be so bad compared to starving to death, why not sell the strong ones to factories? The factories would just have to feed and house them, and safety wouldn't be an issue because the people are pretty much throwaways anyway.

I'm going to go get myself a big, fat, greasy burger, with fries and soda and cole slaw, and it'll taste great. One of the few ways it could be made better is if I got to sit down in front of these starving people, a fence separating us so that they can smell the fries, the bacon on the burger, hear the crunch of the fresh veggies, see the sweat on the cold soda when they can't even get water. The burger is going to be so tender, made from an animal that ate more than they ever will. If only they made baby burgers, each meal could reduce the population by one, and maybe motivate the parent to either save themselves or kill themselves.

Guess I kinda got off topic. Yeah, the guy in the story is nice, giving all that blood away.

Anonymous said...


Check it out - If you care to learn something today. I also have donated but had to stop after about 15 years because my veins became damaged by the technicians, now it is hard to even get 2 vials of blood at a lab for blood tests.

Comparison - Internet comment streams to morons are like picnics to ants. They cannot seem to stop from invade them even though they are vermin and if possible someone will crush them to death if they don't scurry away and hide before that can be done.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for showing the real humanity in this world. The world owes you a lot and we shall learn a great deal from you. Most of us just dream about helping the people in need but you have actually done it. You have saved millions of babies. Hats off to you, James.

Albert said...

That is some light of hope that people in this world still care for one another.....This man is a hero in my eyes

Anonymous said...

That is some light of hope that people in this world still care for one another.....This man is a hero in my eyes

Anonymous said...

I guess anon is forgetting something here. 4000 yrs ago man did not have the intelligence that man has today. It's not as if intelligence just came to man all of a sudden. It developed over the centuries and helping the weak IS intelligent behaviour and paramount to survival of the fittest.

Anonymous said...

May god bless you sir....You are inspiration to many.

Unknown said...

Just a thought... what happens when this guy dies?

Won't somebody think about the children!!

LionHeart said...

Only those who live in the developed world talk about survival of the fittest, while the ones actually surviving something are out there creating ways to live off nothing while the developed world exploits them, gorges on excess, wines about the economy, and spins mindless theories to justify their meaningless and exorbitant life. This is an adult conversation, let's not pretend that you are qualified to participate in it.

Anonymous said...

Natural selection is descriptive, not normative. It in no way provides a moral code for me to live my life by. You all are falling afoul of the naturalistic fallacy.

In short, I don't give a fuck what natural selection dictates (which is nothing in the current ethical situation). I am homo sapiens sapiens with the capacity to fucking artificially select what I want. And what I will select for is whatever my conscience tells me to. Thus, I will aid certain invalids or homeless persons I come across.

Also, anonymous made a great point. I also agree with anonymous, even though he criticized anonymous' arguments. But anonymous is spot on.

Anonymous said...

God saw humanity produce James Harrison and decided not to destroy the human race.

Anonymous said...

All this "survival of the fittest" B.S being spewed out here is coming from those who've not been in the desperate position of watching a baby die before their eyes...never mind it being YOUR OWN BABY. Those people sounding off about math, over population, past cultures and other trivial crap would forget all that in a heartbeat if their own child was the one who needed the blood to live. People have killed for less, so just shut it morons. This man is giving of himself so that others can live. We are ALL here today because someone in our ancestry has been helped by a person such as this as one point or another. You have no right to make judgments on who deserves such a gift as you are a recipient yourself. Spend less time bitching, more time finding ways to contribute something worthwhile to the world.

cristi said...

better than superman!!! This is a real hero... only respect!

Anonymous said...

Rh factor might be wiped out of the gene pool eventually if this guy wasn't donating, but probably not since it has been around since we split off from rhesus monkeys. So it seems to me any argument of his aiding in making our species misfits is disingenuous, he is helping to give people a chance at life that might help the rest of us. Anemia due to Rh factor occurs when the mother is Rh negative and has her second Rh positive child. She always has to have a first to activate an immune response to the blood protein factor. In other words letting the anemia kill and debilitate infants is cruel and would never cause natural selection to eradicate the condition.
also if you argue against this, do not wear glasses or contacts or take any pharmaceuticals you don't make yourself, don't wear shoes or clothes you don't make yourself. You are merely propagating your own uselessness. Go live in the woods and survive off the land and then if you can find a mate and successfully breed you may come back to the threads online without wreaking of hypocrisy.

chris said...

