Who's that in my apartment?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This guy had noticed that food kept missing from the fridge in his apartment. When he asked his girlfriend about it, she denied it. So he set up a camera to find out what was going on. Here's the footage, Paranormal Activity style:

From the FAQ's:
#3 - Who is that girl?
A - I have no idea, she didn't say much when the cops came and took her.

#4 - What was it she actually climbed down from?
A - It is a storage loft/area in the apartment. It has no connection to any outside ventilation or anything of that such. It does go pretty deep back in there, almost all the way to over the stove/kitchen area. She had set up a little nook for herself.

#5 - How did she get in there?
A - I have no idea, the only way she could have gotten in is through the window, as I am on the top floor and there is a fire escape. The police think she was probably coming in to rob me when I was gone and decided to stow away in the crawl space. Supposedly this isn't the first time the cops had come across something like this.

#6 - How long was she in your apartment?
A - The police officers thought it looked as though she had been there for at least a couple weeks, although could have been longer.
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4 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God.

That is too creepy!!

Steph said...

I believe it. It's happened in Japan:


I wonder what goes through their minds when they do this.

whitney said...

hoax demystified:


Anonymous said...

You wonder what's going through their heads? Possibly "I'm homeless. This place is sweet."

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