The mystery behind the Jingle Bells lyrics

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

There's something hidden in the lyrics of Jingle Bells. You have to listen to it in reverse to see it. You may have seen this before, but if not, it will surprise you. Trust me.

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10 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

you just took several years from my life

Anonymous said...

how many times are we gonna see the same old feces over and over again?

Not shocking, not surprising, and not funny after the 1000th time.

biotv said...

Sorry if I upset anyone guys...:) I just saw it and it just scared the crap out of me and that's why I posted it

Anyway, this is not my kind of stuff and I don't think I'll post things like this again...

Anonymous said...

Lame. So 1995.

Anonymous said...

Well thanks a fricking bunch for that. Thought this website was above that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah jeeze, I hear a lot of people with sand in their fanny's, cheer up ffs.

I read your blog everyday xco and I love it, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

lol, yeah echo'ing the "lame" responses...

Shouters are weaksauce.

Anonymous said...

i read the comments before click the link,
pretty predictable, but thanks for the save guys :)

xco, i read your blog everyday, don't mind the whiners
cheers from beirut

Anonymous said...

I trusted this post as one possibly "serious", but evidently it wasn't. I was right with my instincts , but you know, shit happens when you trust. But then all I could do was laugh... ha, ha, ha....

Anonymous said...


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