This is one of the kindest acts I have read about in a long time, why can't more people be selfless in their lives like this man.

Manu Ganji said...

Great Work Sir! We respect you!

Anonymous said...

Always thought of donating. Sadly not all can do. Maybe one day my life will hang on the decision of such people. For this i thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

I wish he was never born

PTR said...

Yes, we're animals and we do have all those tendencies in our nature. That said, Anon's view suggests the lowest common denominator should be the limit of our aspirations. We can choose to value something more or can choose to value something less. It's our ability to choose that makes us human and sets us apart from the rest of the animals. Or, put another way, we don't quit being animals because we can choose - we become more than animals. To to otherwise promotes tyranny of the strong and/or the clever over everyone else. OK for those who consider themselves part of that group and not for those who don't or aren't. Which is fine except for how quickly that status can change. Or be changed by others. I applaud this man for choosing something more and setting a fine example for us all.

Theory said...

Great idea, seems like we should be doing this on a mass scale. taking donated healthy peoples blood and spreading antibodies to everyone. Could make society a lot healthier. Wait on second thought a healthy society would ruin our economy.

Anonymous said...

"I wish he was never born"

I wish people like you were never born.

Anonymous said...

It's good he's helping people, but there needs to be a distinction between giving blood and giving plasma. You can give plasma a couple of times per week, blood a lot less often, because they spin the plasma out of your blood and return the rest of it, whereas blood cells take time to regenerate. Also, many times they will pay you $20 or so to give plasma, so I hope he's making some pocket change with such often donations.

Anonymous said...

Down with Scientology!
... er wrong page.
This guy is kewl though. these are not the droids we're looking for, go about your business..

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify on the issue of gays and donating blood... WARNING THIS MAY BE TOO EXPLICIT FOR SOME PEOPLE (I've tried to keep it as scholarly as possible)...

They specifically ask about homosexual males. The main concern is with anal intercourse, since it has a significantly higher risk of transmitting disease. There is an increased chance of damaging the mucosa and allowing direct blood contact.

The question about gays was written 30+ years ago when people automatically (and erroneously) associated homosexual males with promiscuous anal intercourse. A more appropriate question to ask would be, "Do you engage in anal intercourse?" It is less discriminatory and actually gets at the true issue, which is not just limited to homosexual males.

I hate to post such a tangential comment, but I have seen so many arguments on this issue without people fully understanding it. I want to end the silly argument.

We should focus on the good Mr Harrison has done and not deface the article with inane arguments on overpopulation and immorality.

Anonymous said...

Hey that'll be me in 50 years. I have the same antibody in my blood, and have been donating since my 17th birthday :D. I try donating as much as I can, I'm up to 11 donations now, because I can only give every 6 weeks, you know

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely flabbergasted that probably the least controversial post I have ever seen has generated such controversy. How can you dipwads BE so hateful? All this fine man has done is use his own bodily fluids to donate to those in need, and creeps and ignoramuses just come crawling out of the woodwork. If you're one of those posting about overpopulation, gay behaviors, ad nauseum....well, you just really should be ashamed. I wonder where in the world YOU look to see positivity in the world.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that some comments involved at least a little thought, some were way off topic, and then there is a category I like to call "those without any functioning intelligence. Many thoughts about survival of the fittest which left out a few important characteristics but that's understandable. Comparisons between Helen Keller and Stephen Hawking made little sense other than the contributors demonstration of ignorance personified. Too much hate on display here too.
The article was interesting and the man is making a contribution to the world but he isn't a saint, just a compassionate man. I am also not one to start arguments with believers but god had nothing to do with this man's decision to donate his plasma. He is donating his plasma, not whole blood. The take 2 pints of whole blood remove most of the plasma and then put what left back into his body. This is not the same as donating blood. This process can be done much more often than the donation of whole blood. Praising this man's compassion is the correct thing to do. I only bring up the comments made regarding god because I have lately been wondering why some find it necessary to involve religion here at this forum discussing a man donating plasma. God had nothing to do with this. Man was walking the earth long before god was invented to explain the unknown. Most of the religions of today and certainly the "Abrahamic" religions have their roots in the middle east which some people's logic would dictate that we are all related to Abraham. Since all of these religious permutations are based in mythology what makes your belief in god more correct than my belief that true enlightenment in found not by reading a book that you were taught is "the word of god" but rather by extensive introspection. Keep your religion to yourself and I won't criticize you ever again and will not again mention that I do not believe in your god or the existence of any gods for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he made any cash off it.

