US states by movie

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Redditor subtonix has made a map of what movie he best thinks that every US state represents.
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82 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

That's Into the wild, for Alaska, not Alone in the wilderness, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Isn't Waynes World set in Aurora, Illinois?

Robin said...

I'll take The Departed but I wonder what would have been our movie before that came out.

Anonymous said...

I love Groundhog Day, but what about Philadelphia

Damien said...

Great, but maybe make S. Dakota "North By Northwest" and move Dances with Wolves to N Dakota?

raymondj said...

The whole point of The Wizard of Oz is that it's NOT Kansas. Also I think using Jesus Camp twice is cheating, though I do love that movie. But! I do love this map in general, great idea.

Fisher said...

Duh! How about "Sleepless in Seattle" instead of "First Blood" That movie took place in Canada not Washington state.

Anonymous said...

Fargo, Minnesota? Uhm...Isn't Fargo in North Dakota.

Also, a better film for Alabama is Big Fish. Unlike My Cousin Vinny (and Crazy in Alabama, Heart of Dixie, Forrest Gump, and Sweet Home Alabama) it was actually filmed in Alabama. Also, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Camp for ND? I am so ashamed of us...

Anonymous said...

Fargo is in North Dakota. "Fargo" is set (mostly) in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

More for Oregon - "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "Short Circuit"

Anonymous said...

WTH? "First Blood" for WA. That was Hope B.C. Should be "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle"

Anonymous said...

"Rocket Boys" for West Virginia is fine, but "Matewan" would have been deeper and more significant.

Anonymous said...

Since it was filmed in Middletown, Delaware
"Dead Poets Society" would be perfect for Delaware

Anonymous said...

For Michigan, surely the best picture would be
"Somewhere in Time" filmed on Mackinaw Island many years ago.
A more recent picture could be "Gran Torino".

Thursamaday said...

Washington State= "Singles", "10 things I hate about you", "Say Anything", and "Sleepless in Seattle" is a no-brainer..

Anonymous said...

North Dakota should be "Fargo" and Minnesota should be "Drop Dead Gorgeous" or "Juno". And "What about Bob" for New Hampshire?? It was filmed in Alabama, I think. New Hampshire should be "On Golden Pond".

Anonymous said...

Since when has Virginia's Eastern Shore been best represented by Pink Flamingos?

Also, Wayne's World would definitely be my choice for Delaware.

Anonymous said...

How about Blue Hawaii for Hawaii

Anonymous said...

"Twister" was the obvious Oklahoma choice, but "The Outsiders" is what it should've been.

Anonymous said...

umm. Wasn't A River Runs Through It Filmed in West Virginia? just sayin.

Anonymous said...

actually I just found out it wasn't. sorry.

Anonymous said...

"The Deerhunter" filmed in Cleveland
"A Christmas Story" filmed in Cleveland

Anonymous said...

"What About Bob?" had its "vacation" shots filmed in Virginia near Smith Mountain Lake, not Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire.

Gus Froemke said...

"Jesus Camp" for North Dakota, I lived there my whole life and I assure you that I never met anyone as friggin crazy as the folks at Jesus camp. At least give us "Wooley Boys!"

Anonymous said...

Ummm....since when was waynes world outside of IL? Did anyone that made this list even see the movies?

Anonymous said...

Wayne: Imagine being magically whisked away to Delaware... Hi. I'm in Delaware.

Anonymous said...

For Oregon "Sometimes A Great Notion" best depicts the state

i75mike said...

4 brothers fit michigan more than robocop would. . .

Anonymous said...

Sorry Delaware 1 line from Wayne's World is not enough to pry that movie from Illinois. The vast majority of that movie was set in IL and bits in WI.

Anonymous said...

North Carolina has "Dirty Dancing" written all over it!

vanessa said...

Wow almost everyone is completely missing the point. It's not about where something was filmed, who cares. It's about what state embodies the movie the best, whether it be that state being mentioned a lot in the movie, or otherwise playing a big role in the movie in some way, so that when we think about that movie, we unmistakably think of that state.

Anonymous said...

OHIO: American Splendor

Anonymous said...

Why Waynes World for Delaware?

Anonymous said...

First Blood was filmed in Hope, BC, not anywhere in Washington.

Anonymous said...

International List:

Japan - Godzilla (original)
Morocco - Casablanca
China - Lust, Caution
UK - James Bond (Gold Finger)
Australia - Australia
South Africa - Invictus (or District 9)
Jamaica - Cool Runnings

Help me out here, international movie aficionados.

stevewckrt said...

Wow almost everyone is completely missing the point.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Boy should be for Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Fargo is in North Dakota, not Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? I was born and raised in Kentucky and have seen Kalifornia ... I can think of no connection.

Anonymous said...

Early Grace drove a car with Kentucky plates- I think the assumption is that they were from there. I too am a lifelong resident of Ky..doesn't really do our state justice.

Anonymous said...

Delaware: Fight Club

Anonymous said...

99% of Fargo took place in Minnesota, not Fargo, ND... Good pick.

Anonymous said...

Nebraska should be represented by Election.

Anonymous said...

Iraq - Three Kings
India - The Darjeeling Limited (no Slumdog!)
Vietnam - Good Morning, ....Vietnam
Guatemala - Predator
Canada - Strange Brew
South Africa - District 9

European Vacation - take your pick!

