If I was a girl

Monday, September 14, 2009

Originally from 4chan, of course.
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3 comentarii:

DarcsFalcon said...

Future mom of a future serial killer. *eyeroll*

Anonymous said...


Psycho Bill said...

My kids would love this. Whenever they bring home a dead animal of whatever kind, they want to have it taken to a taxidermist willing to do the creative stuff my family likes. Taxidermists are hard to find that will take our orders, they like the normal, lifelike settings, while half the time we want them preserved the way they are. The kids will make up stories about how the animal was killed, like maybe an old lady on her way to church, who cried through the whole service wondering if God would send her to hell for killing one of his creatures, or if it was just a trucker hauling sheep to slaughter. You could say our trophy room isn't like most.

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