Anonymous said...

good karma!

Anonymous said...

In summary:
1. These babies are not genetically deficient. They would be perfectly healthy if their previous sibling didn't cause Mom to produce Abs against them.

2. There are a lot of verbose idiots on this forum. I'm especially impressed by the one who went to such lengths to "do the math" behind saving these "inferior" children.

3. Lastly, and importantly, this man performs a selfless act and should be applauded. Why is anyone hung up over whether its plasma or blood? Freaks.

Anonymous said...

Great person.

Unknown said...

It is so frustrating to me to see all these close minded people take an article about a good person who literally gives of himself to help others by performing this truly selfish act and turn it into a soap box to rant about overpopulation. Are you yourselves not also a part of the "problem" ? Remember that you only live one life and that it is fleeting and should be cherished. Every moment you spend in negativity is proven to be harmful to your health. As someone who has stared death in the face at 17 I can just give you the words i live by daily....Smile. Count your blessings, and love yourselves and others.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

All praise belongs to God by whose favour good things are protected

Please tell me how the hell "god" has anything to do with this. Do you assign all good things that are done by anyone to your god? Wow! pretty powerful god. How then does your simple mind reconcile the bad things that happen?

God, my ass. This man did what he thought was right, which we are all capable of, with or without believing in fairys and gods.

Anonymous said...

ahh this article tears me apart. on one side, he is a good man, trying to help out his fellow human. but on the other hand, he's allowing a genetic condition to pass that shouldn't. his heart's in the right place, but he's not really helping out the good of mankind.

Anonymous said...

whoever says that this is causing over population is ignorant and cold. id like to hear you say that after experiencing your child niece or any child close to you was in need of blood to save their life. no one wants to see a young child lose life without being allowed to live. odds are you dont have many people close to you because you're a heartless bastard. this man is a hero and a beautiful person. he knows what it is to need and gave it back in return. he cares about others. and to those of you who think hes protecting the weak i hope you learn what it is to need donated blood to save your life and im sure ud change your mind. and if u dont than fuck you for polluting the earth with cold heartedness and evil hearts. we need more people like james harrison.

Anonymous said...

Great, hats off to you sir. You are a living legend to this human race and showing our community that if we think something, we can do something. By doing this you are encouraging young generation that "if I can do it then you can do it."

Anonymous said...

In Robert morris university i went to donate blood, but they said i can't donate it because i came from India and it has been just 8 months, so they said, only we can take if you've been here for more then 1 year. May be because at that time their was more cases of swine flu and in health issue no one takes risk. After reading this article, i really do something by which it helps our country. Thanks to media for bring this article in front of us.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the guy worried about overpopulation.. if you're so worried why don't you just go shoot yourself and we'd have one less person to worry about over populating. We need more room for people like this man who care about others around him and wants to save lives. God Bless him

Anonymous said...

All ok,but i read some place in internet that yellow banana has a lot of purine,and in the list we have banana that is not good for sewlling,i do not understand?

Anonymous said...

you know who also believed in killing off the "genetically inferior" people?

Adolf Hitler.

Mack said...

Can't believe people are actually (mainly just the douche who started it with the retarded comment) engaging in an involved dialogue about overpopulating the world/survival of the fittest, etc... Got anything more interesting to do than spend all your time writing comments to a bunch of strangers under the security of an anonymous title, and writing 200 word paragraphs on here? As if anybody gives a damn about anything a degenerate like him/herself has to say.
However, I must thank this person for demonstrating one of the most important lessons to learn here about the human race: That, even among the good things in this world, there will always be something bad to try and spoil it.