Ophelia And Thom said...

99% of 'Fargo' takes place in Minnesota, that's why it is there.

What I am wondering about is why is 'Waynes World' listed as Deleware... I seem to recall it was mostly set in Aurora, IL. I guess I'll have to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

I prefer WITNESS to represent Pennsylvania. It covers the extremes of a very diverse state: urban Philadelphia and rural Lancaster County.

Anonymous said...

What about Washington DC?

Anonymous said...

ohio-also; Welcome to Collinwood, Major League, Tommy Boy, Airborne, my pick would be Christmas Story everybody Knows that movie. gummo was rediculous.

Anonymous said...

RoboCop for Detroit!?!?!?! What about a movie like Gung-ho?! The entire movie is about automotive manufacturing.

Anonymous said...

As other people have said, it's about where the film is suppose to take place not where it is filmed. Since A Christmas Story says it takes place in Indiana it is a Indiana film even though the house is in Cleveland.

Anonymous said...

You missed Tennessee!
"Thunder Road" or "Inherit The Wind"
Georgia should be "Gone With The Wind"
I do not know if any of thes movies were actually filmed in these states.

Doug in TN

Anonymous said...

No, this is awful....of all the great things about Missouri you have give us Jesus Camp. And what's more, you've already included another time with South Dakota. I am highly displeased with this movie choice and I'm a Christian.

Anonymous said...

SCARFACE for Florida? C'mon: that's so 80s. How about THE YEARLING or CROSS CREEK, both of which show the REAL Florida.

Anonymous said...

For Michigan how about Semi Pro with Will Ferrell and Woody Harrelson. Then there was Whip It With Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page. Jimmy Stewart starred in Anatomy of a Murder filmed in Michigan.
Bruce Willis, Die Hard II was filmed in Michigan. Taylor Lautner will use Ann Arbor as the setting in his new movie...Sean Penn just wrapped production in the thumb area of state and George Clooney is filming his new one here soon.

Anonymous said...

Super Troopers for VT? I can't think of a lamer more stereotypical film. How about "Funny Farm" or "State and Main" or "Baby Boom?" All classics and all a thousand times better than Super Troopers. boo!

Anonymous said...

Stand By Me for Oregon

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to stop suggesting movies that nobody knows.

Jay Kidd said...

Ohio = Accepted or maybe Tommy Boy. Either one :)

Anonymous said...

For West Virginia, Rocket Boys is the name of the book. October Sky is the name of the movie.

Anonymous said...

Gods & Generals for Virginia

Unknown said...

As I haven't seen it on this post board, and you all don't get the Delaware reference on this map to Wayne's World - there is a scene in the movie where they are experimenting with a green screen and they have different states behind them. One of them is Delaware where Wayne says, "Or how about Delaware, I mean, Delaware." Great joke reference by the creator!

Anonymous said...

Fargo is in North Dakota, but much of the movie takes place in "the cities" meaning the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Map is a fun idea--I like the range of movies included. And the Coen Bros. definitely deserve the 4 slots they have--they're so good at evoking place.

Matt in Tennessee said...

Doug-Evil Dead was filmed in Morristown. Darn right to claim it as top movie. (Even though Robert Mitchum was awesome in Thunder Road).

Gummo is on here for another state and was filmed in Nashville so it's not about where the film was actually shot.

Anonymous said...

I've never even heard of that movie for Maryland...The Blaire Witch Project - though ridiculous, would probably have been a better choice.

Anonymous said...

what genius decided to put white text over bright yellow

Anonymous said...

Pink Flamingos is definitely Maryland, especially Baltimore. If you haven't seen it, you should. The last scene is tasty. There is nothing else like it. It's an old movie for some of you, 1972, but it is worth the time.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Red Dawn was on a submarine in the Atlantic Ocean...
Waynes World, was in Chicago and suburbs.
Oh and RI should be the 1 with Jim Carry where he has those black sons, & he's a state trooper.

Children of the Corn, That's even funnier than Fear and loathing in Las Vegas!

Lindsay said...

Nebraska should be "Election" with Reese Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick. Or at least "About Schmidt."

Anonymous said...

it was a good idea, but you're doing it wrong.
it might have been better if you actually watched the films and learned their settings.

Anonymous said...

groundhog day for Pa. terrible
What about ROCKY cmon now

Anonymous said...

im pissed that waynes world is in Delaware. It's in aurora Illinois damnit

Anonymous said...

Ohio = Tommy Boy.

Anonymous said...

I feel like The Mighty Ducks is a better movie for Minnesota.

Jake H. said...

I have to disagree with everyone saying Ohio should be anything else other than Gummo... Gummo is the quintessential character movie for Ohio. Haven't seen it? Go find it. Truly a great work from the weird vision of Harmony Korine.

Lana Gramlich said...


Anonymous said...

Can't read the movies on ANY of the yellow states!!! So, what was the choice for Illinois?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Fargo is in Nort Dakota....but the film embodies Minnesota. I grew up there and yes the people do talk that way at least in Brainerd. Calling it Fargo is just another irony placed by the Coen brothers, who also grew up in Minnesota. The irony was obviously lost on the previous commentators

Anonymous said...

Groundhog day is great and all, but how about Rocky!

Mr. E. said...

Tora, Tora, Tora doesn't tell much about Hawaii.
"Hawaii" is a much better movie.

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