Fried egg phobia

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not any kind of eggs. Only fried ones. THE WOMAN WHO COLLAPSES WHENEVER SHE SEES A FRIED EGG:
SUSAN Newton's friends think she is cracking up - because of her bizarre phobia of fried eggs.

The beauty therapist is so petrified of seeing the yellow and white sizzler it makes her ill. She is able to stomach eggs which are boiled or scrambled but is terrified of eggs which are fried.

"My friends think it is madness but I completely freak out with the sight of fried eggs," she said.

"They look like an evil eye. The whole thing just looks evil, distrustful and greasy."
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1 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

I had a bad experience with a fried egg once ... it wanted to go to 2nd base on the first date! FIRST DATE!

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