Leave your negative comments to yourself.

As for the man in the article...he demonstrates how easy it is to do a lot of good in this world, and yet how seldom people make the effort.

Anonymous said...

It's fantastic people like this that allowed my young brother to be. Who is as fit and healthy as the next and not 'weak' in any sense. There are plenty who abuse the good health they are born with, they are the 'weak' ones. I am a RH negative mother and have had the anti-D jabs to stop me from rejecting my unborn RH positive child and potentially giving them this Rhesus disease. Thank you sir, you are credit to humanity.

Unknown said...

This is such an amazing story.

Anonymous said...

Simply, WOW!!

Anonymous said...

Truly an awesome guy!!

Anonymous said...

This man is a great example of the perfect person he deserves to get everything he asks for:)

PopCultureMaiden said...

Genetics creates heroes! I'm so glad he's not trying to profit off himself, biologically. To recognize he has that gift and to keep giving it is amazing.

Anonymous said...

ok, so realistically how can this guy still have enough blood to live

Anonymous said...

Harrison has Rh-negative blood type. They inject Rh-positive blood into him to produce Anti-D plasma. He is not as uncommon as the article makes him out to be, people donate Anti-D plasma at plasma donation centers worldwide. Still this is a very altruistic act.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everyone is saying thank you but how many people here would really donate blood?

Anonymous said...

Natural selection describes the incidental occurrence of happenings that determines the existence of any one thing , does it not? So therefore if the instance in which one mans blood can be transfused into the bodies of others to give then what they need, is not natural? I say if it happened, its natural. This is just like how people say plastic is not natural, "it doesn't occur any where in nature."
If this is so, then why does it exist?

Gavin (above anonymous) said...

And another thing if something is on the internet the first place, and people are expecting it not to be fried in the comments, then the internet is not a place for those people to have a tranquil and enjoyable experience.
People live their lives as they can and absorb what they feel they need from it, if u have a problem with it , then it is as the former sentence describes, it is "your problem" therefore typing to them is (most likely) not going to help anyone.

Anonymous said...

Altrusitic impressive generous act, bless you!

but in the other hand... we needent that many people on the planet!

Anonymous said...

Pro choice people in America would work to make this illegal.

Anonymous said...

Such unselfish love. 4 million parents and millions of family members lives are better because of him. He has a gift and shares it with as many as he can. How wonderful we have all been created.

Anonymous said...

"Pro choice people in America would work to make this illegal."

What? That's absolutely false, pro-choice people are NOT for making the choice to birth healthy babies illegal. All abortion arguments aside, you're making stereotypes about a certain political belief as if they're all for killing babies, but that's just the kind of illogical argument that pushes people away from even considering the other side (and personally, I think both sides should be considered).

Rowena said...

So I would normally post as anonymous, only this is getting too confusing.
One of the anonymouses above (the too confusing manymany anonymouses) asked of us all how many of those saying thank you would actually donate blood.
Well, I donated blood the week after I turned 16, and I'm just waiting for the three month limit in my country between donations to be up so I can donate again.
Does that help answer it?

This is an awesome man. He inspires me to donate again and again. The idea of sitting there and voluntarily letting someone take half a litre of my blood out is still very strange to me, but I am nonetheless going to give again. And I'm trying to get everyone else I know doing it too...

I had not realised giving blood could save this many people. It's quite incredible really.

Surely moral imperative wins over :"survival of the fittest"? And surely this is helping people to survive, and helping them live is good, if we can? This is helping people become fit to survive.

Anonymous said...

Just think, this guy might have been the guy wanting to get out of a parking lot, but you wouldn't allow him and you pulled forward. You might have cut him off on the freeway... I'm just saying be nice to our neighbors. You never know who you are dealing with. You might be cutting off the person who saved your life.

Anonymous said...

