Underwater government meeting

Monday, October 19, 2009

Maldive government underwater meeting

Maldives government highlights the impact of climate change... by meeting underwater:
Politicians from the Indian Ocean island nation donned scuba gear this morning to send a message to world leaders ahead of December's UN climate change conference in Copenhagen.

The nation's president Mohammed Nasheed has voiced fears the archipelago will be swamped by raising sea levels unless action is taken to reduce carbon emissions.

The 30-minute cabinet meeting held six metres below sea-level was intended to show what the future could hold for the Maldives.
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5 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Unnecessary wastage of oxygen tanks. The irony.

Anonymous said...

You do know oxygen tanks are refillable, don't you Mr. Anonymous? But wait, these aren't oxygen tanks, are they? They're SCUBA tanks, which are not pure oxygen to begin with, and are refillable. Nothing is wasted, not even oxygen.

Anonymous said...

So the oxygen magically jumps into the scuba tanks?

Psycho Bill said...

Yep. Little leprechauns do it as a favor when turning lead into gold for their pots. Liquid oxygen is a waste product of the alchemy of turning lead into gold, they capture it in tanks and give it to divers who mix it with the other stuff you need to breathe underwater.

OK, it doesn't magically jump into the tanks, but getting it is magic.

Anonymous said...

scuba tanks are filled with air pulled from the surface, run through a compressor and shoves it inside a scuba tank.. their is nothing to it. if you dont use the entire tanks... you just refill it, with air. like the air we breathe on land.

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