Saving lives is all very noble. The problem is that there are too many humans on the earth and we are destroying it. We have very high survival rate for babies and we are living longer lives. This would logically suggest that we should use birth control and have less babies. Sadly this is not what is happening. People who should have perhaps one baby (or none) are having 4,5 or 6 kids. It makes no sense.

Unknown said...

Seriously? People will complain about anything. Or at least about anyone who has done more than you have, such as leaving your basement. Get a life trolls!
This guy is fantastic. I agree that the world is overpopulated, and the way to fix this is having less babies.
Also, the comment about pro choice people is retarded. I can see your line of thinking, anyone who wants fewer unwanted children born must also want all children dead. You are SO perceptive. Moron.

Anonymous said...

What the Hell is going on in this world, when a good man cant do a good thing without people bitching about it.

Anonymous said...

Stumble from Los Angeles.

I first thought having O-type blood was helpful. Guess he got more beneficial blood type. ... That's awesome!

bored_1 said...

Lol I hope you all die along with the babies and that guy, maybe there'll be more parking in my complex >_> . Brilliant banter aside, what a great human being that guy is, and should be applauded for being a good person. Maybe stop feeding the trolls and they wont say stupid shit, if other peoples opinions affect you so much, get the hell of the internet xD. I hope someone takes all the safety labels off of everything on the planet, then nature will sort itself out. THAT'S natural selection and survival of the fittest. ;-)

beast said...


Anonymous said...

god bless you sir.god bless you

Anonymous said...

Well done! Wish I could shake his hand!

Anonymous said...

Too much negative, bad, wrong, evil, greedy, people, etc.. Thank the lord, or whatever, and the laws of the universe, that there is such thing as "opposite"! negative is negative and positive is positive! If you have a brain, you know what is the better of the two!! Cheers!! to all the good people on this wonderful planet!!!

Anonymous said...

this guy deserves a medal!

Anonymous said...

I had Rhesus when i was a baby, and because of the extremely kind donation, I am not 16 and I live a completely normal life, I'd just like to give my complete and utter gratitude to whom ever gave their blood to save my life, and to this man who has saved so many other lies, because many of those 2 million children will grow up to be the worlds greatest minds have have a huge impact on the world.

Unknown said...

Rock on, baby-savin' dude.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Harrison for your kindness and selflessness. You are truly a credit to the human race.

mario said...

Great!way to go sir!atta guy!you the man!, now the world´s population is over 2 millions babies and counting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thank you so much

Sherise at Caregivers Resources said...

If only there were more people in the world like this man. What an honor to read about this man. Thanks for the article. If anyone needs to find resources for the elderly and disabled, please follow my link to HUGS FOR GRAMMA here:
If you have any great resources please let us know. Thanks all!

Anonymous said...

I made a motivational poster

Caleb said...

What? A guy saves a few million babies and now he's a hero? I knew a guy in high school that saved 5 million babies. Where's his write-up!? Where's his fancy news article! This country has it all backwards.

Jamie Landi said...

If this wasnt a article from the Daily Mail (for those of you that don't no, its the most right wing, racist and unethical "tabloid" newspaper in the uk) then i think i'd have it framed.

Mike B said...

This man is a hero! I bet people tell him that he is a hero for saving so many babies and I bet he humbly responds by saying "I don't consider myself to be a hero"

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was feeling good about the article, glad that there are still people in the world who do things for other people free of charge, do things for people just because it is the right thing to do, and then I read the mathematician's post from March 30, 2010 at 11:40 and he killed it. Thank you to Anonymous who posted at 4:00 a.m. on March 30th.

peter said...

Sharing is caring. This man is one of the good guys.

As for all those who talk about the "genetically inferior"...WOW. You all should consider the "inferior" physical specimens who populate the world of higher academia, the ranks of science and research pioneers, the geeks and goofs who routinely advance our lives and technologies. Without the nutty folks with the thick glasses and strange bodies we would all still be living in caves and trees.

The spiritually inferior worry me, the gentically inferior not at all. Of course, the very idea of referring to any fellow human as inferior in any way is in itself troubling. What is that I hear?......BOOTS! I hear the jack boots coming!

Anonymous said...

The world needs more people like him. Praise the LORD.

Anonymous said...

GOD bless you sir! Thank you... :)
I pray for more of kind, selfless person like yourself.

Papa Fadhl n Fattan said...

very impressive, GBU

Anonymous said...

When a woman is first pregnant, at her first OB appointment, she'll have blood work done to check her blood type. If she is Rh-, she will get a couple shots of Rhogam. This will protect her babies cells, which may be Rh+(from the baby's father), from being attacked by it's mothers own cells. If she does not get the RhoGAM, her future pregnancies may be at risk. Including stillbirth. This is routine and has been for well over 40 years. Happens everyday, THANKS to this man, and all others who are giving blood with him.

Gary said...

Wouldn't you? We all have and deserve grace. I hope this post is clever enough for those who require it.<]; ]

Katie Payne said...

this man is my hero! (and the anonymous poster who stated that they also have the rare plasma and do the same thing.)

i just wish he was smiling in the photo ahaha

Anonymous said...

We are lucky to have you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to do for so many people.

Mandy said...

God walks the earth in may ways. Alas we ever cared to acknowledged!!

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

God bless you Sir.

tibi said...

We need more people like him.Thank you for what you're doing Sir!
Play games online

aboody said...


Anonymous said...

This man is amazing. He puts the rest of us to shame.

Anonymous said...

Over population causing massive energy wastage. Saving people with genetic deficiencies causing further health problems in the future. Somebody stop him please. Lovely guy though, his heart is in the right place

Anonymous said...

Make him a World Citizen...

sad said...

HEllo nice to c this man

sad said...

HEllo nice to c this man

sad said...

HEllo nice to c this man

james said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha nice web site ,try this taxliens.tk

Anonymous said...

for the people concerned about overpopulating: have no fear,McDonalds is here(and also his good friends Pizza Hut,Burger King,KFC,and so on).So don't worry about the food,because the food is the new plage.don't worry about the children they will die any way from diabet,heart attack and who knows what else.the man is wasting his blood with you people.you are so ignorant that you banned an english dude,that he was trying to teach how to eat.hope you're proud about yourselves.excuse my english cause it is not my primary language.eat eat eat,and then donate some blood!:))

Anonymous said...

God Bless Sir.

Anonymous said...

lucky you sir,
for what you've done, i would happily give up my life for you to keep on your noble attitude

i wonder why they didn't try to transcript the genes responsible for this antibody synthesis from this man, i thought they can do this?! am sure they tried but want to know why it didn't work out...i'll check for this

Anonymous said...

for anon. who believe we don't need weaks and they're overpopulation, belive me dude you're typicaly the one that the society doesn't need
i'm ashamed that i live with you on the same planet
i mean it:S

Brijesh Patel'S Blog said...

hi sexy girl i love sex??????????????

Anonymous said...

I think that such conversations and debates should not be held on a page in honor of someone who has selflessly given blood almost a thousand times.

And a part of me strongly believes that human beings shouldn't have to give in to natural selection and that stronger humans should lift up weaker humans so that they can experience all of the beauty that life has to offer as well using science and intellectual minds to create ways to make life easier for everyone....

This man is an angel.

Anonymous said...

Nature is a stone cold bitch, so be appreciative that you are so far removed from it. You may just end up being one that nature selects for removal.

Anonymous said...

This man is the milk of human kindness. His efforts are magnificent in combating the actions of a negligent God. I have even seen Christians who have objected to efforts like his because they frustrate God's plan. What absolute unmitigated CRAP. BRAVO!

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth said...

This guy gives me hope. What a noble thing to do, he started since he was 18.
All of those years he spent, He donated blood to save babies.

Anonymous said...

Great, so long as it was not black babies being saved

Psycho Bill said...

And what about the world shortage of baby oil? I haven't had any fresh baby oil in months. That's a couple million little bottles of fresh baby oil that'll never be made. Wish I lived in a country where fresh babies were available, I could squeeze my own. And make some cool baby dolls for the kid.

Psycho Bill said...

If so many women are being raped that it creates an overpopulation problem, then that's a society that needs to die. Rapists don't care about birth control, if they had it they wouldn't use it. And why don't they go where the food is, or figure out how to grow their own?

A heart? I guess if I ate her heart, she couldn't pop out any more kids. It's a good plan, just need to get a few laws changed around a bit. Until then, there are enough foods I like made from animals to keep me well fed.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story... he is truly an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

WOW~~~you are really hero thanks a million

Anonymous said...

"They are "popping kids out" because the women are being raped, and they don't have access to birth control." ha ha ha!it's that what is hapenning in la la land where you live?because of being raped,the women of la la land are poppping kids out.wow,just wow!but you know who els is to blame? those evil STORKS!yeah that right! the Storks are keep bringing those babies!the storks and the rapsit!or maybe...just maybe the storks rape the women in la la land.how cruel it's that?:))
thanks god you people got a chance to live.otherwise it would be a very boring world! :))

Anonymous said...

ur real hero....

rich said...

Hey, this guy is a hero, especially to moms, dads and babies.

Anonymous said...

if it wasn't for the courage in the face of the impossible like that of helen keller there could/would never have been a stephen hawkings in the first place; that is societal evolution in the most profound way. it, this, anything, is about one person making a difference. helen keller. this guy. whomever. the focus turned elsewhere here is just idiocy; do most of you really not get it?

Anonymous said...

Too take the time throughout your whole life to save people has to be an amazing feeling...He is an angel from God!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful man. He might have saved my life.

Psycho Bill said...

And now you carry a piece of his evil, wherever you go you hurt those around you, don't you.

Anonymous said...

Listen to all of you bickering and fighting! what a world we live in! can no one just read, accept and keep quiet. But then again, here i am not taking my own advice! monkeys!

Anonymous said...

give this man a cookie... and then some orange juice

Anonymous said...

Sorry don't mean to be negative if I come off that way, but please don't credit "god" for this; if god wished he could have saved the babies himself. I'd like to thank James Harrison and modern science for this "miracle". We need more humans like you around that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

SO first and foremost this man is a hero, plain and simple. secondly Rh disease mainly causes problems in Rh negative mothers, giving birth to a second baby who is Rh positive. Rh is just an antigen on your blood, just like A, B antigens, the + or - you see in blood types is the presence or absence of Rh.

Sandra said...

you gave a heart of gold mister and you are a hero to many, bless you sir.

drnanda said...

We all can contribute by starting to donate today


Anonymous said...

hands off Mr.James Harrison now every one will believe god is up there

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...so youre saying that to solve energy problems and natural resource shortages we should let babies die? The number of things corporations are doing to our environment and what WE are doing shouldnt be improved eh? Running our 3 vehicles per family off fossil fuels instead of a natural alternative? A better food system? Just plain awareness? No lets kill off the weak young thats much easier.

TONY said...


Anonymous said...

Everyone's point is valid. Like the butterfly effect, this man probably just saved a baby who will some day cure aids. But on the flip side, he saved a baby who will become the next Hitler. He saved a baby that could pretty much be anything or nothing imaginable or unimaginable for our future. Maybe we'll never know. That's why I like to think that regardless of the fate of our species, everyone deserves a chance at life. Some people are born more unable than others, but that doesn't mean we're above helping them. What ever you happen to be doing or not is what you're suppose to be doing. I choose to value life, and if your life is linked to why my daughter is born with any genetic mutation good or bad, then I choose to deal with the consequences. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

God bless you and your family Sir. You are also not less than God by saving so many lives.

Bollywood said...

this is real hero

Anonymous said...

hes a legend..!!

Anonymous said...

For those who say "the world is overpopulated"... Why dont resolve the problem killing himself?

Anonymous said...

god bless.....

Anonymous said...

Rhesus disease isnt really a disease, its a reaction between two different immune system. theres a "cure" for it already called RhoGAM and is given to all Rh- mothers who are going to have a Rh+ baby.

of note, this interaction can be seen with the first birth but will only affect subsequent births. so before we had RhoGAM we just told Rh- mothers that they couldnt conceive any more children

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